Super-Thermite Found in World Trade Center Dust
April 5, 2009
"The evidence for active, highly energetic thermitic material in the WTC dust is compelling...All these data suggest that the thermitic material found in the WTC dust is a form of nanothermite, not ordinary (macro-) thermite."
- Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
Professor Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University is already well known for his research and analysis of the evidence of thermite in the destruction of the three demolished towers of the World Trade Center on 9-11. A recently released 25-page scientific paper entitled "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe" (nicely written for the lay reader), presents the physical evidence that an extremely powerful form of super-thermite was used to demolish the twin towers of the World Trade Center on 9-11. Super-thermite is a highly energetic form of thermite (iron oxide and aluminum) in which at least one component is in extremely fine, nanosize particles 100 nm or less, often along with silicon and carbon. Super-thermite is an extremely powerful explosive that releases much more energy per gram than any other conventional explosive used in demoliton.
The Jones study concludes that active super-thermite was found in four different samples of WTC dust tested:
Iron oxide appears in faceted grains roughly 100 nm across whereas the aluminum appears in thin platelike structures. The small size of the iron oxide particles qualifies the material to be characterized as nanothermite or super-thermite...Based on these observations, we conclude that the red layer of the red/gray chips we have discovered in the WTC dust is active, unreacted thermitic material, incorporating nanotechnology, and is a highly energetic pyrotechnic or explosive material.
The evidence that Jones and his team examined was in the form of very small particles found in four different samples of WTC dust. In each sample they found small pieces, or chips, that were composed of two layers, a red layer and a gray layer. The gray layer consisted mostly of iron oxide, while the red layer contained iron, oxygen, aluminum, silicon, and carbon -- all the components of super-thermite. The analysis and testing of the red and gray chips revealed that the super-thermite composite ignited at the surprisingly low temperature of 430 degrees Celsius and caused an explosive reaction which resulted in iron spheroids, exactly like thermite. This is to say that the heat-producing explosive reaction created temperatures hotter than 1400 degrees Celsius, the melting point of iron.
Two of the four chips tested released more energy by mass (kJ/g) than HMX, TNT, TATB explosives and normal thermite. These two chips released between 50 to nearly 100 percent more energy that the four conventional explosives. One of the chips released twice as much energy per gram (more than 10 Watts/g) than Xerogel, a similar super-thermite nanocomposite. The WTC chip released twice as much energy as the Xerogel and ignited at only 430 degrees C. rather than 530 degrees C. for the Xerogel. This indicates that the super-thermite found in the World Trade Center dust was an extremely powerful form of super-thermite.
Super-thermite, which has been fabricated at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and other places, can be sprayed or even “painted” onto surfaces, effectively forming an energetic or even explosive paint, the study pointed out. “The sol-gel process is very amenable to dip-, spin-, and spray-coating technologies to coat surfaces," scientists from Lawrence Livermore wrote in a 2002 paper entitled "Energetic nanocomposites with sol-gel chemistry: Synthesis, safety, and characterization."
"The red chips we found in the WTC dust conform to their description of 'thin films' of 'hybrid inorganic/organic energetic nanocomposite'," the Jones paper says. "Indeed, the descriptive terms 'energetic coating' and 'nice adherent film' fit very well with our observations of the red-chips which survived the WTC destruction."
It is now evident that a super-thermite solution had been applied to large sections of the World Trade Center, including walls, floor sections, and structural beams and columns in the core section. It may have been applied as a thin spray coating applied under the guise of fire-proofing, asbestos abatement, or some other form of building maintenance. Super-thermite is safe to handle and only becomes dangerous when it is dry. Several years ago, I contacted Burton Fried, president of LVI, a demoliton company that reportedly had done extensive "asbestos abatement" work in the twin towers. I considered LVI's work in the twin towers as suspicious because the company is primarily known for preparing structures for demolition and works closely with Controlled Demolition Inc. on large demolition projects. Is this the kind of work LVI did at the World Trade Center? Although Mr. Fried denied having done the work, it had been reported in a reputable engineering magazine that LVI had done extensive "asbestos abatement" work in the towers and the journalist who wrote the piece confirmed that the source of this information had been Fried himself. Freid's reaction, "I didn't do it," only increased my suspicions.
The published documentation of evidence of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center has taken the 9-11 truth movement to a new level. If Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaida boys did not spray super-thermite in the twin towers, who did?
Now that we know that super-thermite was used to demolish and pulverize the twin towers, we need to find out who applied the film of super explosive to surfaces and parts of the buildings. This certainly must have been a task that involved a team of men working for weeks, if not months, and their work must have been observed by other personnel involved in maintaining the buildings.
Sources: Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade
Center Catastrophe, (can be downloaded in pdf format from The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2, 7-31
Bollyn, Christopher, Did LVI Work in the Twin Towers Before 9/11?, March 20, 2005
Bollyn, Christopher, The Controlled Press & The Lies of 9-11, March 19, 2005
Engineering News-Record, "Industry Firms Pitch in for World Trade Cleanup While Others Account for Employees in Doomed Buildings," by Richard Korman and Debra Rubin and Gary Tulacz, September 13, 2001 (Report that LVI had done "extensive asbestos abatement work" in the twin towers)
Super-Thermite Demolished Twin Towers on 9-11
April 14, 2009
I was very encouraged to receive a donation from a retired professor of philosophy from India, who wrote: "I have been an avid reader of your work for several years now, and I feel I should be supporting it." The good professor also sent these kind words with his donation: "…as a token of support and thanks for the incomparable work you are doing."
To have a professor of philosophy from India support my work means a great deal to me. I have spent time in India and respect its immense contribution to philosophy.
During the past two weeks I have been poring over archives from the past 8 years to collect my articles for my book, a historiography about 9-11, which has the working title Solving 9-11 and the Price I Had to Pay. This entails culling through some 1,000 articles to decide which are most relevant to what really happened on 9-11.

Evidence of thermite was evident from the first moment. The light-orange explosive cloud to the left is coming from the point of impact. The whitish clouds are indicative of pre-planted thermite explosives in the area targeted for impact.
My book, which will include most of my original investigative articles about 9-11, will be an historiography, i.e. a body of historical literature, documenting the search for the truth. It will be my contribution to the written history of 9-11. After more than 7 years of research and writing, I thought 2009 was the right year to publish my book; recently published research indicates that this will be a crucial year for 9-11 research.
One of the most significant events in the search for the truth of 9-11 was the recent publication of a scientific paper, written by nine scientists, about the discovery of "active thermitic material" found in the dust from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center. Such an important discovery would be front page news if we lived in a truly democratic society with a free press. Alas.
The paper, written by Dr. Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University and eight others, follows up on earlier research by Jones of the evidence of thermite in the collapse of the three towers of the World Trade Center. This study is of great importance because it reveals the physical evidence that active thermite, in an extremely explosive "super-thermite" form, was found in large amounts in the dust from the collapsed towers. This positive physical proof of super-thermite is a huge breakthrough; a first in the scientific search for the truth of what happened when the twin towers exploded on the morning of 9-11.
As I wrote after reading the paper, the game is over. If President Obama were truly a man of the people, as he pretends to be, he would address this discovery because this evidence completely disproves the accepted version of events of what happened on 9-11, the pack of lies upon which the "War on Terror" is based. If we had a truly free press in the United States, this discovery would be front page news and the subject of discussion on every news outlet in the nation.
Alas, the discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the WTC is not front-page news because the politicians and the press in the United States are tightly controlled. But the truth cannot be so easily controlled. Americans now live in an uncomfortable conflicted state in which provable scientific evidence tells us that our leaders are complicit in a huge criminal cover-up of the truth of what really happened on 9-11. This is the state I have lived in for more than 7 years.
What happens from this point on depends a great deal on what the people do about the information they now have about what really destroyed the towers on 9-11: The towers were not brought down by the fires caused by the burning fuel of two airliners; they were demolished with pre-planted explosives, including large amounts of an extremely potent form of super-thermite, which had been applied to surfaces of the building in the months prior to 9-11. Osama Bin Laden and his gang of twenty certainly did not spray super-thermite throughout the towers of World Trade Center in the weeks and months before 9-11 – so who did?
For 9-11 truth seekers this is an historic moment. We have crossed the hump. For those involved in the cover-up, on the other hand, things will only get worse. The evidence of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center is like the writing on the wall; for the criminals of 9-11 and their supporters the writing is quite clear. It says: Game Over.

