VIII - The Mass Media & the 9-11 Cover-Up
Chapter VIII
The Mass Media & the 9-11 Cover-Up
The government and controlled media have lied to the public about 9-11 since the day it occurred. Those who have discerned and exposed the lies about the "false flag" terror attacks and the fraudulent "War on Terror" have been treated like madmen and criminals. It's time for this criminal nightmare to end.
Who controls the "hidden hand" in the U.S. mass media that censors and suppresses the crucial 9-11 evidence? What is the nexus connecting the architects of 9-11 with the mass media moguls who are covering up the truth?

Rupert Murdoch, a Jew, is a supporter of Zionism and a friend of Israeli president Shimon Peres.
The on-going cover-up of the evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11 and explosions in the World Trade Center by the U.S. mass media is indicative of a high-level connection between the architects of the "false flag" terror attacks and the media moguls who control the major news networks in the United States.
As a longtime observer of Israel and the Middle East, I have watched how the U.S. mass media has increasingly become an instrument of Israeli propaganda. As Zionists have extended their grip on American media networks, the major television, radio, film and print media outlets have effectively become propaganda tools of a foreign state - Israel - and are used to manipulate U.S. public opinion to support the Zionist agenda. The painfully obvious anti-Arab and anti-Islamic bias of Hollywood films and news-related programs has become ever more extreme as pro-Israel Zionists have achieved near total control of the U.S. mass media.
It needs to be understood that the Zionist conquest of the U.S. mass media did not simply happen by chance or as a result of natural market forces. It is the planned result of a long-term covert strategy put into effect decades ago by the government of Israel to control the news and entertainment networks that inform how Americans view Zionism, Israel, and the Middle East. The Zionists realized that if they could control what Americans read, see, and hear about Zionism and the Middle East, they would be able to control how Americans think about these subjects. Controlling U.S. public opinion is crucial to realizing the Zionist agenda.

Rupert Murdoch's media empire acts as a Zionist propaganda network.
Zionist control of the major media networks has resulted in Americans getting an extremely distorted and biased view of the world, particularly of the Middle East, and of such significant events as 9-11 and the "War on Terror." Understanding the strategy and the people behind the Zionist conquest of the American mass media is an essential step to recovering our national sovereignty.
As an independent journalist and researcher of 9-11, I have seen how Zionist-controlled media outlets are actively engaged in covering up the evidence of Israeli involvement in the "false flag" attacks of 9-11 and the Zionist-planned "War on Terror." I have personally been subjected to slander and defamation from a host of Zionist-controlled news outlets, including CNN and FOX News, simply because I have investigated and written about the evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11.
Today, the United States of America is by all appearances an Israeli-occupied state. The U.S. Congress dutifully authorizes the annual payment of an immense tribute to Israel, some three thousand million dollars a year. Like a subservient colony, the United States provides hundreds of thousands of young men and women to fight and die as mercenaries in Zionist-planned wars in the Middle East. The tens of thousands of American and European Christian soldiers and mercenaries fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are very similar to the former Mamluks of Baghdad - captured "male white slaves" serving their Zionist rulers.
This dismal situation is, of course, not new. It has only become more obvious and extreme. The United States has provided more than $108 billion in direct aid to the state of Israel since 1949 (Washington Report, July 2006) and the U.S. State Department recently promised the Israeli military another $30 billion over the next ten years - a twenty-five percent increase.
Hundreds, if not thousands, of U.S. soldiers have died as a result of serving on or near the front lines in Israel's wars. The 241 American marines killed in the Beirut bombing of 1983 and the 34 servicemen killed during the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty are the first that come to mind.
More than 4,000 American men and women have died during the current phase, the occupation stage, of the nearly two-decade-long war against Iraq. The U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq, an illegal war of aggression, is clearly a Zionist-planned war in which Americans and other mercenaries actually do the fighting -- and dying.
The obvious question is where is the outrage? Where is the spiritual, intellectual, and political resistance to this blatant exploitation of Americans and their national resources by a tiny foreign state with a militant and racist ideology? Why do patriotic Americans tolerate this abuse of the "land of the free and the home of the brave?"
While the power of the Israeli lobby (and an occasional murder) may explain the lack of any significant political resistance in the U.S. Congress to Zionist demands, it cannot explain how the American population has come to accept this extremely bizarre and abusive relationship with a foreign state. How has Zionist control of the United States been foisted onto the American people?
Many Americans willingly accept the extremely one-sided and abusive relationship with Israel because they have internalized three fundamental Zionist deceptions, which have been forced into their brains by the controlled mass media.
The first deception is the religious hoax that equates the modern state of Israel with the Israel of the Bible. This religious fraud elevates modern-day Israelis, regardless of their actual ethnicity, to being the rightful heirs of the Promised Land. Although this hoax is quickly revealed to anyone who actually reads Zionist history, it has been successfully foisted onto millions of extremely naïve and gullible Christians. These misled and abused people are often referred to as Christian Zionists.
The second fundamental Zionist deception is that Israel is a "sister democracy" of the United States and that Israelis and Americans share the same "democratic" values. This lie is also quickly exposed by reading Israeli history or visiting Israeli-occupied Palestine. The only Americans who could possibly share Israeli values are those who believe in Jewish racism and supremacism -- the central pillar of the Zionist worldview that is completely un-American.
