The Israeli Role in the Plundering of Iceland
May 22, 2010
Part One
The discovery of large amounts of Super-Thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center is solid scientific proof that the government and media version of 9-11 is nothing but a pack of treasonous lies. The evidence indicates that the Twin Towers were exploded using sophisticated nano-composite forms of Thermite and cutter charges. Thanks to the Internet, the truth about 9-11 is out and understood by millions of people across America and around the world.
Although it may come as an unpleasant surprise to some, it is a proven fact that the same network of Zionist Jews is behind the false-flag terrorism of 9-11 and the huge financial crimes of the past few years. Maurice "Hank" Greenberg, for example, the disgraced former CEO of the fraudulent A.I.G., is a member of this criminal network. The first airplane flew directly into the secure computer room of Marsh McClennan (MMC), a Greenberg-owned company (headed by his son Jeffrey) on 9-11. Another Greenberg-owned company, Kroll Security, was responsible for security at the World Trade Center.

Maurice Greenberg is involved in both 9-11 and the A.I.G. bail-out.
Kroll Associates was responsible for "revamping security at the World Trade Center after the 1993 terrorist bombing," Douglas Frantz of the New York Times reported in 1994. This is a crucial point because those who controlled security at the WTC are prime suspects in the demolition of the Twin Towers. It was directly into the computer room of Marsh (Kroll) USA in the North Tower that the first plane struck -- or was precision-guided -- on 9-11. The light orange flame and whitish smoke that exploded out of the burning computer room of Marsh USA are indicative of a Thermite reaction. Burning jet fuel produces darker orange flames and blackish smoke.
John O'Neill, the former chief of counterterrorism with the FBI, who had investigated Al Qaida, was the head of security for the World Trade Center complex, and was reportedly killed on his first day of work - on 9-11. O'Neill had been appointed to this position by the managing director of the Kroll security company, Jerome M. Hauer. Evidently, Kroll continued to manage security for the WTC complex from 1993 until 9-11.

The first plane flew directly into the secure computer room of Greenberg's Marsh McClennan Company. The explosions and white smoke that accompanied the crash are indicative of Thermite having been preplaced in the computer room.
Later, Maurice Greenberg's fraudulent insurance company A.I.G. was the key player in the Bush-Obama bail-out of 2008-2009, receiving more than $180 billion in U.S. taxpayer funds. Much of the taxpayer money paid out to A.I.G. was then distributed to equally criminal private investment banks like Goldman Sachs, whose profits from dodgy financial schemes/instruments had been insured by A.I.G. Fear tactics were employed as the U.S. taxpayer was robbed while being told that the bail-out of the network of financial criminals was for the public good.
We then find the same Zionist criminal network behind the Bernard Madoff scam in which tens of billions of dollars disappeared into thin air. The fact that Madoff's business partner Sy Syms was also a director of a private Israeli bank called Israel Discount Bank (New York), a bank with a documented history of money laundering and a branch in Switzerland, did not seem to interest Lev Dassin, the Zionist prosecutor. Most remarkably, Dassin, the prosecutor of Madoff, failed to even file charges of conspiracy in a financial criminal case in which more than $26 billion is reported to have disappeared.
Behind all of these mega-crimes we find one common denominator: a network of individuals connected to Israeli intelligence, the Mossad. The Israelis are well known to have a penchant for audacity. Seemingly immune from prosecution, the Mossad's crimes have only become more audacious. The evidence of Israeli involvement in these crimes is clear and indisputable. The only reason the Israelis get away with their outrageous crimes is because there is no political will to prosecute them.
The looting of much of the wealth of Iceland is one such mega-crime in which we find Israelis involved at the highest level. The First Lady of Iceland, Dorrit Moussaieff, is an Israeli Jew, which adds a significant wrinkle to the whole plot.

The Israeli Dorrit Moussaieff is the "fabulously wealthy socialite wife of the President of Iceland." So why did a "fabulously wealthy" Israeli Jew marry the president of a small Nordic nation in the North Atlantic?
Iceland recently arrested several executives of the former Kaupthing bank, the largest Icelandic bank involved in the collapse of the Icelandic economy in the fall of 2008. Kaupthing and a couple other banks were responsible for the looting of much of the wealth of Iceland (and other nations). Two of the former executives of the bank were recently held in solitary confinement to facilitate the Icelandic investigation.
Iceland's special prosecutor is investigating a number of former Kaupthing executives for alleged market manipulation and forgery. Before its collapse, Kaupthing lent more than $12 billion in shady deals that were "if not illegal, completely unethical," Prime Minister Johanna Sigurdardottir said. When Kaupthing, Glitnir Bank, and Landsbanki Islands collapsed in October 2008 they had amassed debts equivalent to 12 times Iceland’s gross domestic product. After taking control of the three banks, the government was forced to seek a $4.6 billion International Monetary Fund-led loan to stay afloat. If an intelligence agency of a foreign government were involved in bankrupting Iceland, a member of NATO, it should be considered an act of war.
Kaupthing's loan book (leaked on the Internet) shows that around one third of its $20 billion in corporate loans went to a small elite connected to the bank's owners and management. One of Kaupthing's owners and the bank's largest debtor when it collapsed is an Iraqi-Iranian Jew named Robert Tchenguiz (pronounced like Genghis, as in Khan). The bank's leaked loan book shows that Tchenguiz borrowed some $3 billion from the bank to finance his private investments. Tchenguiz and his brother Vincent are London-based business tycoons. Robert was an owner of Kaupthing as one of the largest shareholders in Exista, a company that was the largest shareholder of the bank.