The tons of molten metal seen cascading from the South Tower seconds before it collapsed indicated the use of thermite as did the tiny spheres of iron found in the dust and the molten iron found in the basements of all three collapsed towers. The discovery of active super-thermite in the dust of the collapsed towers, however, is compelling proof that an extremely explosive form of nano-sized thermite was used to demolish and pulverize the towers - and the hundreds of people trapped within them. So who put it in the towers? Osama bin Laden?
Letters to the Media about Evidence of Super Thermite
April 21, 2009
I have sent the following letters to the New York Times, CNN and Time Warner, my representative in Congress, and the Guardian newspaper in Britain. Letters like these should be sent by concerned citizens across America and around the world to local politicians and media as well as the big networks and each and every member of Congress - and the White House. I would recommend that the letters be sent by email and also by post. Request a written response. A follow-up phone call would also help. Readers are taking similar actions in Canada and Australia. Citizens, now is the time to pile on the pressure. Feel free to use my links and text if you would like to. Let me know how it goes in your area. You can now contact me by clicking on the little envelope at the top right-hand side. Here are a few of my letters:
To: Mr. Clark Hoyt, Public Editor, The New York Times
620 Eighth Ave., New York, NY 10018
[email protected]
(212) 556-7652
An Open Letter to The New York Times
from Christopher Bollyn
April 21, 2009
Ignoring the Evidence of Super-Thermite from the World Trade Center
Re: "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," by Steven E. Jones, Niels H Harrit, et al, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, Vol. 2, February 13, 2009
Dear Mr. Hoyt and Editors of The New York Times and International Herald Tribune:
How can the New York Times completely ignore the scientific evidence of nano-thermite, or super-thermite, found in the dust of the demolished and pulverized rubble of the World Trade Center? Do you consider this crucial scientific discovery irrelevant to the understanding of what happened on 9-11?
A recent study written by 9 scientists, including Dr. Steven E. Jones, has proven that chips of a highly-explosive thermitic material, "characterized as nano-thermite or super-thermite," were found in five different samples of dust from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center. This paper, which passed a peer review and was published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, is an historic breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive collapses of the twin towers, yet not a single word about it has been published in the New York Times.
The silence of the New York Times about the evidence of super-thermite in the destruction of the twin towers is a perfect illustration of why newspapers are going out of business in the United States: a controlled press is simply not relevant. The American people want truthful information about the vital issues of the day, like 9-11. The New York Times, on the other hand, is a good example of the controlled press: the Times "failed the American public" in your reporting during the lead-up to the war in Iraq, according to your own bureau chief in Baghdad, John Burns. Previously, the Times spread blatantly false reports about that country's alleged weapons of mass destruction in order to create public support for an illegal war of aggression. Now, when we have solid scientific evidence that a highly-advanced nano-composite thermitic explosive known as super-thermite has been found in the dust of the World Trade Center, you are silent.
The discovery of active thermitic material in the dust of the World Trade Center is crucial to understanding what really happened on 9-11. This scientific discovery reveals that sophisticated demolition explosives had been placed in the twin towers long before the two planes struck them on 9-11. Although we have earlier seen evidence that the towers were demolished with explosives, this is the first time we have solid evidence of the explosives involved in the demolition of the three collapsed towers.
Clearly, the New York Times is unwilling to publish the most pertinent information about vital matters concerning the American people, such as the search for the truth about what really happened on 9-11. This makes the New York Times irrelevant. The Times is in the same boat as the controlled press of the former Soviet Union and many of the leading newspapers of the United States. The controlled press is a boat that is sinking and that deserves to sink.
Christopher Bollyn
Sources: Bollyn, Christopher, “We Failed the American Public,” American Free Press, April 2, 2004
Comments from supporters:
"The Tide is Turning"
I'm right behind you on this one. I've contacted news agencies in Australia and the UK to alert them to this issue, and I will not relent until a satisfactory
outcome is achieved. I really appreciate your alerting me to the publication, and I absolutely agree that the tide is turning on the perpetrators of this crime.
- N.M. in Australia
* * *
To: The Board of Directors, Time Warner Inc.
c/o Office of the Corporate Secretary
Edward Adler, Executive Vice President, Corporate Communications
Time Warner Inc.
1 Time Warner Center
New York, NY 10019
[email protected]
[email protected]
Philip Kent, Chairman and CEO
Turner Broadcasting Systems
1 CNN Center
Atlanta, GA 30303
Ted Turner
Turner Enterprises, Inc.
Atlanta, GA 30303
[email protected]
[email protected]
An Open Letter to CNN and Time Warner
from Christopher Bollyn
April 28, 2009
Why is CNN & Time Warner Avoiding the Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Dust of the World Trade Center?
Re: "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," Niels H. Harrit, Steven E. Jones, et al, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, February 13, 2009 (Date accepted)
Dear Sirs:
As one of the largest news networks in the United States, Time Warner's CNN is a source of information for millions of people. As a news network serving the public, CNN is expected to report honestly about the news and relevant developments connected to the important matters facing the nation. As the worst terror attack in U.S. history and the seminal event leading to the extremely costly "War on Terror," 9-11 remains a subject of great interest and importance to the American people – and the world.
CNN, however, has never shown any real interest in discussing the physical evidence of 9-11. When, for example, a CNN team came to Schaumburg, Illinois, in January 2007, to interview me as an independent journalist writing about 9-11, they showed absolutely no interest in discussing the evidence of explosives and steel-melting thermite in the destruction of the World Trade Center, although this was the key element of the research I had been writing about for the previous year or more. Rather than discuss the evidence of demolition, CNN seemed determined to frame me as an anti-Semite. I was repeatedly asked, "So, who did it?" To which I responded, "9-11 is an unsolved crime."
Failing to get me to say anything that could even be remotely construed as anti-Semitic, CNN relied on a video-editing trick in an obvious attempt to smear me. After I told CNN very clearly that I was not an anti-Semite, the video editors spliced in a clip of a woman from the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith (a secret organization of Jewish Freemasons) taken in another city at another time, that made it appear that she was responding to my comments. Fortunately, we had recorded the entire interview with CNN and were able to show how CNN was not at all interested in the evidence from 9-11 but wanted only to smear me as an anti-Semite. Why would CNN even have such an agenda to attack a truth seeker of 9-11?
Now, two years later, we have a scientific peer-reviewed paper that presents physical evidence of super-thermite (i.e. nano-thermite) found in the dust from the destroyed and pulverized World Trade Center. This is a crucial discovery because this is evidence of the extremely sophisticated and powerful explosive that pulverized the twin towers on 9-11. CNN, however, has yet to even report on this key discovery, which was published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal in March 2009. Why is CNN avoiding discussion of such crucial evidence of the explosives found in the dust of the destroyed twin towers? Is the scientific evidence explaining how the towers were destroyed of no importance to CNN?
How can CNN ignore the scientific evidence of large amounts of nano-thermite, or super-thermite, found in the pulverized rubble of the World Trade Center? A recent study written by 9 scientists, including Dr. Steven E. Jones of Provo, Utah, has proven the existence of a highly-explosive thermitic material, "characterized as nano-thermite or super-thermite," in five different samples of dust from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center. This paper, published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, is an historic breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive collapses of the twin towers, yet CNN has not even mentioned it.
The discovery of active thermitic material in the dust of the World Trade Center is crucial to understanding what really happened on 9-11. This scientific discovery reveals that sophisticated demolition explosives had been placed in the twin towers before the two planes struck them on 9-11. So, who put super-thermite in the WTC?
This is the first time we have solid evidence of the unusual explosives involved in the demolition of the three collapsed towers. One would think that CNN would find such a development to be newsworthy. CNN's refusal to discuss the crucial evidence of explosives in the World Trade Center reveals that CNN is both controlled and opposed to discussing the evidence of what really happened on 9-11.
Christopher Bollyn
* * *
To: Rep. Melissa Bean
432 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-3711
April 28, 2009
An Open Letter to a Member of Congress
Concerning the Evidence of Super-Thermite in the Dust of the World Trade Center
Re: "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," Niels H. Harrit, Steven E. Jones, et al, The Open Chemical Physics Journal, February 13, 2009 (Date accepted)
Dear Rep. Bean:
As the worst terror attack in U.S. history and the seminal event leading to the extremely costly "War on Terror," 9-11 remains a subject of great interest and importance to the American people – and the world.
We now have a scientific peer-reviewed paper that presents physical evidence of super-thermite (i.e. nano-thermite) found in the dust from the destroyed and pulverized World Trade Center. This is a crucial discovery because this is evidence of the extremely sophisticated and powerful explosive that pulverized the twin towers on 9-11.
A recent study written by 9 scientists, including Dr. Steven E. Jones of Provo, Utah, has proven the existence of a highly-explosive thermitic material, "characterized as nano-thermite or super-thermite," in five different samples of dust from the collapsed towers of the World Trade Center. This paper, published in The Open Chemical Physics Journal, is an historic breakthrough in the scientific investigation of the explosive collapses of the twin towers.
The discovery of active thermitic material in the dust of the World Trade Center is crucial to understanding what really happened on 9-11. This scientific discovery reveals that sophisticated demolition explosives had been placed in the twin towers before the two planes struck them on 9-11. So, who put super-thermite in the WTC?
This is the first time we have solid evidence of the unusual explosives involved in the demolition of the three collapsed towers. I would expect that this discovery would be of great interest to members of Congress. This evidence disproves the official version of events and indicates that the nation has been lied to about what really happened on 9-11.
I would like the information presented to Congress for discussion and entered into the Congressional record as a crucial scientific discovery about what has been found in the dust of the World Trade Center. Please inform me by email of your actions on this matter.
Thank you.
Christopher Bollyn
The Mystery of WTC 6
June 23, 2009