The third Zionist deception is that nineteen Arab Muslims under the leadership of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Osama Bin Laden were behind the 9-11 attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. This deception has been used to usher in the Zionist-planned "War on Terror," which has brought U.S. and European troops into an extensive long-term Middle Eastern war.
Why hasn't the media interviewed the families of the nineteen suspected hijackers? Why does the media not demand an open trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged "mastermind" of 9-11, currently held by the U.S. in Guantanamo? Why is the media treatment of these people only as deep as their photos?
While the first two deceptions are primarily philosophical in nature and rather pointless to argue, the 9-11 deception is painfully real and something we accept and allow to continue at our own peril.
These Zionist deceptions, which are all demonstrably false, have been carefully planted and cultivated in the minds of millions of people through the devices of the Zionist-controlled media. Zionist domination of the mass media and academia in the United States is so pervasive that Americans are subjected, like Truman Burbank in the film The Truman Show, to a constant barrage of multi-level deception, as if the entire population were living in a false construction -- an "Auschwitz of the mind."
Like the false world of Truman Burbank, the Zionist-created worldview is so overwhelming that it prevents many people from ever realizing that they are being held mentally captive. Even when we peel away the layers of deception and expose the fraud, somehow the show goes on. For the criminals in high places, the show must go on.
The first deception, the religious hoax of the Zionist state's connection to the biblical Israel, is doctrine to television evangelists like Pat Robertson and his Christian Coalition, while the second and third have become "conventional wisdom" for the U.S. news and entertainment media. Because millions of Americans have accepted and internalized these Zionist-created falsehoods, they are unable to understand the actual realities of the Middle East or the massive fraud of the "War on Terror." The controlled media is careful to censor any information that might disturb the perverse worldview of America's Christian and Jewish Zionists who are kept in the darkness like children locked in a closet.
When, for example, the highly-regarded Israeli historian Avi Shlaim wrote his 2005 editorial entitled "Is Zionism today the real enemy of the Jews?" his comments were published in the International Herald Tribune (IHT), which is read in 180 nations, but kept out of the pages of the New York Times, the domestic newspaper of its parent company.
Now, why would the New York Times, whose motto is "All The News That's Fit to Print," censor the viewpoint of a renowned Israeli historian writing on the causes of modern anti-Semitism? What did Shlaim say that the editors at the Times thought was unfit for Americans to read?
"Israel's image today is negative not because it is a Jewish state but because it habitually transgresses the norms of acceptable international behavior. Indeed, Israel is increasingly perceived as a rogue state, as an international pariah, and as a threat to world peace," Shlaim, an Iraqi Jew who was born in Baghdad, wrote. "This perception of Israel is a major factor in the recent resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe and in the rest of the world. In this sense, Zionism today is the real enemy of the Jews."
When one understands that the primary function of the Zionist-controlled media is to keep Americans in the dark about the Middle East and Zionism, it becomes clear why Shlaim's article was published in the international publication owned by the New York Times but kept from their U.S. readership. Shlaim's comments would have greatly disturbed the carefully cultivated Zionist worldview of millions of Americans - both Jews and Gentiles - an audience that is both protected and held captive.
As an independent journalist I have seen how many important stories have been covered-up or ignored by the controlled media. I have written about many of these suppressed stories, such as the sinking of the Estonia, the downing of Flight TWA 800, and the dangers of depleted uranium. At the top of my list is the most egregious and criminal cover-up of the evidence of 9-11.
"Ninety-five percent of the work of the intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disinformation," German intelligence expert Andreas von Bülow told me in December 2001. This deception is widely propagated in the mainstream media creating an accepted version of events. "Journalists don't even raise the simplest questions," he said. "Those who differ are labeled as crazy."
After the London press conference during Jimmy Walter's 2005 European 9-11 Truth tour, two reporters from the BBC were eager to interview me. "Why are you the only journalist who does not believe the official explanation of what happened on 9-11?" was their first question.

The BBC interviewing the author in London
"If that is the case," I told them, "it is probably due to the fact that others who have questioned the official version have lost their jobs as a result." The van was leaving for the hotel so I decided to cut the interview short. I could see where the interview was heading.
When FOX News and CNN interviewed me on the pretense that they were interested in my 9-11 research and evidence, all they really wanted to do was to smear me as an anti-Semite. In both cases the interviewers were clearly not at all interested in the 9-11 evidence or my research.

Alan Samuel Colmes, a Jewish talking head for Fox News, was not interested in discussing the evidence of 9-11 but only in trying to smear the author as an anti-Semite.
"The dissident cannot be taken seriously," the veteran British journalist Roland Huntford wrote about the mass media in his book The New Totalitarians. "There is a range of tolerated opinions, and a narrow one it is: woe betide him who departs from it." While Huntford was writing about the controlled media of Sweden in the 1970s, his comments hold true for the Zionist-controlled mass media in the United States today, particularly when the subject is 9-11 or Israel.
I, for example, have paid a very high price for investigating and writing about the evidence that contradicts the government's version of what happened on 9-11. The first attack came from the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) in November 2001. The ADL, a private organization dedicated to supporting Zionist and Israeli interests, first smeared the American Free Press, the newspaper I wrote for, as a "conspiratorial and anti-Semitic weekly newspaper," which it said had "repeatedly turned to the subject of the 9-11 attacks as grist for its mill."