Robert Tchenguiz - "I can't comment on what Hreidar did or didn't do. It is very difficult for me to discuss this. I don't know why he was arrested. I don't know anything about the case."

Tchenguiz siblings Vincent and Lisa
Tchenguiz claims that he lost everything with the bank's collapse. "I lost all my money with the collapse of Kaupthing and I am suing the bank so I have to watch what I say," he said recently. High-profile "losers" like the Tchenguiz brothers, who lose billions of dollars, are typical of Mossad financial scams. Like Bernard Madoff, the Tchenguiz brothers claim to have lost billions of dollars, but where did the money really go?
As I pointed out in the Madoff scam, the missing billions probably went to secret Zionist-controlled bank accounts, for example at the Swiss branch of Israel Discount Bank where Madoff's friend and business partner Sy Syms (a.k.a. Seymour Merinsky) was a long-time director. In the Tchenguiz case, the Israeli partner-in-crime was probably his father, Victor, whose original surname is reported to be Kedourie Molaaem, and who has lived in Israel since at least 2003.
Victor Tchenguiz, an Iraqi Jew from Baghdad, has evidently worked with the Israeli Mossad for decades, and was reported in the British press in 2003 to be "the brains" behind the Tchenguiz business empire: "One reason that Victor Tchenguiz was long supposed to be the brains behind Rotch was that his Ferrari-driving sons didn't seem to spend much time at their desks," Conal Walsh wrote in the Observer of May 25, 2003.

The Tchenguiz kids, Vincent, Lisa, and Robert are well known for living high on other people's money. As the
Observer noted in 2003: "The [Iranian Jewish] community is also legendary when it comes to shopping and partying. One reason that Victor Tchenguiz was long supposed to be the brains behind Rotch was that his Ferrari-driving sons didn't seem to spend much time at their desks."
About the Israeli connection with the Tchenguiz family, Walsh wrote:
Victor Tchenguiz, 80 and now living in Israel, is a larger-than-life figure who apparently traded in his original surname of Kedorie for Tchenguiz, Persian for 'Genghis', in honour of the great Mongol warlord.
An Iraqi-born Jew, he reportedly fled Baghdad to avoid persecution in 1948, landing in Iran and swiftly becoming a favourite of the Shah. How Victor did this is unclear - Robert has hinted that he married well - but by the Seventies he was jeweller to Iran's royal family and, it has been reported, in charge of the royal mint. When the Shah was deposed in 1979, Victor fled to London, with his fortune seemingly intact.
The British press seems to be quite clueless about Victor Tchenguiz's high-level connections to the Shah of Iran and how he got there, as Chris Blackhurst wrote in his MT interview with Robert Tchenguiz:
Somehow, despite being a foreigner, Victor became a member of the Shah's inner circle, becoming the royal jeweller and also head of the country's mint. The family were in the elite of Iranian society - the children were pupils at the International School in Tehran and the sons went to university abroad - Robert to Pepperdine in California.
Then the Shah fell. Victor moved the family to London, again displaying enormous dexterity by managing to bring their money over as well.
While the press reports are quite sketchy, the name suggests that the Tchenguiz family may originally be Iranian Jews, perhaps named Molayem (i.e. soft), which would fit the unusual "Molaaem" spelling of the family name. Although Victor and Violet met in Baghdad, they were married in Iran after a very short courtship, apparently in 1955 according to a 2009 interview with their daughter Lisa. There would be no reason for Iraqi Jews to be married in Iran if they did not have family there:
Lisa's own parents, who are both Iraqi Jews by origin, had a semi-arranged marriage. Her father spotted her mother walking beside the canal in Baghdad, and introduced himself to her father at a café. Several coffees later, the deal was done. 'My mother was at home when her mother came in and told her that she was having an engagement party the following week.' The couple 'dated' for five days, heavily chaperoned, then married in Iran.
Fifty-four years later, they are still together and, says Lisa, happily so.
It is well known that the Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency, played a key role in supporting the Shah of Iran and his secret police, the SAVAK, as the Wikipedia article on the Mossad notes:
Prior to the Iranian Revolution of 1978–79, SAVAK (Organization of National Security and Information), the Iranian secret police and intelligence service was created under the guidance of United States and Israeli intelligence officers in 1957 to protect the regime of the shah by arresting, torturing, and executing the dissidents (especially Leftists). After security relations between the United States and Iran grew more distant in the early 1960s which led the CIA training team to leave Iran, Mossad became increasingly active in Iran, "training SAVAK personnel and carrying out a broad variety of joint operations with SAVAK."
As the Jew who headed the Iranian mint and served as court jeweller for the Shah, Victor Tchenguiz would have worked closely with the Mossad. The Mossad connection would explain why Victor lives in Israel while his "billionaire" children and grandchildren all live in Britain. Why would Victor leave his family and home to retire in a country where he has never lived? The evidence suggests that Victor is indeed "the brains" behind the looting of Iceland and probably needed to be in Israel - close to his Israeli partners-in-crime - to pull off the mega-heist.
(To be continued...)
"Robert Tchenguiz: I lost everything with Kaupthing", by Jóna Ann Pétursdóttir, Pressan (Iceland) May 7, 2010