The 8-story WTC 6 lay between the North Tower and WTC 7. WTC 6 was evidently damaged before either tower fell and had an unexplained crater that went to the lowest basement level. The basement of the building appears to have experienced an explosion at the exact moment the South Tower collapsed. In this photo the rubble of the North Tower is on the left and the remains of WTC 7 are on the lower right.
The destruction of WTC 6 is one of the many unexplained questions of 9-11. This 8-story building suffered a huge crater in its center which went all the way down to sub-basement levels. What caused the huge crater in the middle of WTC 6?

This infrared image shows the large and deep crater in the center of WTC 6 (lower left). There is no explanation for the deep crater that goes into the sublevels of the 8-story building.
WTC 6 was damaged prior to the collapse of the South Tower, that can be seen in photos taken by Bill Biggart. In 2002, I asked CNN about the timing of the explosion indicated by the light plume rising in the lower left hand corner of the photo below and was told that it occurred at 9:03 a.m. The archivist had no reason to lie, but the information is apparently not correct. The CNN footage seems to have been taken as the South Tower collapsed and can be seen in its complete context at:

The mystery plume seen rising over WTC 6 evidently occured as the second tower began collapsing. It appears to be a sandy-colored plume rising from the area of the crater seen in WTC 6. The plume appears to be rising from the exact area of the huge crater. The same explosion probably caused the secondary light plume seen in the second photo by the late Bill Biggart, seen below.

A photo shows the damaged WTC 6 on the left of the North Tower. WTC 6 lay between the North Tower and WTC 7, Larry Silverstein's 47-story building that mysteriously collapsed in a controlled demolition at 5:25 p.m. on 9-11.
The fact that the WTC 6 building was severely damaged before the first tower collapsed can be seen in photos taken by Bill Biggart, a photographer who was killed on 9-11 when the North Tower collapsed. His digital photos were salvaged from his camera. The website has an excellent analysis of his photos.

This photograph by Bill Biggart, who died when the North Tower collapsed, shows what appears to be a damaged and burnt WTC 6 on the left, in front of the North Tower. This photo was taken as the South Tower was demolished with super-thermite, which caused the super-pulverization of the concrete. Whatever caused the scorched damage to WTC 6 clearly happened before the first tower collapsed.