The ADL then singled me out for my article, "Some Survivors Say Bombs Exploded Inside WTC" in which, the ADL said, "Bollyn suggests that the 'mainstream media' is ignoring eyewitness accounts of bombs that exploded inside the World Trade Center before the collapse of the Twin Towers."
Indeed, the first line of my article from September 2001 said exactly that:
Despite reports from numerous eyewitnesses and experts, including news reporters on the scene, who heard or saw explosions immediately before the collapse of the World Trade Center, there has been virtual silence in the mainstream media.
But, I asked, why would an organization dedicated to Israeli and Jewish interests attack me, as a journalist, for writing about eyewitness reports of explosions in the World Trade Center? What did my writing about this extremely newsworthy subject have to do with Israel or Jews?
Had my BBC interview gone on, I might have asked why the BBC editors had ignored and censored the comments of their own reporter, Steve Evans, who had been in the South Tower (WTC 2) when it was hit and who reported having observed a "series of explosions." Shortly after the destruction of the WTC, the BBC interviewed Evans on their television news program based in London. Because Evans' observations were ignored by the BBC and not followed up, I wrote about his report of the explosions he felt in the South Tower:
Evans was asked what he had seen: "It's more what I felt really," Evans said. "I was at the base of the second tower - the second tower that was hit. There was an explosion – I didn’t think it was an explosion – but the base of the building shook. I felt it shake … then when we were outside, the second explosion happened and then there was a series of explosions…" [At this point the London news anchor cut Evans off in mid-sentence rather than listen to Evans continue to describe the "series of explosions" that he saw and felt. Evans' microphone was turned down.] But in a minute Evans returns to the "series of explosions" that he witnessed: "We can only wonder at the kind of damage – the kind of human damage – which was caused by those explosions – those series of explosions," Evans said.
Evans is a professional journalist and his observations of explosions in the South Tower need to be taken into account by anybody looking into the cause of the catastrophe of September 11. Many eyewitnesses reported similar explosions, but these reports, and what they suggest, are intentionally being censored and avoided by the very people who are supposed to be investigating the cause of the collapses. The same kind of censorship occurred with FOX News, CNN, and the leading U.S. news networks that had reporters at the World Trade Center. First-hand reports of explosions at the WTC from professional reporters were broadcast only once -- and never picked up again, except by the much-despised "conspiracy theorists."
The news reports that five Middle Eastern men were being sought or had been captured in New Jersey after they had videotaped themselves celebrating in front of the burning towers were treated in the same way. The arrest of the five men, all Israelis, two of whom were known Mossad agents, was only reported in the Bergen Record (New Jersey) on September 12, 2001 -- but never discussed or investigated by the national news networks.
Likewise, the story of the Odigo text message warning of the attacks - before they occurred - was dropped into the media's memory hole. The instant text messages, which were precise to the minute, had been sent via the Israeli-owned Odigo instant messaging service and had even been received by Odigo employees in Israel, but the story of Israelis having prior knowledge of the attacks was never discussed in the U.S. mass media.
How did the news editors at the BBC, FOX News, CNN, and the leading networks decide to censor their own reporters and avoid discussing certain aspects of 9-11?
Let's look at this logically. The 9-11 event was the biggest story these news editors had ever handled. Suffice it to say that the editorial decisions about how to cover 9-11 must have been made by the boss at the top. Any decision to omit or censor reports about explosions at the World Trade Center or indications of Israeli involvement would have been made by the senior executive of each network. In the case of CNN it would have been Gerald M. Levin, the CEO of Time Warner, who acquired Turner Broadcasting in 1997. (Levin unexpectedly announced his resignation in December 2001, less than three months after 9-11.)
At FOX News the top decision maker would have been Rupert Murdoch, CEO of News Corporation. At ABC News it would have been Michael D. Eisner, CEO of Disney, the network's parent company. Were the media moguls Murdoch, Levin, and Eisner involved in 9-11? How else could they know that certain aspects of the event needed to be suppressed by their news networks? Their networks have been suppressing important information about 9-11 since the day of the event. They have also been actively involved in a conspiracy to cover-up the truth. How can that be? Who is behind this cover-up? What occult power, what hidden hand, would be able to communicate with these men and influence them to suppress important reports and evidence from the terror attacks of 9-11?
If one considers the known evidence of Israeli prior knowledge of 9-11, the Odigo text messages and the five arrested Mossad agents, for example, as indicative of Israeli state involvement in the crime, the identity of the occult power behind the cover-up is rather obvious. The "hidden hand" suppressing the information about 9-11 would have to be a high-level person in the Israeli political-military intelligence establishment who also has very close relations with media kingpins like Murdoch, Levin, and Eisner. Arnon Milchan (a.k.a. Milchen) is such a person.
While millions of Americans have watched his films, such as Pretty Woman and JFK, very few know that Arnon Milchan is a "best friend" of Shimon Peres (born Szymon Perski in Wiszniewo, Poland) the current Israeli president and godfather of Israel's nuclear arsenal.

