VI - Who Controls Our Elections?
Chapter VI
Who Controls Our Elections?
Computer Crimes: Understanding the Deception Behind 9-11 and Election Fraud
The stealing of American elections is primarily a computer crime, as was the false flag terror attack of 9-11. These crimes are carried out by criminals who produce malicious computer code and enterprise software.
I know Americans who watch television every night. I actually know people who spend virtually every non-working minute of the day in front of a television, bathing in the absolutely fake and utterly non-intellectual "reality" of TV. Millions of Americans, in fact, receive the bulk of their news and information about the world from the television. That means that a very large segment of the American population has a worldview that has been shaped primarily by what they have seen on TV. For many people, the artificial and contrived "reality" of the two-dimensional television screen largely defines and informs their view of the real world.
This is why so many Americans know so little about the Middle East. The most obvious symptom of this television-induced ignorance is that most Americans know nothing about the real history of Zionism and the State of Israel. They are completely unaware, for example, of the long history of Zionist terrorism against Palestinians, Americans, Jews, and even Israelis. Raised on Hollywood television and movies, many Americans don't have the slightest clue about the real nature of Zionism.
Think about this for a minute: When was the last time you saw a movie in which the bad guys were Israelis speaking a guttural Slavic-based language called Yiddish or "Ivreet"? Can you recall even one television program in which the criminals or terrorists were Israelis? Apart from The Little Drummer Girl by John Le Carre, I have never seen a film in which Israelis were anything but heroes or victims, usually both. The Little Drummer Girl, which is a film worth watching, shows how false flag terror attacks are frequently committed by Israeli intelligence agents to be blamed on their enemies. Such false flag Zionist terror attacks were carried out against synagogues in Europe in the movie, and in Baghdad in real life during the late 1940s.
In the usual Hollywood films about terrorists, such as the Die Hard films and others produced by Zionist media moguls, the bad guys are always Arabs, Germans, or corrupt members of the U.S. military. For many decades the Zionists who control Hollywood have defined who the "bad guys" are for most Americans. Israelis and their fellow Zionists are, therefore, never the "bad guys" in Hollywood films, although Israelis and Zionists play a very major role, if not the leading role, in the real world of organized crime.

Kobi Alexander, one of the high-level Israeli criminals involved in Comverse, Odigo, and 9-11. After stealing hundreds of millions of dollars, Alexander fled to Israel and Namibia seeking refuge from U.S. justice. Israeli criminals like Alexander are seldom portrayed in Hollywood films.
For the people in the U.S. military whose job it is to protect and defend the United States, reality is largely defined by the information they receive on their computer monitors. These people spend most of their workdays sitting in front of screens that provide the data to which they respond, often in life-or-death situations.
But who really controls the information that the average American and the specialists in the U.S. military receive on their screens? You may be surprised to discover that the man behind the curtain is an Israeli with a thick guttural accent and a foreign and extremely racist view of the world.
Having observed the counting of the votes in the elections in many countries, I found this essential process of democratic elections to be the most bizarre in Chicago, where there is absolutely no interest by the public or the media in how the votes are actually counted. So far gone is the democratic franchise in Chicago that it can be said that it no longer exists in any meaningful way.
An electronic voting machine: a device for stealing elections and controlling nations.
When I was at Election Headquarters at the office of the Clerk of Cook County in downtown Chicago to observe the "vote count," I was told to wait at a counter and simply watch the television screens overhead. I inquired, “But where is the vote count happening? I was informed by Scott Burnham that I could observe the counting of the votes.”
The vote count, I was then told, was being done in a back room by the employees of a private company, and there I could not go. When I monitored the election in Chicago in March 2006, the back room "counting of the votes" process was being run by a bunch of Venezuelans working for a mysterious company called Sequoia Voting Systems. This privately-owned and foreign company was running the elections for Chicago and Cook County, that shining beacon of democracy.
Sequoia's website says this:
Sequoia is a leading American-owned election technology provider with major offices in California, Colorado and New York and an unsurpassed 100-year-plus history of providing accurate, reliable, accessible and innovative voting solutions dating back to the nation's first lever-based mechanical voting equipment in the 1890s.
Nobody in Chicago had the slightest clue who really owned Sequoia, nor did anybody even care. All I could find was that it was a shell company registered in the Dutch Antilles registered to another shell company in The Netherlands. The two young Venezuelans who were running the company were apparently Sephardic Jews whose fathers were film producers in the movie business in South America.
The election results for Cook County, produced by our Venezuelan friends, were displayed on television monitors, and the members of the press simply recorded the results and called it an election. They could not have cared less about how the votes were being counted. When I told a Chicago television person that I was there to see how the votes were counted, and commented that they did a better job counting votes in Serbia, she responded that she was glad she was not in Serbia.
