Webster Tarpley's Disinfo
January 20, 2010
A reader sent me a link to a YouTube video of Webster Tarpley being interviewed on Russia Today (RT) television on December 29 about the false-flag "attempted terror" attack that occurred on Christmas Day on Delta's Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport to Detroit. The video is interesting because it shows how Tarpley lies to protect Israel and the Mossad by putting the blame for the attempted bombing on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), which is currently headed by Leon E. Panetta, a man I have met on several occasions when he was my Congressman for the Monterey Bay area of California.
Webster Tarpley spews his usual disinformation when he says that Al Qaida in Yemen is "a creation wholly of the U.S. intelligence agencies." Who exactly is Tarpley protecting with these lies and who is he really serving?
I happen to know something about Webster Tarpley, having been part of the same four-man panel during Jimmy Walter's 9-11 Truth Tour in Europe in the summer of 2005. During the tour Tarpley put the blame for 9-11 on a nebulous group that he never actually identified but one would infer was tied to NATO and the CIA. Tarpley, like all the other panelists on the tour, never mentioned any Israeli or Zionist role in 9-11. My speech, on the other hand, focused on the real evidence that 9-11 was an Israeli false-flag terror atrocity designed to start the "War on Terror" and change the face of America. Finally, in Rome, in the presence of journalist Maurizio Blondet and others, I asked Mr. Tarpley why he insisted on blaming nebulous U.S. entities, without providing any evidence, while avoiding the real evidence of Israeli/Mossad involvement in the terror attacks of 9-11?

Tarpley blames the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 on U.S. intelligence, as can be seen from the cover of his book. He carefully avoids the abundant evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11 and the "War on Terror", which is a Zionist-designed conflict pushed by the current Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu since the mid-1980s.
In the RT video about Al Qaida in Yemen, Mr. Tarpley provides the same faulty logic and avoids any mention of Israeli intelligence, which has carried out large-scale operations in Yemen since 1949.
Here are the relevant quotes from Tarpley on RT television:
"Al Qaida, of course, is functioning, as always, as the CIA Arab-Islamic legion."
(Note the use of affirmative phrases to bolster his lie.)
"Al Qaida in the Arab Peninsula is a creation wholly of the U.S. intelligence agencies."
[The Christmas bomber Abdul Mutallab] is a "protected patsy", according to Tarpley, "an asset controlled by U.S. intelligence."
Webster Tarpley and his wife, the former Leah J. Peltier, live in the Washington, D.C. area. Leah is 17 years younger than Webster and reportedly a high school drop-out who only obtained a college degree in 2009. She has been with Tarpley since his days with the Lyndon LaRouche movement in the early 1990s. Her lack of real estate expertise or education notwithstanding, Leah is the Executive Vice President of Operations at the Washington D.C. office for the privately-owned Cresa Partners LLC, where she has worked only since 2007.
Leah Tarpley works under Gene S. Sachs, a "managing principal" and member of the board of directors of the Boston-based company. Leah is not the only Tarpley working for Mr. Sachs. Chloe Tarpley is also listed as an administrator in his firm. Chloe, who has only worked for Cresa Partners since May of 2008, is Webster Tarpley's daughter. Her biological father is Joseph Peltier, who said that her mother was a high school drop-out who got involved with Tarpley through the Larouche movement.

Chloe Peltier (Tarpley)
(Source: Facebook)
It is interesting to note that the Tarpley women work for the preferred agent of one of the world's largest defense contractors. Mr. Sachs' biggest client is BAE Systems North America. Sachs has completed more than 275 assignments for BAE in twenty states of the United States in the past five years. BAE Systems is the world's third largest defense contractor and Britain's leading aerospace/defense company.
In the company's own words:
BAE Systems Inc. is the U.S. subsidiary of BAE Systems plc, an international company engaged in the development, delivery and support of advanced defense and aerospace systems in the air, on land, at sea and in space. Headquartered in Rockville, Maryland, BAE Systems, Inc. employs some 45,000 employees in the US, UK, Sweden, Israel and South Africa generating annual sales in excess of $10 billion. BAE Systems Inc. consists of three operating groups that provide support and service solutions for current and future defense, intelligence, and civilian systems; design, develop and manufacture a wide range of electronic systems and subsystems for both military and commercial applications; and design, develop, produce, and provide service support of armored combat vehicles, artillery systems and intelligent munitions.

BAE's "Typhoon" is just one of the many war-fighting systems made by the British weapons giant.
Sachs has been the preferred real estate provider for BAE Systems NA since 2000 and manages some 18.5 million square feet of property for the sprawling British defense contractor. He is also the Treasurer of CresaPartners in Washington, according to Hoover's, so with two members of the Tarpley family working in his office, we can see that Mr. Sachs has a significant influence over the income flow for the Tarpley household.

Leah Tarpley works for Gene S. Sachs at the Washington office of CresaPartners LLC.

Gene S. Sachs, Managing Principal of CresaPartners LLC and preferred agent for the British defense giant BAE Systems, is Mrs. Tarpley's boss and paymaster.
If Mr. Tarpley has any solid evidence that Al Qaida in Yemen is, in fact, "a creation wholly of U.S. intelligence agencies" he should bring this information to the attention of the U.S. government and Leon E. Panetta, the Director of the CIA. Mr. Tarpley should explain who controls Al Qaida in Yemen, which he says is "functioning, as always, as the CIA Arab-Islamic legion." Pray tell Mr. Tarpley, which part of the CIA is running Al Qaida in Yemen? Is it under the direction of Mr. Panetta or is it a rogue outfit of the agency?
Mr. Tarpley should be asked if the CIA was running Al Qaida in Yemen when the USS Cole was bombed in 2000, an attack that killed 17 sailors and wounded 39 others. Perhaps Mr. Tarpley can explain the logic of why the CIA would attack a U.S. Navy ship in Yemen.

The bombed USS Cole looked very much like the USS Liberty after Israel bombed it in 1967. If "Al Qaida" in Yemen is really "controlled by U.S. intelligence," as Webster Tarpley says, he should explain why they would bomb their own ship. He should present his evidence to the U.S. government and Director of the CIA, if he has any.
Tarpley mentions that the Christmas bomber Abdul Mutallab flew through Amsterdam but he doesn't mention the conspicuous fact that security for both Schiphol Airport and Delta Airlines is provided by the Mossad-run company, International Consultants on Targeted Security -- the same company that provided passenger screening services at the crucial airports on 9-11.
So who is Webster Tarpley really serving with his disinformation?

Christopher Bollyn with Italian 9-11 journalist Maurizio Blondet at the Excelsior Hotel in Rome in June 2005 after asking Webster Tarpley why he avoided any discussion of Israeli involvement in 9-11.