The Israeli movie producer Arnon Milchan (between Peres and Netanyahu) is a close friend of Israel's president Shimon Peres ("his first letter he wrote as president went to me"), Defense Minister Ehud Barak, and Likud Party leader Binyamin ("Bibi") Netanyahu. Milchan, who began his career with the fertilizer/chemical company Milchan Brothers, reportedly owns 30 companies in 17 countries involved in plastics, electronics, communications, and pharmaceuticals.
Milchan's 40-year friendship with Peres, the man who oversaw the illegal development of Israel's nuclear weapon program is key to understanding Milchan's career as an undercover operative, weapons procurer, and film producer. The fact that Milchan, the Hollywood producer, has been Israel's "foremost weapons procurer" for decades, brokering deals for "everything from nuclear triggers to rocket fuel to guidance systems," is seldom mentioned in the U.S. news media.
This is probably due to the fact that Milchan is also a "best friend" and business partner of Rupert Murdoch. He is also a friend a business partner with Levin (Warner Brothers) and Eisner. "I consider him one of my best friends," Milchan said about Murdoch, "and I think vice versa. We're having a ball. He's a very cool guy."
"Kingpins like Warner Brothers' Gerald Levin and Disney's Michael Eisner are quick to return his calls," the American Jewish journalist Ann Louise Bardach wrote about Milchan in her article "The Last Tycoon" in April 2000.
In 1997, after a six-year relationship with Warner Brothers, Milchan became a partner with Murdoch, selling him twenty percent of his film company, New Regency Productions, for $200 million. Murdoch also invested another $30 million in Regency Television. Today, Murdoch's equity partnership with Milchan is close to fifty percent. "Milchan's deal with Fox also assures him a level of financial security," Bardach wrote. "With Murdoch's $200 million investment and a subsequent $600 million line of credit from a team of banks led by Chase Manhattan, Milchan is well into mogul territory. "Milchan's tony offices occupy most of Building 12, right next door to the Executive Building on the Fox lot," Bardach wrote. "And it is from this seat of power that Milchan is building an entertainment empire that could one day rival Murdoch's."

Peter Chernin, president and chief operating officer of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, left, presents Arnon Milchan with a lifetime achievement award at an event celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the state of Israel in Los Angeles on September 18, 2008. Chernin, Murdoch, and Milchan have worked together for many years.
The Israeli influence in films and news media has profoundly affected the quality of news reporting and entertainment. Israeli attitudes and ideas are now disseminated through national media outlets which reach the entire U.S. population on a daily basis. Israeli-made films often reveal hints or clues about actual crimes or criminal plots the Israeli producers are aware of.
One such project, The Lone Gunmen, produced by Milchan's "best friend" Rupert Murdoch, had an uncanny resemblance to the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center. Was this Milchan's influence? The Milchan-Murdoch partnership in television production may be key to understanding the genesis of the plot of the pilot episode of this short-lived television series. In the first episode a passenger airliner is hijacked by remote control and flown toward the World Trade Center. Disaster is averted at the last minute by over-riding the computer program that has hijacked the plane.

The Lone Gunmen, produced by Rupert Murdoch in 2000, revealed an extremely uncanny prescience of 9-11. During the same year it was made, Milchan was producing two television series in collaboration with Fox Television: Roswell, which aired on Warner Brothers network, and Malcolm in the Middle, which was aired on Fox. The Lone Gunmen pilot episode aired on FOX Television in March 2001.
Given the long, close, and extensive collaboration between Murdoch and Milchan, it seems fair to ask: Was Arnon Milchan the original source of the plotline for The Lone Gunmen? Why were the people involved in the production of this episode not investigated by the media? Why did the media ignore its own uncanny prescience, The Lone Gunmen episode, which mirrored reality six months later? Was the similarity between the Murdoch-produced show and reality too close for comfort? Was it too uncomfortable to discuss the origin of the idea for the show? Apparently so.

Was the Israeli chemical magnate Arnon Milchan the author of the plotline for The Lone Gunmen pilot episode in which a passenger airplane was remotely hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center?
In Milchan's highly-controversial film JFK (1991), directed by Oliver Stone, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is ascribed to conspirators within the U.S. military-industrial complex. Whose idea was this? Why is Arnon Milchan's own connection with Itzhak Rabin, who was in Dallas on the day Kennedy was shot, not an issue here?
In his futuristic film Brazil (1985), directed by Terry Gilliam, terrorist explosions go off in cafes for no apparent reason, very much like the seemingly senseless terrorism that plagues occupied Iraq. Is this Milchan's influence?
"Anyone closely associated with Peres pretty well must be satanic," Barry Chamish, a Canadian-Israeli wrote, "but Milchan produced a film that shows he has insider information." Chamish advises his readers to watch The Devil's Advocate with Al Pacino to "understand the implication."
"Milchan runs his company like a family business. Heading up New Regency Productions for him is his childhood friend David Matalon, whose parents were best friends with Milchan's," Bardach wrote. "Daughter Alexandra [Milchan-Lambert] is vice president of production in Los Angeles." Matalon has served as president and CEO of New Regency Productions since 1995.
In 1986, Matalon, an Israeli co-founder of Tri-Star pictures, released a film entitled Iron Eagle, in which the aerial combat scenes were filmed entirely with the Israeli Air Force. The plot of this film is about how a few teenagers are able to steal U.S. military codes, aircraft, and information from under the noses of the military brass and run an entire military operation in which they bomb Libya without the knowledge of the military command. This film gives some indication of the kind of projects and ideas the Israeli military has collaborated on with their fellow Israelis in Hollywood.