That is how elections are done in Chicago, one of the most corrupt cities in the world, and it is very much the same in every other city and state in the United States. The counting of the votes in American elections, you see, has been completely removed from the oversight of the American people and has been turned over to private foreign-owned companies, who own the equipment and control the software that runs the voting equipment and counts the votes for most American voters.
Some of these companies involved in U.S. elections, such as Voxeo, which processed the tally of the Iowa caucus in 2004 giving John Forbes Kerry an undeserved boost, are owned or controlled by Israeli military intelligence. Again in 2008, the Voxeo results of the Iowa caucus gave Barack Obama an unexpected victory. In many cases, the election software is controlled by the Israelis, and through back doors they are able to manipulate the results.
The controlled media ignores the fundamental problem that there is no transparency in American elections. The theft of American elections by privately owned election and software companies tied to Israeli intelligence is an absolute non-issue in the Zionist-controlled media in the United States. So, who really controls American elections? Ask Shimon Peres or Ehud Olmert or the director of Mossad, but don't expect the Zionist-controlled media in the United States to tell you.
The stealing of American elections is primarily a computer crime, as was the false flag terror attack of 9-11. These crimes are carried out by criminals who produce malicious computer code and enterprise software. The part of the crime done through the computer systems is very difficult to detect and trace, which gives the perpetrators a false sense of invulnerability, not unlike the bad guys in a James Bond film. There is, however, an agent who leaves a record of producing and distributing the software that is used in these computer crimes. This is the starting point from which we can determine who is really behind these computer crimes.
PTECH & 9-11 – The "Arab" Disguise Fails
During the first 9-11 "truth" events, there was a great deal of discussion about a Massachusetts-based software company called Ptech, which had been involved with the computer systems of the FAA and NORAD, two agencies whose systems completely failed on 9-11.
"Ptech was with Mitre Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9-11 and their specific job was to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force, in case of an emergency," the former risk and software specialist Indira Singh told the 9-11 Citizens' Commission hearings.
So this mysterious little company from Quincy, Massachusetts, whose software was on all the critical computer networks of the U.S. government and military, we were told, was Arab-owned, financed, and linked to terrorists. This, however, was quite false; Ptech was simply an Arab "cut out."
As I quickly discovered, Ptech's Arab identity was fake; it was nothing but an Arab "cut out." Ptech was, in fact, an Israeli-controlled Mossad front company, made to look like an Arab-owned company. When a company goes to such lengths to mask its true identity, you can be sure there is a very important reason.
In an article of January 2005, entitled "Ptech, 9-11, and USA-Saudi Terror, Part II," an author named Michael Kane wrote on Michael Ruppert's website From The Wilderness:
January 27, 2005 (FTW) - Ptech - the software company whose major investors and directors are strongly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood - produced software that derived from PROMIS, had an artificial intelligence core, and was installed on virtually every computer system of the U.S. government and its military agencies on September 11, 2001. This included the White House, Treasury Department (Secret Service), Air Force, FAA, CIA, FBI, both houses of Congress, Navy, Department of Energy, IRS, Booz Allen Hamilton, IBM, Enron and more.
Whoever plotted 9/11 definitely viewed the FAA as an enemy that morning. Overriding FAA systems would be the most effective way to ensure the attacks were successful. To do this, the FAA needed an evolution of PROMIS software installed on their systems and Ptech was just that; the White House & Secret Service had the same software on their systems - likely a superior modified version capable of "surveillance and intervention" functions.
Ptech is enterprise architecture software, which Indira planned on customizing to use as "risk architecture" software.
Enterprise architecture software is designed with the express purpose of knowing everything that is going on throughout the entirety of the enterprise in real-time. In the case of Ptech software installed on White House, Secret Service, Air Force and FAA systems, the enterprise included all of the data produced by those agencies in real-time.
How odd. What was so telling about these early reports by Kane and others about Ptech in the 9-11 "truth" movement is that these people seemed to know a great deal about how the Ptech software works, while they were completely blind about the Israeli connection to the company. They all stressed that Ptech was an Arab-owned and financed company from Quincy, Massachusetts. Either they don't know anything about who Ptech is -- or they are supporting the lie that it is an Arab company. I suspect the latter.
I never accepted the notion that 9-11 had been carried out by Muslims in Pakistan or terrorists based in the caves of Afghanistan. This always seemed preposterous and it didn't take me very long to find that Ptech was an Arab cut-out controlled by an agent of Israeli intelligence. It made no sense that Arab terrorists, who could barely fly, could deceive the U.S. Air Force, NORAD, and the FAA, and that the extremely sophisticated 9-11 operation was directed from a cave in Afghanistan. I'm sorry, but that is just not believable.
Ptech, as I discovered, was from the beginning controlled by a Jewish lawyer from Worcester, Massachusetts, named Michael S. Goff. It is very clear that Goff worked for Mossad, because the prize client of his PR firm was a Mossad-owned company named Guardium.