This photo shows the collapse of WTC 2 with a mystery plume of light smoke rising from the street beside WTC 6. This secondary plume of sandy-colored dust is similar to the larger plume seen in the CNN footage rising above WTC 6. Both of these plumes are light and sandy in color and appear to be of another composition than the concrete dust clouds of the pulverized tower. This plume is clearly rising from below the street and is not part of the pyroclastic cloud coming from the demolished WTC 2. It is rising from below the street and obstructing the Quebec-New sign seen behind it on the walkway, while the pyroclastic cloud has not yet reached the walkway. These images suggest that a powerful explosion was occurred below WTC 6 at the exact time WTC 2 collapsed.
The following articles are my early articles about the WTC 6 mystery. Please note that these articles were written in 2002.
Video Evidence of Unexplained Explosion in WTC 6
July 2, 2002
Images of unidentified aircraft and missiles photographed during the attack on the World Trade Center suggest that 9-11 was the "highly planned, covert, special-operation," which some astute observers have claimed from the beginning.
The awful moment when United Airlines Flight 175 smashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center is an event captured on film and videotape from many angles. Among the archive of photographic and video evidence are distinct images of unidentified aircraft and missiles that appear to have played significant roles in the attack. The fact that the leading federal agencies involved in the criminal investigation of 9-11 deny any knowledge of these photographs lends credence to those who maintain the attack was "a domestic, covert, special operation."
Although millions of people have watched on video the horrible spectacle of the second hijacked plane plunging into the smooth facade of the south tower, very few have seen the mysterious white aircraft that accompanied it on a nearby parallel path slightly to the north. While viewers' attention was focused on the crash and subsequent fireball, few noticed the missile streaking toward 6 and WTC 7 at the edge of the screen. The blurred streak that appeared from behind the smoking north tower disappeared in the wink of an eye into the lower right hand corner of the screen.
Frame-by-frame analysis of that video shows what appears to be an incredibly fast streaking missile, headed toward 6 or WTC 7, at the precise moment the plane exploded in the south tower. Six WTC was an 8-story building, which was left with a huge unexplained crater at its center while WTC 7 burned and collapsed late in the afternoon on 9-11, for no apparent reason. Fire engineers are baffled as to what caused the 47-story building, built by Larry Silverstein in 1987, to collapse.
"Even though Building 7 didn't get much attention in the media immediately, within the structural engineering community, it's considered to be much more important to understand," said William F. Baker, a partner in charge of structural engineering at the architectural firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. "They say, 'We know what happened at 1 and 2, but why did 7 come down?'"
Sections of the steel beams in WTC 7 seem to have "evaporated", according to a New York Times article of November 29, 2001. "A combination of an uncontrolled fire and the structural damage might have been able to bring the building down, some engineers said. But that would not explain steel members in the debris pile that appear to have been partly evaporated in extraordinarily high temperatures, Dr. Jonathan Barnett said."
Engineers are investigating whether intensely hot fires resulted from thousands of gallons of diesel fuel stored in the building. While one tank held 6,000 gallons of fuel to power the mayor's command bunker on the 23rd floor, another set of four tanks held as much as 36,000 gallons just below ground level on the building's southwest side for emergency generators. "The fuel absolutely could be a factor," said Silvian Marcus, executive vice president for the Cantor Seinuk Group and a structural engineer involved in the original design of the building, which was completed in 1987. But he added, "The tanks may have accelerated the collapse, but did not cause the collapse."
Two firefighters, Deputy Chief James Jackson and Battalion Chief Blaich, said that the southwest corner of WTC 7 near the fuel tank was severely damaged and that the tanks might have been breached. Jackson said that about an hour before the building's collapse, heavy black smoke, consistent with a fuel fire of some sort, was coming from that part of the building.
The streaking missile seen in the video could have pierced the heavy masonry that protected the diesel storage tanks. The missile is obviously traveling extremely fast, at an estimated 5,000 feet per second (3,400 mph). The U.S. military has a LOSAT (line-of-sight anti-tank) missile that travels that fast with a range of 4 miles that can be guided by laser or Global Positioning technology. The LOSAT Kinetic Energy Missile uses its velocity rather than explosives to destroy tanks, buildings, and bunkers. No other military is known to have such a missile.
In the WTC video the black streaking object travels an estimated 1,000 feet in the space of 4 frames, each frame taking 1/30 of a second. Although a video might not capture an image of the missile, experts say the rapidly dissipating exhaust of a LOSAT can be captured on film if the lighting, angle and background conditions are suitable.
I asked Matthew Heyman of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the agency investigating the structural collapses at the World Trade Center, if the investigation would examine the photographic evidence of a missile and the crater in 6-WTC. "Yes", Heyman said, but only if evidence of a missile is presented, adding that the 2-year investigation will only study the collapses of the twin towers and WTC 7.
Although numerous images of unidentified aircraft and missiles are accessible in the public archive of WTC video footage and have been scrutinized frame-by-frame by Internet sleuths, federal investigators and the mainstream media pretend to be completely ignorant of their existence. Spokesmen for the federal agencies engaged in the 9-11 investigation all feigned ignorance of the aforementioned video images when contacted by this reporter on July 1, 2002.
When I asked James Margolin, spokesman for the New York City office of the FBI, about the video images of unidentified planes and missiles on Sept. 11, Margolin said, "It's the first I've heard." William Shumann, spokesman for the FAA said, "I'm not aware of any such videos." When asked about the radar tapes that could have recorded such objects, Shumann said, "We're not saying anything." The 9-11 radar tapes from New York City had been turned over to the FBI, Shumann said.
Denial of the existence of these photographs by the federal agencies at the forefront of the 9-11 criminal investigation is troubling because it indicates an inability to respond to evidence that has been in the public domain since September 11. It is incredulous that the FBI and FAA are denying knowledge of photographic evidence, which has been openly published and discussed in the Japanese mass media.
The agencies' denial of this evidence supports the unconventional thesis of political observers such as Lyndon LaRouche, who was interviewed by Jack Stockwell of KTKK-AM ("K-Talk") in Salt Lake City as the horror of September 11 unfolded. Before either tower had collapsed, LaRouche said: "Well, largely, this is a domestic covert operation, which we had word of beforehand." Shortly after the south tower collapsed, LaRouche said, "This is obviously a highly planned attack by a very capable agency." LaRouche rejected that the attacks were "an Islamic national operation" saying they lacked the capability. Instead he blamed "people who want the U.S. to go to war against the Arab world."
"It's a geopolitical provocation!" LaRouche said. "It's run by people whose intentions coincide with those of some of the wildest people in the Israeli Defense Forces. People who have the ability to play that kind of game inside the United States."
"Somebody obviously intended to enrage the U.S. into going in full-force in support of a launching of the Israeli Defense Forces against neighboring Arab nations," he said.
The next day, LaRouche told listeners of Woody Woodland on New Hampshire's WGIR: "This is not a terrorist operation. This is a covert, strategic, special-operations operation, which has characteristic similarities to the militia operation against the Oklahoma City center some years ago."
Woodland asked, "Are you saying that this might have been some people within our own country?"
LaRouche said: "In part, it had to be people within our own country … it was primarily a domestic, covert, special operation, by people with very high-grade military special-operations backgrounds. It could not have happened otherwise."
What Caused the WTC 6 Crater?
July 10, 2002
Before the smoke had cleared from around the stricken South Tower, a mysterious explosion shot 550 feet into the air above the U.S. Customs House at 6 World Trade Center. This unexplained blast at the Customs House has never been investigated or reported in the mainstream media.
Despite the fact that the horrible events of September 11 occurred in broad daylight and were widely photographed, significant aspects of the attacks have been completely suppressed by a media blackout. A massive explosion, witnessed by millions of television viewers on CNN, evidently devastated WTC 6, the 8-story U.S. Customs House, although no national newspaper or media outlet has said a word about it.
The unexplained blast occurred between the burning North Tower and the 47-story Salomon Brothers Building, known as WTC 7, immediately after United Airlines Flight 175 smashed into the South Tower, at about 9:03 a.m. The explosion at WTC 6 was shown afterwards on CNN. Because it not broadcast as it happened there has been some confusion about when it actually occurred. The large amount of smoke seen cascading around the South Tower in the video led some observers to mistake the blast for a dust cloud from the subsequent collapse of the tower.
I contacted CNN to determine exactly when the footage was filmed. CNN's Public Affairs Department confirmed that the explosion shown in the footage occurred immediately after the second plane had crashed into the South Tower. When asked if the footage was taken at 9:04 a.m., the CNN archivist who could not give his last name, said, "That's correct." When asked if CNN could offer any explanation about what might have caused the blast that clearly reached 550 feet, soaring higher than the 47-story WTC 7 in the foreground, the archivist said, "We can't figure it out."
The affected space between WTC 7 and the North Tower was occupied by the 8-story U.S. Customs House building, also known as WTC 6. The building primarily housed the offices of some 760 employees of the Customs Service, a department of the U.S. Treasury. A number of other federal agencies reportedly had offices in the building, including the Departments of Commerce, Agriculture, Labor, and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms, although the agencies failed to return calls about the matter. A spokesman for the Export-Import Bank of the U.S., which had an office with 4 employees on the 6th floor of the Customs House did confirm the time of the explosion and said the employees had survived and been relocated to another location in the city. One private company, Eastco Building Services, Inc., reportedly leased space in the building.
Some 800 workers from WTC 6 were safely evacuated within 12 minutes of the first plane hitting the North Tower at about 8:46 a.m., according to a Washington Post article by Stephen Barr, "Knowing the Drill Saved Lives at New York's Customs House" dated 18 September 2001. The Barr piece is the only known article published about WTC 6, however, Barr failed to mention the explosion that apparently devastated the building just minutes after the workers had escaped with their lives.
Although the Customs House apparently exploded at 9:04 a.m., the government-sponsored investigation was steered away from looking into what had actually happened. The Federal Emergency Management Agency funded an investigation by the American Society of Civil Engineers, however, investigators were reportedly blocked from the building by an order from the New York City's Dept. of Design and Construction (DDC). Kenneth Holden is Commissioner of the DDC, having been appointed by the former mayor, Rudolph Giuliani on December 7, 1999.
Regarding the investigation of WTC 4, 5, and 6, FEMA's "Building Performance" report says, "WTC 5 was the only building accessible for observation," but it adds, "The observations, findings, and recommendations are assumed to be applicable to all three buildings." A spokesman for FEMA told me that because the building was considered by DDC to be "very dangerous," there was "no data collection" from WTC 6. Dr. Gene Corley, one of the engineers who led the investigation, told me that concerns about loose gold bullion and cash prevented investigators from entering WTC 4.
The FEMA report says, "The buildings [4,5,6] responded as expected to the impact loadings." Although the report says, "most of the central part of WTC 6 suffered collapse on all floors" it adds, "damage was consistent with the observed impact load." The Customs House had a huge crater in its center.

The crater in WTC 6 went into the sub-basement levels. The damage to WTC 6 occurred before the first tower collapsed and does not appear to have been caused by falling debris.
I contacted Corley about the CNN photos. Corley said he had not seen the photos before and said, "These are interesting photos." Corley, like others, thought the damage at WTC 6 was caused by the collapse of the North Tower, however, not one of the experts could recall seeing the CNN footage before. A spokesman for the Customs Service said, "It did not blow up. When the tower collapsed it caved in."
Corley said he had not seen the photos of the extremely high-speed missile-like object seen streaking toward WTC 6 from behind the North Tower as the second plane impacted the South Tower. He noted that parts of the plane's landing gear and an engine passed through the South Tower, and landed several blocks away. These objects, however, had a distinctly different trajectory from the streaking missile-like object. Jonathan Barnett, another investigator that I spoke to, said, "The debris from Tower 2 hit Building 5, not 6."
What Exploded at WTC 6?
July 12, 2002
There has been some confusion about when the CNN video showing the mysterious explosion of 9-11 was filmed. In order to clarify the timing, I contacted CNN archives in Atlanta. The most senior archivist available, who could only reveal his first name, Andy, said that the footage showing the mysterious explosion had been shot as the second plane crashed into the South Tower, about 9:04 a.m.
There has been some doubt about the large amount of smoke seen around the south tower in the background. Most television viewers did not see the debris and smoke that fell around the South Tower after the plane crashed because tall buildings were in the way. A series of photos by Carmen Taylor, however, show that the amount of smoke and debris, and the way that if fell, match the image from CNN, which is taken from the opposite side of the towers.