"Averse to publicity and little known outside Hollywood" is how Arnon Milchan's biography begins. "My idea of a good profile is no profile," Milchan told Bardach. Murdoch, Levin, and Eisner have obviously respected the Israeli's wish, but why would a Hollywood mogul not want to be known to the public? "Arnon Milchan has kept his secrets to himself," Bardach wrote.

Arnon Milchan with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie
Indeed, very little is known about Milchan, Israel's super weapons agent, except that he spends more time in Tel Aviv and France than he does in his office on the 20th Century Fox lot in Los Angeles, according to Bardach. Now, why would a Hollywood movie producer spend more time in Tel Aviv, where no movies are being made, than in Hollywood?
Milchan was born on December 6, 1944, on the Zionist settlement of Rehovot, in what was then Palestine, according to his biography in Current Biography (2000). Rehovot, one of the earliest Zionist settlements, was founded in 1890 by Polish and Russian Jews, one of whom was Milchan's paternal grandfather. Rehovot has a street and a neighborhood named "Milchen", no doubt in memory of his grandfather.
"My family's been there for 500 years," Milchan told Bardach. "My grandfather was a very close friend of President [Chaim] Weizmann." Oddly, Bardach does not provide the name of his grandfather who was "a very close friend" of Israel's first president. Nor does she give the name of the ancestors Milchan proudly claims have lived in Palestine for five hundred years. "Milchan's father was an enviable success story himself, having laid the sprinklers that irrigated Israel," Bardach wrote. "Later, he would handle some of Israel's lucrative military contracts, according to his son."
Bardach continues:
However, it was young Milchan who put the company on the map internationally, after his father's sudden death. Following a spot of schooling in London and Geneva, where he excelled in soccer and tennis, Milchan dropped out and returned to Israel. Soon, he struck gold. By marketing a newly discovered nutrient that quadrupled citrus production, he brought his company stratospheric sales throughout the world.
"This is a man who made his fortune by screwing with nature," says screenwriter Shawn Slovo, who began her career as Milchan's secretary in 1977. "He's the Israeli who made the desert bloom. Amazing when you think about it. He could have retired at the age of 22."
Instead, like a kid racing around the Monopoly board, Milchan gobbled up another half dozen businesses--including electronics, chemicals, aerospace and plastics. Still in his early twenties, he met the Shah of Iran and reportedly talked the wily Persian into dozens of contracts, one to build much of Tehran's airport.
When one considers that Arnon Milchan, in his early twenties, was among the founders of Israel's Labor Party in the 1960s with Shimon Peres, Moshe Dayan, and Teddy Kolleck, then one can appreciate that his contracts in Iran and his career in arms dealing and Hollywood have been done with the active collaboration of the Mossad.
Milchan is a "go-between for American weapons manufacturers and the Israeli government, thus playing a major role in the strengthening of the Israeli military," according to Current Biography (2000). "Throughout the 1970s, 1980s, and even up until the Gulf War in 1991, Milchan was Israel's foremost weapons procurer, brokering deals for such prized superweapons as the Hawk missile and the famous Scud-foil of the Gulf War, the Patriot," Bardach wrote.
"At different times in his career, his Israeli company, Milchan Brothers, has represented arms manufacturers such as Raytheon, North American Rockwell, Beechcraft, Bell Helicopter and Magnavox. Or, as Milchan downplays it, 'there were a bunch of them.' Nevertheless, he bristles at being called an arms dealer. 'I'm their rep in Israel,' he says emphatically. 'I get a fee, a commission. I'm not even the buyer. I'm an agent.'
"What we do is send my people to the United States," Milchan told Bardach, "so we know what these guys are talking about, and you go back and say to the buyer, 'I think this guy has some interesting stuff. Would you meet with him?' And then you arrange a meeting with the head of the [Israeli] air force and the head of this and the head of that."
In 1992, Milchan was described by the Jerusalem Post as being "among the handful of Hollywood moguls with the muscle and money to single-handedly give the go-ahead for a new movie project. The Mossad is undoubtedly the source of much of Milchan's "muscle and money."
Who pays Milchan's commissions? Whether the commission is paid by the weapon's vendor or by the state of Israel, the money going to Milchan is American money. He is paid either by the company or from the billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars provided to Israel for weapons every year. In this way, Milchan, Mossad's man in the middle, has been greatly enriched by U.S. weapons sales to Israel.
In 1975, for example, Milchan reportedly received an improper $300,000 commission paid by a Raytheon subsidiary for the sale of Hawk missiles. Raytheon makes the Patriot and Hawk missile systems and key components of the Global Hawk. Of particular interest is Raytheon's Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) which allow remote operators to pilot the Global Hawk from "thousands of miles away." This is the kind of technology that is thought to have been used in the terror attacks of 9-11.
Terry Gilliam told Bardach that he'll never forget a visit to the Paris Air Show with Milchan during the filming of Baron Munchausen. "It was wonderful to see how the whole arms business worked," Gilliam said. "Arnon was very psyched about the video games. He brought his son with him, who was then a teenager, to play the games, which can replicate the destruction of the planet. He took me to the Raytheon booth, and it was all showmanship. He was obviously a big star to Raytheon."
