Uncle Sam's Christian Patriots
Recommended Reading

Uncle Sam's Christian Patriots
A Personal, Political and Religious Discussion of
September the 11th, War and Peace, and Freedom
and Oppression
This book is a treasure trove for historians and scholars of the unofficial and censored version of 9-11.
Written by Glen Stanish, a professional pilot, Uncle Sam's Christian Patriots is a unique work in the historiography of 9-11. Stanish presents a serious Christian response and challenges the government’s unproven version of the terror attacks that changed the world.
Stanish builds his case slowly, logically, and spiritually, that the state of Israel was involved in the terror attacks of 9-11. He frequently cites and draws from articles written by Christopher Bollyn.
Author: Glen Stanish
Publisher: Tate Publishing, LLC, 2006
127 East Trade Center Terrace
Mustang, Oklahoma 73064
(888) 361-9473
To see the book review written by Christopher Bollyn,
click here
ABC Zoo - A Masterpice for Children
ABC Zoo is a book for every budding reader.
The decorated capitals, clever rhymes and charming
watercolors make this ABC a sure favorite.
Beautifully illustrated by
Triin Tougjas
To see the artwork or to buy the book, please visit us at:

See what others have said about our ABC Zoo:
"A Wonderful Book!
I run a licenced day care and have over 1000 children's books on the shelves here. Your book is now the favourite one in my collection! The artwork is not only colorful, but absolutely ADORABLE. The rhymes that go with letters are perfect for inspiring a child's imagination. The spiral binding has the advantage of allowing small children to turn the heavy duty pages themselves without tearing or having the book close up on them. The front and back covers are extra durable, too. The book will be put to much good use by the children in my care. Thank you so much for making it."
- Diana Deeth & Family, Wisconsin
"Your children's book is aboslutely beautiful beyond description. Each page should be framed after the child is older and put in their room. I sold six books to my girlfriends for their grandchildren. The quality of the paper is exceptional. Everything is just first class!"
- Margot in Carefree, AZ
"Thank you so very much for sending us one of the first copies of your absolutely brilliant and beautiful book. The rhymes and illustrations are just so enjoyable and educational. This book is a treasure which we will preserve in our family's keepsakes. We are just crazy about it!"
- Nancy in Palo Alto, CA
"I just showed my 4-year-old nephew Jack my copy of the book. I said that if he liked it, I would order one for him. He liked it so much that he took my copy! I am ordering 5 more."
- Suzette in Ventura, CA
"The website www.bollynbooks.com is very impressive, pleasing and appealing! Great work! I, of course, especially like your quote from Rev. 1:3. " Blessed is the one that reads". You have moved into a great new adventure in your life with this work and I am pleased to sponsor it, encourage it, and give it my full backing in any way meaningful for whatever that may be worth."
- Lonnie D. Story, author of "Without a Shot Fired", a book on the tragic death of Dustin Brim, a 21-year old mechanic from Daytona, FL, who died of cancer from exposure to depleted uranium after 5 months of service in the U.S. Army in Iraq.