The Carmen Taylor photos
Carmen Taylor of Lavaca, Ark., was visiting New York City and caught on film the moment United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the south tower of the World Trade Center. Taylor was vacationing in New York when she spotted an airplane flying toward the World Trade Center, which had been struck by another plane minutes earlier. The second plane struck the Trade Center's second tower, and Taylor captured the event in an astonishing series of digital photographs that aired on the local ABC affiliate, Channel 40/29.
Taylor was just about to board the Staten Island Ferry to see the Statue of Liberty when the first explosion happened. She turned her camera on, and started shooting. As she did, she caught the explosions after the first plane struck. Then, she captured the second plane just before it hit the tower.
"There had been helicopters circling," Taylor said. "And then, this big plane comes up, and I thought 'OK, there's a plane going by.' Within seconds, it went straight into the other tower. "We were just standing, looking at the World Trade Center, and all of a sudden, it lit up like massive fireworks," she said.
Sources and Recommended Reading:
The damaged 6 World Trade Center building,
Reader Comments:
Hello, I was just reading your article about building 6, and saw that you have a caption of the plume over wtc6 and it says that this occurred just as the second plane impacted. I found the original clip on youtube. Here it is:
Freeze it at 0:26 and its the exact same frame as the picture in your article. The plume occurred just after the south tower collapsed not just after the second impact. It seems to be the pyroclastic dust cloud from the collapse of the South Tower.
An Inconvenient Witness - Kurt Sonnenfeld & the Emptied Vault of WTC 6
June 24, 2009
Kurt Sonnenfeld, the FEMA videographer who, for 29 days after 9-11, filmed the crime scene at the World Trade Center, including the sub-basement levels of WTC 6, was recently inteviewed by the Voltaire Network. His comments from June 22 about WTC 7 and WTC 6 and how inconvenient witnesses like himself have been silenced are extremely important to understand how so many people who know or saw something have been effectively silenced in a nation that claims to promote honesty and free speech.
Among other things at the WTC, Sonnenfeld saw that the huge vault beneath WTC 6 had been emptied, most likely during the previous night. This information is essential to understand the crater that was found in the U.S. Customs House (WTC 6) during the demolition of the South Tower. It appears to have been a tremendous blast that originated in the sublevel vault of WTC 6. Why? Probably to hide the fact that the vault had been cleaned out the night before.
Sonnenfeld is currently living in exile in Argentina, like me, a victim of malicious prosecution. Sonnenfeld is "an inconvenient witness" -- an honest man who saw (and knows) too much. This is another major breakthrough in the struggle to find the truth about what really happened on 9-11.

Sonnenfeld filming the evidence at the demolished World Trade Center
Kurt Sonnenfeld released his book El Perseguido (The Persecuted) on May 8, 2009, at the 35th Annual Buenos Aires Book Fair in Argentina, where he lives in exile since 2003. Sonnenfeld's book tells the history of his persecution at the hands of U.S. authorities over the course of more than seven years after his official mission to Ground Zero as FEMA’s videographer ... an experience that turned him into an inconvenient witness. To read more about Sonnenfeld's book, see: "Kurt Sonnenfeld: an inconvenient 9/11 witness" at:

Kurt Sonnenfeld
Read the exclusive interview with Sonnenfeld at: 9/11 FEMA videographer at Ground Zero goes public
A key extract about the explosion in the basement of WTC 6 follows:
Kurt Sonnenfeld: What happened with Building 7 is incredibly suspicious. I have video that shows how curiously small the rubble pile was, and how the buildings to either side were untouched by Building Seven when it collapsed. It had not been hit by an airplane; it had suffered only minor injuries when the Twin Towers collapsed, and there were only small fires on a couple of floors. There’s no way that building could have imploded the way it did without controlled demolition. Yet the collapse of Building 7 was hardly mentioned by the mainstream media and suspiciously ignored by the 911 Commission.
Voltaire: Reportedly, the underground levels of WTC7 contained sensitive and undoubtedly compromising archival material. Did you come across any of it?
Kurt Sonnenfeld: The Secret Service, the Department of Defense, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Internal Revenue Service, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Office of Emergency Management’s “Crisis Center” occupied huge amounts of space there, spanning several floors of the building. Other federal agencies had offices there as well. After September 11, it was discovered that concealed within Building Seven was the largest clandestine domestic station of the Central Intelligence Agency outside of Washington DC, a base of operations from which to spy on diplomats of the United Nations and to conduct counterterrorism and counterintelligence missions.
There was no underground parking level at Seven World Trade Center. And there was no underground vault. Instead, the federal agencies at Building Seven stored their vehicles, documents and evidence in the building of their associates across the street. Beneath the plaza level of US Customs House (Building 6) was a large underground garage, separated off from the rest of the complex’s underground area and guarded under tight security. This was where the various government services parked their bomb-proofed cars and armored limousines, counterfeit taxi cabs and telephone company trucks used for undercover surveillance and covert operations, specialized vans and other vehicles. Also within that secured parking area was access to the sub-level vault of Building 6.

Sonnenfeld approaching the entrance to the sub-level areas of Building 6.
When the North Tower fell, the US Customs House (Building 6) was crushed and totally incinerated. Much of the underground levels beneath it were also destroyed. But there were voids. And it was into one of those voids, recently uncovered, that I descended with a special Task Force to investigate. It was there we found the security antechamber to the vault, badly damaged. At the far end of the security office was the wide steel door to the vault, a combination code keypad in the cinderblock wall beside it. But the wall was cracked and partially crumbled, and the door was sprung partially open. So we checked inside with our flashlights. Except for several rows of empty shelves, there was nothing in the vault but dust and debris. It had been emptied. Why was it empty? And when could it have been emptied?
Voltaire: Is this what set alarm bells ringing for you?
Kurt Sonnenfeld: Yes, but not immediately. With so much chaos, it was difficult to think. It was only after digesting everything that the “alarm bells” went off.
Building Six was evacuated within twelve minutes after the first airplane struck the North Tower. The streets were immediately clogged with fire trucks, police cars and blocked traffic, and the vault was large enough, 15 meters by 15 meters by my estimate, to necessitate at least a big truck to carry out its contents. And after the towers fell and destroyed most of the parking level, a mission to recover the contents of the vault would have been impossible. The vault had to have been emptied before the attack.
I’ve described all of this extensively in my book, and it’s apparent that things of importance were taken out of harm’s way before the attacks. For example, the CIA didn’t seem too concerned about their losses. After the existence of their clandestine office in Building Seven was discovered, an agency spokesman told the newspapers that a special team had been dispatched to scour the rubble in search of secret documents and intelligence reports, though there were millions, if not billions of pages floating in the streets. Nevertheless, the spokesman was confident. “There shouldn’t be too much paper around,” he said.

The exploded remains of the destroyed U.S. Customs House (WTC 6)
And Customs at first claimed that everything was destroyed. That the heat was so intense that everything in the evidence safe had been baked to ash. But some months later, they announced that they had broken up a huge Colombian narco-trafficking and money-laundering ring after miraculously recovering crucial evidence from the safe, including surveillance photos and heat-sensitive cassette tapes of monitored calls. And when they moved in to their new building at 1 Penn Plaza in Manhattan, they proudly hung on the lobby wall their Commissioner’s Citation Plaque and their big round US Customs Service ensign, also miraculously recovered, in pristine condition, from their crushed and cremated former office building at the World Trade Center.

Kurt Sonnenfeld in the rubble of the WTC

Sonnenfeld's recently released book, The Persecuted
No Plane Hit Pentagon: U.S. Major General Stubblebine
July 6, 2009
"I do was not an airplane."
- Major Gen. Stubblebine on what hit the Pentagon
A video clip has surfaced of Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (U.S. Army, Ret.) saying that he is sure that an airplane did not hit the Pentagon on 9-11. Asked what hit the Pentagon, Stubblebine says, "I don't know, but I do know…it was not an airplane."
Stubblebine is a graduate of West Point, ('52) who served in the U.S. Army for 32 years. He retired as the Commanding General of the United States Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). Previously he commanded the US Army Electronics Research and Development Command (ERADCOM). He now works with his wife on issues of public health and has a website at
Stubblebine's comments are important because they come from a very high-ranking military commander. He points out the fact that there is no photographic evidence that a large Boeing with two engines penetrated the building. Photographs of the Pentagon taken shortly after the impact show that the hole is too small for a Boeing and there is no sign of any debris on the lawn. The massive fraud of 9-11 is being exposed more every day.

The Pentagon shortly after being struck; no evidence can be seen that a Boeing hit the building.