"Growing up, I would read that he was an arms dealer; he was in the Mossad, and he was a movie producer," his daughter Alexandra told Bardach. She is married to a Scott Lambert, an agent with William Morris in Beverley Hills and graduate of American University in Washington, D.C. (Lambert happens to share the same name of a former Director of Manufacturing Systems at Raytheon.)
When one looks at Milchan's career as an Israeli agent who bought media outlets with dirty money one should consider that this may be the modus operandi he has employed to gain influence and outlets in the U.S. media market. Money laundering could explain his ability to make huge deals and control media networks - and his desire for secrecy.
"He's extremely powerful because he brings money to the table," journalist Anita Busch wrote. "He's unique in that way. He's got a credit line that's astronomical, like, you know, almost a billion dollars." Terry Gilliam, the director of Brazil, wondered where the money came from. "Arnon can be great, but when it comes to money there's something - I don't know - bits just don't seem to connect."
Charles McKeown, a film writer, had a hard time getting paid by the billion-dollar Israeli. "You just never know whether he was telling the truth or not," McKeown said. "The kind of deals he was in, the level of finance and the way he operated, seemed to me like a world upside down. I felt we were dealing with a sort of dangerous, shady quality."
In 1975, the Israeli government headed by Yitzhak Rabin and Defense Minister Shimon Peres recruited Milchan to launder money from South Africa. Milchan "has admitted laundering some of the more than $100 million spent by the South Africans during the 1970s in an attempt to improve the white government's image abroad," according to the authors of The Iran-Contra Connection. Because both Israel and South Africa were ostracized in the 1970s, "The money laundering was part of the two countries' plan to buy newspapers and other media in various parts of the world," his biography reads. "The Rabin government recruited ... Milchan to launder cash ... to purchase influential publications," Andrew and Leslie Cockburn wrote in their book Dangerous Liaison.
Milchan told Bardach he was asked by "prominent Israelis if 'we can use your companies to make deals to buy newspapers.' I said, 'Sure. It sounds like fun.' Basically, I was used as a middleman." A citizen of both Israel and Monaco, he is said to control thirty companies in seventeen countries, profiting in everything from film production to the weapons trade.
But how does one man control thirty companies in seventeen countries? Clearly there must be an entire team behind these businesses. Milchan's team could be called Team Mossad. "I'll say it in my own words," Milchan told Bardach. "I love Israel, and any way I can help Israel, I will. I'll do it again and again. If you say I'm an arms dealer, that's your problem. In Israel, there is practically no business that does not have something to do with defense."
Milchan also funds Christian Zionist movements. Milchan has reportedly contributed significantly to the Christian Coalition, an organization started by the Reverend Pat Robertson, a staunch supporter of Israel. He also underwrites the Israeli Network which transmits Israeli television programs to the United States and Canada via cable and satellite.
Milchan is also an owner of the Israeli television station known as Channel 10. The other owners are Ronald Lauder, who like Milchan owned about twenty-five percent, and Josef (Yossi) Maiman, who owns fifty-one percent and who has been with Channel 10 since it was founded in 2003. Rupert Murdoch bought nine percent of Channel 10 stock from Milchan and Lauder in 2006. Maiman, a Mossad agent, owns and controls a great deal of the gas fields of Turkmenistan. One of the main goals of the occupation of Afghanistan is to build a pipeline to bring the Israeli-owned gas of Turkmenistan to India and China. (Maiman and Lauder are both linked to the Mossad and 9-11. For more on Maiman read my article, "The Great Game: The War For Caspian Oil And Gas." Information about Lauder can be found in "Mossad -The Israeli Connection To 9-11")
Milchan should have been busted in 1985 for smuggling triggers for nuclear bombs, when a business associate, Richard Kelly Smyth, was indicted by a federal grand jury in Los Angeles on charges of smuggling 810 krytrons to Israel. Because krytrons are used as detonators or triggers for nuclear weapons, their export is tightly regulated.
In 1973, Smyth started a company called Milco International, Inc., financed, according to the Washington Post, by Milchan, hence its name. Up to eighty percent of Milco's business was reportedly with Milchan and Israel. In 1980, the federal indictment asserted, Smyth and Milco sent 610 krytrons to Israel without the necessary licenses, plus another 200 in 1982.
The 1985 indictment identified the Israeli buyers of the nuclear triggers as Heli Trading Ltd. and Milchan Brothers, two of Milchan's Israel-based companies. Federal authorities told NBC News in 1993 that Milchan also shared in the profits derived from the sales.
Announcement of the indictments came four days after the Israeli Defense Ministry, reacting to news of the grand jury probe, admitted that it had the devices, known as krytrons. The krytrons were shipped between 1979 and 1983 to an Israeli firm under contract to the government for defense work. The Israeli Ministry of Defense returned only 469 of the krytrons, and Smyth vanished a week before he was to appear for trial.
Robert C. Bonner, the U.S. attorney in Los Angeles, refused to comment on questions about whether the Israeli government had been involved in the illegal actions. State Department spokesman Edward Djerejian said, "I can only note that the indictment does not mention any Israeli citizen."