Michael S. Goff, the son of B'nai B'rith and Worcester lawyer who quit his law practice to market Ptech software to the U.S. government. (Photo from Goff website)
This is how I reported this discovery in my article of April 2005 entitled "How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9-11":
Joe Bergantino, a reporter for WBZ-TV's investigative team, was torn. He could risk breaking a story based on months of work investigating a software firm linked to terrorism, or heed the government's demand to hold the story for national security reasons. In mid-June, Bergantino received a tip from a woman in New York who suspected that Ptech, a computer software company in Quincy, Mass., had ties to terrorists. Ptech specialized in developing software that manages information contained in computer networks.
Bergantino's investigation revealed that Ptech's clients included many federal governmental agencies, including the U.S. Army, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Naval Air Command, Congress, the Department of Energy, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Internal Revenue Service, NATO, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service, and even the White House.
"Ptech was doing business with every federal government in defense and had access to key government data," Bergantino said.
The Mossad handler at Ptech was, in my opinion, an American named Michael S. Goff, who is disingenuous about what he did, when he worked at, and when he left, Ptech. It should be noted that Ptech "got on its feet in 1994." Goff implies that he left Ptech when Goff Communications began in 1994; certainly not true.
Here is what Michael Goff's website says about his work there:
Michael was marketing manager at Ptech, Inc., a leading provider of business process modeling, design and development software. In this capacity, Michael managed various marketing programs and activities including public relations, direct mail, Web development, collateral, trade shows and seminars. Additionally, Michael worked closely with the Ptech sales organization to perform competitive analysis as well as manage lead tracking and fulfillment activities.
When Michael first joined Ptech, he shared responsibilities between marketing and information systems for the company. As information systems manager, Michael handled design, deployment and management of its Windows and Macintosh, data, and voice networks. As part of this effort, Michael developed Lotus Notes-based systems for sales and marketing lead tracking and IS service and support requests. Michael also performed employee training and handled all procurement for software, systems and peripherals.
From Goff Communications website, you will notice that one of his current prize clients is an Israeli company known as Guardium. This company is located less than 5 miles from Hanscom AFB, site of MIT's Lincoln Labs and about the same distance from Boston's Logan Airport. The Israeli presence can be seen all over MIT and Boston.
Guardium, a "database security" firm, is clearly a Mossad operation working in a critical area - the same area that the two planes that hit the World Trade Center originated - Boston's Logan Airport.
Don't take my word for it, look at who finances Guardium. Three firms, all Israeli, and all manned by Mossad agents. It should be noted that Mossad's headquarters are in Herzliya. It is clear that the three firms, Cedar Fund, Veritas Venture Partners, and Stage One, are all Mossad funding outfits.
Ari Bronshtein, currently a director of Elron Electronic, the Israeli defense company behind Voxeo and the stealing of the Iowa caucus in 2004, was the manager of business analysis at Comverse Technologies, Inc. (See: Kobi Alexander and Odigo on 9-11) from 1999 to 2000. Bronshtein was also chairman of the investment committee of Stage One, one of the Mossad investors of Guardium. Do you see the links between the Israeli military intelligence and the computer crimes of 9-11 and the theft of elections in the United States? This is, however, just the tip of the iceberg.
When I exposed the Israeli players behind Ptech, it should have changed everything, at least for those who follow what happened on 9-11. Ptech, whose "enterprise architecture software is designed with the express purpose of knowing everything that is going on throughout the entirety of the enterprise in real-time," was not an evil Arab company after all. It was an Israeli-run company disguised as an Arab company.
Do you really think that the most critical computer networks in the U.S. government would accept and run enterprise software from a Lebanese Muslim immigrant from Massachusetts? Of course not, but there were agents on the inside, and then there was the Jewish lawyer for Worcester, Michael Goff.
Another "Arab" cut-out company tied to 9-11 surfaced when I got a tip from a reader in the Fort Lauderdale area of Florida. It concerned a graphics company called Next Graphics, a firm my source had done business with and which he even thought was Palestinian-owned.
The facade of being a Muslim-owned firm at Next Graphics was entirely fake, like the bogus religious shrine they had in the entry. The principal owners of Next Graphics were Israelis and they are very closely tied to the Israelis who met with Ehud Olmert in New York on the day before September 11, 2001.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
Bollyn, Christopher, "How Mossad Deceived the U.S. Military on 9/11," April 2005
Bollyn, Christopher, "Is MITRE Corp. The Trojan Horse of 9/11?" April 2005
Bollyn, Christopher, "How a Private Company Counts our Votes"
"Michael Chertoff and the sabotage of the Ptech investigation"
Goff Communications (Michael's image disappeared after my 2005 article appeared.)
Solving 9-11: How Israeli Military Intelligence Controls Our Elections, Government and Military, January 2, 2008
Final Edit – August 20, 2009
Latest Correction - February 16, 2010