Norwegian and U.S. Soldiers Kill for Thrills in Afghanistan
September 30, 2010
Search for the truth is the noblest occupation of man; its publication is a duty.
- Madame de Stael
Norwegians and Scandinavians are shocked and appalled to read that Norwegian soldiers actually enjoy killing Afghan resistance fighters, who are fighting the foreign occupation of their country. The Norwegian magazine Alfa coming out this week carries an article with interviews with Norwegian snipers who brag about killing Afghans from more than 2,500 meters. The Norwegian report mirrors a grisly ABC News report of U.S. troops "Killing for Sport" innocent Afghan civilians and cutting off parts of their bodies. These reports reveal the false morality of the criminal war in Afghanistan.
To kill Afghans, the soldiers say, is better than having sex. "To fight and kill is worth three months without sex. Maybe it sounds idiotic but it is better than sex," one Norwegian sniper said. "When you are on the field it is you or the enemy. And when you see the 'red mist' (blood spurt from sniper victim) is indescribable. It's why we are here."
"Sometimes we get lucky," one of the snipers told Alfa. "I hit a Taliban in the neck from 2,770 meters on February 2. That was really great."

Norwegian snipers in Afghanistan
Alfa magazine appears to be of that peculiar genre of magazines for men that mixes sex with war and violence. Although the issue of Alfa has not yet hit the newstands the story has already caused an uproar in Norway, a land that suffered a brutal occupation under the Nazi regime during the Second World War. This presents the fundamental ethical problem that I posed to the Norwegian government several years ago when it became clear to the public that Norwegian soldiers were not promoting democracy or building schools in Afghanistan - they were simply killing people.

"I have commanded my forces that our mission is to kill, and we have great success with it...I don't reflect any further about taking peoples' lives," company chief Kristian Simonsen in Meymaneh, near the border with Turkmenistan, told VG magazine.
The Norwegian mission that Simonsen commands is called the Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) but what are they really constructing? What is the real purpose for the 500 Norwegian soldiers who are on a mission to kill Afghans in the province of Afghanistan that borders Turkmenistan? Could it be that greedy Norwegian oil oligarchs (read Statoil) are invested in the criminal scheme to occupy Afghanistan in order to build the TAPI gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to India - for Israel's Mossad gangsters? (See my articles below.)

Norwegian soldiers training at the PRT base Meymaneh. How can their stated "mission to kill" be called "reconstruction"? Why is Norway so deeply involved in this massive crime that is directly linked to the hoax of 9/11?
(Photo - Norwegian Military)

“The positive achievement of PRT Meymaneh is also a result of the Scandinavian way of life and its culture. A great sense of humor, combined with a warm heart, an open mind, tolerance and consideration toward the Afghan population are the two special brands of this PRT.”
- German Brig. Gen. Frank Leidenberger on the Norwegian-led Provincial Reconstruction Team in Meymaneh, June 2010
How can any Christian nation that suffered a brutal occupation in its modern history take part in the illegal occupation of Afghanistan? How could Norwegians be part of the "coalition of the killing"? The Norwegian government did not deign to respond to my question, although I am only trying to help them out of a very bad situation. Of the 4 Scandinavian and Baltic nations I asked about being involved in combat in Afghanistan, only Finland responded with a protest saying that ISAF soldiers were not involved in combat operations - a complete lie. When queried about the news reports, the Finnish spokesman refused to discuss the subject any further.

Norway's Minister of Defense Grete Faremo (left) with military chief Per Sunde. Faremo said that the soldiers' statements were unacceptable. “I strongly oppose the soldiers' comments," Faremo said. "Our soldiers receive great recognition for their mission. But if the types of attitudes that have come forth in VG exist, then they are best left in the dark."
No, Ms Faremo, the soldiers' comments should not be "left in the dark". Their statements simply reflect the brutal reality of the murderous mission they were sent on by Norwegian government officials like you. How can killing be anything but murder in such a criminal war? What is truly unacceptable is Norway's participation in the pre-planned war of aggression in Afghanistan.
The story that first made it quite clear that Norwegian soldiers were fighting in Afghanistan concerned German helicopter pilots who went back to base in the evening rather than continue fighting Afghans. The Norwegians complained that they could have gone on killing if the Germans had not returned to base at dusk.

Magnus Rønningen, editor of ALFA, said he believes the real scandal is how the military has handled the matter. “It is not the soldiers’ comments that are the most shocking here, but the military’s way of publicly stabbing its own soldiers in the back. It is for me, at best, extremely bad leadership,” he said.
Author's Note - As an American with Norwegian ancestors I have a great deal of respect for Norway and Norwegian culture. My criticism of Norway's current participation in the war in Afghanistan should not be misconstrued as anti-Norwegian.

Rev. Thorval H. Larsen, the author's great-grandfather, was born near Kongsberg in Telemark, Norway in 1856 shortly before his family emigrated to the United States. Thorval became a highly educated multi-lingual Lutheran minister in what is today southwestern North Dakota.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"Norwegian minister: Military needs more focus on ethics", EarthTimes, September 27, 2010,military-needs-focus-ethics.html
"Å krige er bedre enn sex", VG (Norway), September 27, 2010
"Uttalelsene er ikke sjokkerende", NRK (Norway), September 28, 2010
"Killing For Sport - Confession Video: US Soldier Describes Thrill Kill of Innocent Afghans", by Matthey Cole and Brian Ross, September 27, 2010, ABC News
"Northern Afghan Provincial Reconstruction Team Has New Commander", ISAF Public Affairs Office, June 10, 2010
Bollyn, Christopher, "Afghanistan - Obama's War for Israel", July 6, 2010
Bollyn, "Dying in Vain - Why Afghanistan?", February 8, 2010
Bollyn, "Obama's Deception - 9/11 and Afghanistan", June 5, 2009
Bollyn, "The Spoils of War: The Minerals of Afghanistan", January 7, 2002
"Strid bättre än sex", Aftonbladet (Sweden), September 28, 2010