Djerejian added that the United States "has expressed its serious concern to the Israeli government about this alleged violation of U.S. law" and had been assured that Israel would cooperate with the continuing U.S. investigation "to the full extent permitted under Israeli law."
"Smyth's disappearance, and the unwillingness of Israeli officials to cooperate with U.S. investigators on the case, left federal authorities unable to proceed," Robert Windrem of NBC News reported in July 2001. Although Milchan is not mentioned in the indictment, a Milco employe, Gretel Siler, who identified herself as corporate treasurer of Milco, told the Washington Post that Milchan had been associated with Milco in various export transactions and had been involved in purchasing the krytrons from the manufacturer, EG&G, of Wellesley, Massachusetts.
Milchan denied being involved in the $60,000 krytron deal, but told "60 Minutes" (CBS) that he had allowed the Israeli government to use his companies as conduits for trading with the United States. "I'm not saying I'm an innocent person - but in this specific case, I knew nothing about it," Milchan told Frank Rose of Premiere magazine. In any case, Milchan was never charged in the case.
Robert Mainhardt, a nuclear scientist and former director of Milco, told "60 Minutes" that he had resigned after Milchan had asked him to obtain advanced nuclear reactor designs and a supply of uranium hexachloride, which is used in the enrichment of bomb-grade uranium. Mainhardt's fellow directors at Milco, Arthur Biehl and Ivan Getting began to feel uneasy sometime in 1982, the Washington Post reported. The Washington Post did a series of articles about this smuggling. The most important excerpts are the following:
When they joined the board of directors of Milco International in 1980, Biehl and Getting recalled, they thought the company's primary business was developing aerospace software for U.S. military and space programs. They had been recruited by the company's owner, Richard K. Smyth, while serving with him on an influential panel that advises the U.S. Air Force on advanced technologies, work that required them to have top-secret clearances.
But they soon realized that Smyth, a California-based computer expert, spent most of his time trying to buy equipment with military applications, including a uranium byproduct known as "green salt" that can be processed into weapons-grade uranium, for the government of Israel. Often, they said, the sales were made through an Israeli middleman, Arnon Milchan, a flamboyant businessman who sold arms before becoming a producer of such popular movies as the recent Brazil.
"I didn't have any evidence there was anything improper," Biehl said. "I just thought it was a strange way to do business . . . . I wondered why the Israelis were paying fees to (Milco and Milchan) when they could get the same equipment directly" using U.S. foreign aid.
In late 1982, Biehl and Getting resigned from Milco's board of directors, in part because of their misgivings about Smyth's dealings with Milchan and Israel.
Asked why Israel didn't buy the krytrons through its 200-member procurement staff in New York, which buys military equipment with $1.8 billion in annual U.S. aid, Yossi Gal, spokesman with the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., told the Post that Israel occasionally used "independent agents" to make purchases.
Under U.S. laws, Smyth needed a munitions license from the State Department to ship the krytrons overseas. If he had tried to obtain one, according to a knowledgeable State Department source, he would have been turned down because Israel has not signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
Smyth's relations with Israel began in the early 1970s when he was working for North American Rockwell as a chief engineer in its avionics division and traveled to Israel to help set up a subsidiary. There, he met Milchan, who was Rockwell's representative and "point man" with the Israeli government, according to an associate of Smyth from that period.
In January 1973, Smyth founded Milco while still working at Rockwell. His associate recalled Smyth once saying that Milchan provided money to start Milco; this associate said he believes that the name Milco was derived from Milchan.
At the time that Milco was founded, former U.S. intelligence officials said, the Central Intelligence Agency knew that Israel was working to perfect a solid-fuel tactical missile, known as the Jericho, that could carry nuclear warheads. In late 1973, Smyth's associate recalled, he saw Milco order forms for several barrels of a butyl compound used to bind explosive powders into solid rocket fuel. Smyth said he was shipping the butyl to Milchan through another company he owned in Houston, the associate recalled.
Smyth's next known contact with Israel occurred in 1975, about a year after he left Rockwell to run Milco full time. On Oct. 30 of that year, Smyth applied for a munitions license to ship 400 krytrons to Heli Trading Inc., Milchan's company in Israel.
The application, which is filed in court records in Los Angeles, said that the "end user" would be Rehovot Instruments Ltd. and that the krytrons would be used as "remotely located intrusion detectors."
Smyth filed the application after being told by an official from an unnamed U.S. intelligence agency that a license was required, according to court records. Smyth met with the official and told him that "Arnon Milchan [had] requested that a certain number of krytrons be shipped to Israel," according to a letter filed by William Fahey, the prosecutor in the current case.
Internal Milco records, provided by former Smyth associates, show that the company struggled financially from 1975 to 1980. It landed several small contracts for less than $25,000 with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the Air Force for studies on computer software for avionics systems in advanced aircraft, the MX missile and a small ship defense missile called the Patriot.
It was also in 1980, the federal indictment alleged, that Milco sent 610 krytrons to Israel in 11 shipments without obtaining the needed licenses. Smyth bought them from EG&G in Salem, Mass., the sole producer of the switches in the United States.
In mid-1981, Smyth listed several contracts with Heli Trading to acquire training simulators for Hawk air defense missiles, a voice scrambler and lasers. He also cited "probable" contracts for a computerized flight control system for Israel's Lavi fighter plane, and thermal batteries and gyroscopes.