If a Boeing flew into the Pentagon at "grade level" it would have struck these large spools. There would also be two large holes in the wall where the engines penetrated.
Understanding the Use of Thermite on 9-11
July 14, 2009

The spectacular explosions that accompanied the impact of the planes provide evidence of having been created by Thermate containing barium nitrate which produced the light orange flame and white smoke. Understanding how Thermite works sheds new light on the photographic evidence of 9-11.
The discovery of Thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center is solid scientific proof that this steel-melting and steel-vaporizing explosive was used to demolish the twin towers on 9-11. The peer-reviewed scientific paper (2009, Niels Harrit, Steven E. Jones, et al) that presents the evidence of Super-Thermite (nano-sized Thermite compounds) in the dust of the twin towers is the result of years of investigation.

The white smoke and molten iron seen in this photo are evidence of Thermite causing the collapse of the tower.
Understanding the importance of this discovery and the evidence of the use of Thermite in the spectacles that unfolded on 9-11 is central to understanding how the towers were demolished, a heinous crime in which some three thousand people lost their lives. This is why, I believe, Dr. Steven E. Jones and I were both attacked in August-September 2006. During the spring and summer of 2006, Jones and I had worked closely on interpreting the evidence that pointed to the use of Thermite. I was attacked in the middle of August at my home by a team of unidentified thugs, which had been prowling around my house and who turned out to be an undercover police tactical unit connected to the Dept. of Homeland Security.
Professor Jones, on the other hand, was trapped by a wily NPR radio host who, with a team of Zionist Jews, ganged up on Jones and pressured BYU to suspend him for comments they maliciously misinterpreted and then deemed to be anti-Semitic. It was no coincidence that two 9-11 researchers who were investigating the use of Thermite were both attacked within three weeks. Because Jones' research was focused primarily on the use of Thermite at the World Trade Center and because I had worked closely with him, it certainly appears that a decision had been made during the summer of 2006 by the culprits of 9-11 to attack, vilify, and discredit both of us. The fact that the three people who led the attack on Jones were all Zionist Jews clearly reveals the nature of the group that was being protected.

Bollyn and Dr. Steven E. Jones discuss the evidence of Thermite in the spring of 2006.
After visiting Jones at the campus of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah in the early spring of 2006, I went to the University of California at Davis where I met with Dr. Thomas Cahill, who had studied the particles in the smoke that rose from the pile of rubble at Ground Zero. The Davis DRUM, which measured the quantities and sizes of the particles from the smoke, found an extraordinarily large amount of extremely small particles and nano-size particles of many metals in the bluish smoke that rose from the pile. This hazy smoke rose from the pile until the fires burned themselves out in late December 2001. Such particles, Cahill said, could only be produced in fires hotter than the boiling point of the metals. This was scientific proof that beneath the rubble of the twin towers were extreme hot spots in which iron boiled for more than 15 weeks. That is a most unusual fire. Given the fact that these super-intense fires were raging in oxygen-starved conditions, it became clear that an aluminothermic reaction like Thermite was creating these hot spots.

The bluish smoke that rose from the pile contained large amounts of nanosized particles of metals created only in fires hotter than the boiling point of the metal. Neither the lack of air nor the continuous dousing with water affected these incredibly intense hot spots. This is evidence of thermite, which can be used underwater, cooking under the pile.
I returned to Provo with photocopies of the key chapters of USGS chemical survey of the dust. This survey contained several photos of tiny balls of iron found in the dust. These spheres were solid evidence that large amounts of molten iron accompanied the destruction of the World Trade Center.

This iron sphere in the dust of the WTC was a tiny drop of molten iron that solidified as it fell.
These spheroids of iron are one of the products of a Thermite reaction. When Thermite, a compound of aluminum and iron oxide, reacts, the products are aluminum oxide, a white smoke, and molten iron. The exothermic reaction releases a great deal of heat as well. The addition of a small amount of sulfur (2 percent) increases the effectiveness of the steel melting or steel vaporizing process (eutectic) while barium nitrate creates a light orange flame. The thermite compound with sulfur or barium nitrate is known as Thermate, an incendiary pyrotechnic composition that generates short bursts of exceedingly high temperatures. It should be noted that steel beams and columns were found to have been melted and vaporized in the remains of the three collapsed towers. The FEMA report about the collapsed twin towers noted the vaporized steel beams (Barnett) and said that the areas where this had occurred showed signs of sulfidation. None of this could be explained and the FEMA report presented evidence of steel that had been affected by Thermate without using the word.
The FEMA- sponsored Building Performance Study of 2002 contains evidence of Thermate-melted steel. This is found in the "Limited Metallurgical Examination" written by Professor Jonathan Barnett. Barnett examined two pieces of melted steel: one from the WTC 7, the other from the TwinTowers. About the first piece, Barnett wrote: "The thinning of the steel occurred by a high-temperature corrosion due to the combination of oxidation and sulfidation." This was done by "a eutectic mixture of iron, oxygen, and sulfur that liquefied the steel," he concluded.
Barnett found the same sulfidation in the piece of melted steel from the TwinTowers. "The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event," Barnett wrote. "No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified." Professor Jones points to Thermate, with 2 percent sulfur, as being the most likely culprit. The oxidation and sulfidation of the steel requires the oxygen and sulfur being "intimately in contact with the metal at high temperature," Jones said.
Super-Thermite is a form of Thermite composed of nano-size particles which makes the reaction explosive.
The evidence is now clear. Large amounts of Thermite/Thermate were placed in the towers (WTC 1, 2 & 7) and were responsible for cutting the core columns, slicing the trusses and beams, and pulverizing the concrete in the floors.

The photo shows a core column that has been cut with Thermite.

The steel walls of the core columns were 4 inches thick at the base of the towers.
Thermate with barium nitrate was used as an "incendiary pyrotechnic" during the first explosions that accompanied the planes hitting the buildings, while nano-sized Super-Thermite was exploded during the demolition to pulverize the concrete in the 220 floor pans of the twin towers. Thermite cutting charges were also used to cut the core columns to initiate the collapses. The people who engineered the demolition of the World Trade Center clearly did not like the fact that their Thermite secret was being revealed in 2006 and decided to stifle the voices of those who were discussing the evidence. The people who reacted are connected to the people who placed the Thermite in the towers.
When one understands how Thermite and Thermate work, and that these violent reactions produce intense heat, white smoke, and molten iron, the visible evidence of thermitic reactions in the photographs and videos of 9-11 becomes quite obvious. The evidence of flowing molten metal preceded by pressure pulses of white smoke are clearly indicative of thermitic reactions, and can be seen in many videos and photos of the towers.

A large flow of molten iron could be seen falling from the 81st floor of WTC 2 five minutes before it collapsed. The light yellow color of the metal indicates that is is well over 1,000 degrees C. If this were aluminum, as some would argue, it would have melted at about 660 degrees C. and would appear silver-grey in daylight conditions.

Molten aluminum appears silverish in daylight.
(Aluminum processing, Micron Infrared Inc.)
The chips of Super-Thermite and balls of previously molten iron in the dust and rubble are solid evidence of the use of Thermite. When the use of Thermite/Thermate in the destruction of the World Trade Center is understood, the entire scam is revealed. The three towers did not fall due to airplane crashes caused by Islamic terrorists; they were demolished by Zionists working with the owners and lease-holders of the towers: Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy.
The following series of photographs of the explosions in the South Tower were take by Todd Rengel. Rengel is standing N.E. of the towers and is catching the view of the corner of WTC 2 from which the plane and its fuel are emerging after having crashed into the South side of the tower. In the first photo a great deal of white smoke and cascading molten metal can be seen in front of the exploding fuel fire.

The falling molten metal is clearly producing white smoke.

The area through which the molten metal fell is now full of white smoke, which disperses in the following photos.

(Series of photos by Todd Rengel)
Sources and Recommended Reading:
"Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," The Open Chemical Physics Journal, 2009, 2, 7-31, Niels H. Harrit, Jeffrey Farrer, Steven E. Jones, Kevin R. Ryan, Frank M. Legge, Daniel Farnsworth, Gregg Roberts, James R. Gourley, and Bradley R. Larsen
A Citizen Action Plan to Demand the Truth of 9-11, April 15, 2009
From 2006 Articles:
"The White Flames of Thermite," April 21, 2006
"The Censored Evidence of Thermite," April 27, 2006
"Why Did Iron Boil beneath the Rubble?" May 6, 2006
"The Suppressed Photos of Thermite Explosions," May 26, 2006
"Open Letter to NIST Investigators," May 26, 2006
"Who is behind the Attack on Professor Jones?" September 17, 2006
From 2007 Articles:
"9-11 Planes Flew Into Secure Computer Rooms," January 12, 2007
"Who Put Thermate in the World Trade Center?" January 18, 2007
"Is this Thermate Exploding at the NorthTower?" January 25, 2007
"Thermate Fragment Shooting from the NorthTower?" January 25, 2007
Who Put Super Thermite in the Twin Towers?
July 20, 2009
The discovery of chips of highly-explosive super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center is an essential key to unraveling the entire 9-11 hoax. Understanding the lies about 9-11 reveals in turn the mass deception behind the wars of aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq and the utterly fraudulent "War on Terror." One soon realizes that the whole anti-terrorism Zeitgeist of the past 8 years is nothing but a pack of lies.

The red-gray chips of active thermitic material found in the dust of the demolished towers
The discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the demolished towers opens up the whole can of 9-11 lies. Dr. Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University discovered unusual red-gray chips in the dust of the demolished twin towers and along with a team of other scientists published a peer-reviewed paper in March 2009 in which they prove that these chips are fragments from a thin layer of active thermite in the nano-size form, i.e. super-thermite. This is the powerful explosive that pulverized the towers. Osama Bin Laden certainly didn't put super-thermite in the twin towers, so who did? This is the question that demands to be answered.
Super-thermite is defined as a thermitic compound in which one of the two main components is in the nano-size range, i.e. less than one-tenth of a micron in size. The main components of Thermite are generally aluminum and ferrous or iron oxide. When these components are reduced to nano-size particles and mixed together, they form super-thermite, a highly energetic and explosive form of Thermite. Other components can be added to the mix to create other effects, such as to produce a gas to increase the pressure of the explosion when the super-thermite is detonated.
Because of the nano-size nature of the components of super-thermite, it is usually mixed and suspended in a solution that can be applied to a surface, such as the floors and walls of the World Trade Center, as a spray, film, or gel. The evidence of the super-thermite chips found in the 9-11 dust suggest that this highly explosive solution had been applied as a thin layer to surfaces of the twin towers as a spray. Who would have done that?
When it was applied it was certainly not known to all that it was super-thermite, but was probably applied under the guise of being a spray coating of paint, fire-proofing, or some kind of asbestos abatement. The people who applied the spray onto the surfaces of the World Trade Center certainly had no idea that what they were applying was actually a very powerful explosive film, although they were probably told not to smoke.
As the application of the super-thermite must have occurred during the months prior to 9-11, I have used FOIA and other means to try to find who could have been doing such work in the towers during 2000-2001. There was one significant clue at the very beginning. Two days after 9-11, Engineering News-Record (ENR) reported that an asbestos abatement and demolition company called LVI had done extensive asbestos abatement work in the World Trade Center:
AMEC Inc., Turner Corp. and Bovis Lend Lease were set to assume "lead roles" in the cleanup effort, says Lee Benish, AMEC vice president. "From the very beginning, we've been deeply involved with the city department of emergency services," he says. "They're sorting through who will be doing what." LVI Services Inc., New York City, which has done extensive asbestos abatement work on the towers in the past, is involved in similar work now as well as other cleanup efforts.
LVI was immediately a suspect because it does a great deal of pre-demolition work in which it prepares buildings for demolition. LVI has done several large demolition jobs with Controlled Demolition, Inc. of Maryland.
I called LVI and spoke with Burton T. Fried, the founder and CEO of the company, and asked him if his company had done extensive asbestos abatement work in the twin towers as reported in ENR. He immediately denied that his company had done the work saying that another company called AASI had, but he added that they had gone out of business. (NB -- One of the branch offices of LVI is named ASI.)

Burton Fried of LVI
I then contacted the authors of the original ENR article to see what they had based their statement on. Debra Rubin, one of the authors, confirmed the information in the article and told me that LVI, i.e. the company itself, had been the source of the information. This is quite interesting because ENR and LVI clearly have an on-going relationship in which any substantial error, especially of such importance, would be corrected. ENR's report is, after all, on the record that LVI did extensive asbestos abatement work in the now demolished twin towers. This is certainly a very significant error that would have to be corrected -- if it were false. Although Fried denied to me that his company had done extensive asbestos abatement work in the twin towers, he has not demanded a correction or retraction from the engineering magazine, a journal of record in the engineering industry. Furthermore, LVI has continued to do work at Ground Zero, where it has been involved recently in the pre-demolition clean-up of the Deutsche Bank building at the south end of the site.
We do know that a million-dollar contract for asbestos abatement in the twin towers had been put up for bids by contractors in the fall of 2000, exactly one year before 9-11:
Contract WTC-115.310 - The World Trade Center Removal and Disposal of Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles and Other Incidental Asbestos-Containing Building Materials Via Work Order Estimate Range: $1,000,000 annually Bids due Tuesday, October 17, 2000. (advertised by the PA on September 12, 2000)
So why would Burton Fried deny to me that his company had worked in the twin towers but not demand that ENR correct the record? During the past two months I have tried to reach Mr. Fried by phone and by email to clarify this matter and ask some questions about his company and the work they have done at the World Trade Center, before and after 9-11. Although Fried is listed as the company spokesman and person who answers questions for the press, he has not answered any of my emails. Why is he avoiding my questions?
I sent my first set of questions to Mr. Fried shortly after the Jones' paper on the discovery of super-thermite was published in March 2009. The key question was stated thusly:
The article from Engineering News-Record of September 13, 2001, says that LVI did extensive asbestos abatement work in the World Trade Center. Is this correct? Debra Rubin, one of the authors, told me that LVI had been the source of this information for the article. You previously told me that LVI had not done this work and that a company named AASI had done the work. Who was AASI and where were they from? Do you still stand by that statement that you told me that LVI had not done any asbestos abatement work in the twin towers?
Later, at the end of May, I sent a question to Mr. Fried about his company's million-dollar "research and development" work with the U.S. Army, particularly in 2000:
Dear Mr. Fried,
The LVI website says that questions from the media should be sent to you. I have a couple questions about the work LVI has done for the U.S. Army, especially about the millions of dollars of work done in Research and Development. These questions are for the purpose of an article to be published.
I would like to ask a few questions about the work LVI Group, Inc. did with the U.S. Army. In 2000, LVI did about $3 million in R&D work for the U.S. Army, which was the largest part of the total contract for $3.2 million that year. records show that LVI did Applied Research and Exploratory Development (R&D) work for nearly $3 million that year.
What was the nature of the $3 million in R&D work that LVI did for the U.S. Army in 2000? Was any of it related to Thermite? Has LVI done any work of any sort with nano-composite thermite?
In 2001, LVI had a negative amount shown of some $2.8 million with the U.S. Air Force. Can you tell me what that was about? In 2002 and 2003, LVI did about $500,000 of R&D with the U.S. Army. What kind of R&D was LVI doing for the U.S. Army in those years?
Thank you for your consideration of my request for information about your company's business with the federal government and U.S. Dept. of Defense.
These questions were sent to Burton T. Fried, Chairman, LVI Services Inc., and to LVI's other press contact, Amy McGahan of Dix & Eaton. Neither Fried nor McGahan ever responded with one word to a single question. When I called, Fried was always out. That seemed very strange. This was a standard press inquiry. Here is a company that does a great deal of business with the U.S. military and government but refuses to answer any questions for the press about its reported work in the World Trade Center or the nature of its multi-million dollar research and development contracts with the U.S. Army.
Why would LVI not want to discuss its work in the twin towers or million dollar contracts with the U.S. military? To understand LVI, we need to understand the man who runs the company.
Burton T. Fried is a lawyer who founded LVI Services Inc., as a part of LVI Group in 1986. Fried (born February 26, 1940, NYC) worked as a lawyer for 10 years before getting involved with LVI in 1974. He was executive vice president, general counsel and secretary of LVI Group from 1974-86; vice chairman, general counsel, director, 1985-91; and president of LVI Group Inc., 1991-93. After founding LVI Services in 1986, Fried was president and CEO of that company from 1986—2006. Since 2006, Fried has served as chairman of the board of LVI Services, which describes itself thusly:
LVI Services Inc. is the United States’ leading provider of a wide array of integrated facility services, including environmental remediation, demolition and related services for commercial, industrial, multi-family residential and governmental facilities. LVI focuses on projects involving asbestos, lead paint, mold, infection control, specialized environments, hazardous materials, emergency and disaster services, fireproofing and demolition. Founded in 1986, LVI has more than 30 offices across the United States, is licensed in every state, and is experienced in responding to natural and manmade disasters around the world. The company’s annual revenues exceed $380 million. For more information, visit
Fried had a family member who probably helped him at the World Trade Center. His only brother-in-law, Gary M. Grossberg, was the Port Authority architect and project manager until 1995. The World Trade Center, which was leased to Larry Silverstein in late July 2001, was actually owned and operated by the Port Authority. Grossberg's obituary was published in the Star-Ledger of New Jersey on August 1, 2008. Grossberg was married 51 years to Fried's only sibling, his sister Estelle Fried.
LVI has a documented history of hiring illegal aliens to do the dirty and dangerous work. The Times Union of Albany (NY), for example, reported on June 5, 2004, that LVI asbestos workers had been arrested at a "General Electric Co. plant where, federal authorities said, they found evidence of significant asbestos-removal violations."
The investigation is now focusing on the Manhattan-based cleanup company, LVI Environmental Services Inc., and whether it has properly vetted its employees. The eight men arrested on federal fraud charges are from Ecuador and allegedly used fraudulent Social Security cards to obtain asbestos removal licenses from the state of New York, according to the charges.
Several other workers scattered during the raid and were not caught, authorities said.
"What we're trying to do is figure out what this very large asbestos abatement company was doing utilizing an illegal work force,'' said Assistant U.S. Attorney Craig S. Benedict. "This wasn't an instance where one worker slipped through the cracks. Given their lack of English (speaking) skills, it is certainly hard to imagine how it could have escaped the attention of LVI officials.''
Sources close to the investigation said federal agents found evidence of asbestos violations that included having loads of dry asbestos -- which is supposed to be wet during removal to prevent it from becoming airborne.
Burton T. Fried, LVI 's president, said he was not aware of the arrests until told about the investigation by a reporter on Friday afternoon. He asked to review a copy of the U.S. Attorney's news release on the case but then declined to return a telephone call seeking additional comment.
There are many similar stories about LVI being caught employing illegal aliens around the nation and using unsafe practices. Several LVI employees, usually Hispanic workers, have been killed or badly injured on the job. The record clearly indicates that LVI is a company that has a long-standing practice of exploiting illegal aliens in very dangerous working conditions. These illegal practices don't seem to prevent the company from getting multi-million dollar federal contracts with the U.S. government and military. The demolition company has some very unusual "research and development" contracts with the U.S. military, such as the multi-million dollar R&D contract with the U.S. Army in 2000. What kind of R&D does a private demolition company do for the U.S. Army? Did any of these projects involve super-thermite in demolition?
Burton Fried is certainly not talking.
"Industry Firms Pitch in for World Trade Cleanup While Others Account for Employees in Doomed Buildings," Engineering News-Record, September 13, 2001, Richard Korman, Debra Rubin, and Gary Tulac
Elbit - The Hellerstein Connection to 9-11
August 3, 2009
We should have lost our memories as well as our voices, were it as easy to forget as to be silent.
- Tacitus, Agricola
In response to my recent article asking, "Who put Super-Thermite in the Twin Towers?" I received an interesting tip from a scientist who has worked closely with the U.S. intelligence community. The information, which supports my thesis of Israelis being behind 9-11, points to the Israeli defense company Elbit, a company I have written about in connection with the electronic vote fraud of the Iowa caucus.
Elbit is an interesting Israeli military company that has many subsidiaries and does a frightful amount of business with the U.S. military and government. One of the more conspicuous and curious aspects of Elbit, at least as far as being a possible suspect in the 9-11 crime, is that one of the key people running this Israeli military company is named Hellerstein -- Ran Hellerstein. The judge who controls the 9-11 litigation, which after 8 years has yet to produce a trial, is also a Hellerstein -- Alvin K. Hellerstein. To the conspiracy-minded investigator, this is a coincidence that deserves investigation.