James Russell, vice president of Incosym Inc., a maker of gyroscopes in Thousand Oaks, Calif., said he sold Milco several $10,000 gyroscopes in that period. Smyth told him the navigation aids would be used on Israeli navy patrol boats. Milco also won a flight control contract for the Lavi in 1983, according to a listing in Aviation Week magazine.
Smyth's world started to crumble in early 1983 after someone broke into Milco's offices and took several thousand dollars worth of computer and software equipment. Because he was doing some classified U.S. government work and feared some records of it might have been stolen, Smyth wrote a lengthy report about the theft for the Pentagon and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, then-company attorney Brian R. Carter said.
Milco company records revealed that Milchan's companies had ordered large quantities of missile-related equipment and materials between 1977 and 1982. Among the nuclear items listed were the 810 krytrons, plus neutron generators, high-speed oscilloscopes and high-voltage condensers, according to a 1996 paper on Israel's Nuclear Weapon Capability by the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control.
In August 1985, U.S. Customs subpoenaed the financial records linking Smyth and Milchan. The records were neither turned over nor found. Smyth and his wife disappeared just days before his scheduled trial, which almost certainly would have involved Milchan. "There were so many...indictments that they probably decided just to get out," Mainhardt, who operates a security business in Dublin, California, said. "If I had to make a guess, I'd say they're in Israel."
"Let's assume that there's nothing that Israel and the United States do separately," Milchan told Bardach. "Smyth, a U.S. fugitive for more than a decade, was last seen in Herzliya Pituach, an affluent suburb of Tel Aviv, where Milchan owns a home," Bardach wrote in 2000. In July 2001, Smyth was arrested in Malaga, Spain. Smyth pleaded guilty in December to one count of violating the Arms Export Control Act and one count of making a false statement to Customs agents. Proscutors dropped twenty-eight other counts.
On April 29, 2002 Smyth was sentenced to forty months in federal prison and fined $20,000 for illegally exporting to Israel the devices that are used as triggers for nuclear weapons. Smyth, 72, was immediately made eligible for parole at his sentencing.
"In Israel, Milchan spends much of his time with best friend Shimon Peres," Bardach wrote. She continued, "Milchan's political connections would prove to be the foundation of his future empire. In addition to agriculture, there would be biotechnology, advertising, aerospace, and the biggest jackpot of them all -- arms."

Arnon Milchan is deeply engaged in chemicals and helped build Israel's nuclear arsenal, which was developed by his good friend Shimon Peres. What does he know about the super-thermite that demolished the World Trade Center?
In 1953, at age thirty, Shimon Peres was appointed by Israel's first prime minister, David Ben Gurion, to become Director-General of the Ministry of Defense. Within three years, Peres had laid the foundation for Israel's nuclear weapon program, according to the Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control. Peres started Israel's program to develop nuclear power and nuclear weapons by convincing the French to help Israel build a secret nuclear reactor beginning about 1957. He chose France as the major supplier, arranged the sale of a nuclear reactor, and spent the next decade overseeing the construction of the Dimona nuclear weapon production complex.
Peres is the one who came up with Israel's most often repeated nuclear declaration. At an April 1963 meeting in the White House, Peres responded to President John F. Kennedy's questions about Israel's nuclear program by saying: "Israel will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons to the Middle East." Two years later, Prime Minister Levi Eshkol elevated Peres's words to Israel's official nuclear line.
Sources & Recommended Reading
Bardach, Ann Louise, "The Last Tycoon" Los Angeles Magazine, April 2000
Bollyn, Christopher, "Intel Expert Says 9-11 Looks Like A Hollywood Show" December 2001
Bollyn, "9/11: What Did Rupert Murdoch Know?" October 3, 2003
Bollyn, "Mossad - The Israeli Connection To 9-11" April 14, 2005
Bollyn, "Some Survivors Say Bombs Exploded in WTC" September 2001
Bollyn, "'Series of Explosions' in WTC - BBC" June 28, 2002
Bollyn, "9-11 Mossad Agents Admit Mission: 'Our Purpose Was to Document the Event'" June 28, 2002
Bollyn, "Why was Kobi Alexander Allowed to Flee? The Israeli Fugitive, Odigo, and the Forewarning of 9/11" August 24, 2006
Bollyn, "The Great Game: The War For Caspian Oil And Gas" October 14, 2001
Lima, Paolo, "Five men detained as suspected conspirators," Bergen Record, September 12, 2001
McArthur, Shirl, "A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: $108 Billion" Washington Report, July 2006
Washington Post, "Computer Expert Used Firm to Feed Israel Technology" October 31, 1986
Washington Post, "L.A. Man Indicted in Export of Potential Nuclear Bomb Component to Israel" by John M. Goshko, May 17, 1985
Washington Post, "U.S. Asks to Inspect Israeli Atom Sites To Verify Use of Restricted Device" by John M. Goshko, May 15, 1985
Washington Post, "Israel Got U.S.-Made Devices" by John M. Goshko, May 14, 1985
Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control, "Israeli Nuclear Program Pioneered by Shimon Peres," The Risk Report, Volume 2 Number 4, July-August 1996
Israel Control of the Mass Media & the 9-11 Cover-Up, September 2, 2007
Final Edit – August 23, 2009
Latest Correction - February 22, 2010