Alvin K. Hellerstein is devoted to protecting Israel and has obstructed a 9-11 trial for 8 years.
The Hellerstein (Gelerstein, Glersztejn, etc.) family is a devout orthodox Jewish family from the fecund Zionist swamps of Belarus. The Hellersteins come from the village of Selets, Belarus, and were evidently afflicted by the Zionist madness of the late 1800s. Some members of the family emigrated to Palestine while others went to America. The ones that went to Palestine later went to America, and vice-versa. The Hellerstein family is one of the founding families of the Zionist state. The fact that Alvin K. Hellerstein, who is currently ruling over the 9-11 litigation, is a dedicated Zionist with family members in the Israeli government should be an obvious reason to remove him from a trial in which one of the key defendants is a company owned by Israeli military intelligence (ICTS). This, however, has not yet happened and I have yet to hear a lawyer calling for his removal. When all is said and done it will probably not be the Zionist judge who is removed from the process, but the suffering plaintiffs, the Israeli defendants and all the incriminating evidence, because in the end there will probably never be a trial to find those responsible for the crime of the century, at least not as long as Judge Hellerstein is making the decisions.
Judge Hellerstein is a well known Zionist but who is Ran Hellerstein? He is an Israeli military designer, one of the key people running the Israeli military company Elbit. All of the key players of Elbit have been with the company since the 1980s. They don't change any of the people at the top. Here is what Elbit says about Ran:
Ran Hellerstein, age 58
Executive Vice President and Co-General Manager, Aerospace Division
Elbit Systems Ltd.
Haifa, Israel
Ran Hellerstein was appointed as Executive Vice President and Co-General Manager - Aerospace Division in April 2008 after serving as Corporate Vice President and Co-General Manager - Aircraft and Helmet Systems since 2003. Mr. Hellerstein served as Corporate Vice President and Co-General Manager - Aircraft and Helicopter Upgrades and Systems from 2000 until 2003. From 1996 until 2000, he served as Vice President - Development and Engineering Division, having served as Division Manager since 1993. Mr. Hellerstein joined Elbit Ltd. in 1978 and served in various management positions, including Manager of EDS' Engineering Division, department manager, technical manager and systems engineer. Mr. Hellerstein holds bachelor and master of science degrees in electrical engineering from the Technion.
Hellerstein is an unusual name and I have been looking into the family connections between Ran Hellerstein and Alvin K. Hellerstein. I have already written a great deal about the fact that Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein's sister and son both emigrated from America to Israel. Both moved to Israel where they lived on orthodox Zionist settlements on occupied Palestinian land. Hellerstein's sister Helene lived and died (in 1998) on Kfar Etzion, near Hebron on the West Bank. His son, Joseph, lives on the Modi'in settlement and has worked closely with the Israeli government on negotiations with the Palestinians, in Oslo, for example. There is a very good chance that the Hellersteins of Elbit and New York are cousins. It certainly looks like they are. A Jacob Hellerstein, son of Russian immigrants in Palestine, was one of the founders of the Palestine Bulletin, the paper that became the Jerusalem Post. Jacob came to America in 1927 with his wife Schoni Yoffe and only returned to Israel in the 1970s. His sister, Sara, was killed in the 1946 Zionist terror bombing of the King David Hotel.
In my research of the Hellersteins and Elbit, I came across a very interesting bit of news about the "Danish" anti-Islamic cartoon scandal caused by Flemming Rose. What I found was that Flemming Rose went to Israel in April of this year and spoke at a Hebrew University event hosted by the former head of the Mossad in a forum owned by the man who controls Elbit, i.e. Michael Federmann.

Michael Federmann of Elbit and Federmann Enterprises
The following Jerusalem Post note about Flemming Rose's recent speech in Israel reveals the true source and motivation of his anti-Islamic cartoons:
What are the limits of freedom of expression? Where do people draw red lines - or don't they?
Flemming Rose, the cultural editor of the Danish daily newspaper Jyllands Posten, who published the offensive cartoons of the prophet Mohammed that pushed the buttons of many believers in the Muslim world, will discuss the issue today, Wednesday, at 5 p.m., at a symposium in the Handler Auditorium of the Truman Institute on the Mount Scopus campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The program is provocatively titled: "Freedom of Expression - Victim of Religion?"
Other speakers are David Horovitz, editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post, and Michel Kishka, editorial cartoonist and lecturer at the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design.
Moderator will be former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy, who is currently head of the Shasha Center for Strategic Studies at the Federmann School of Public Policy and Government at the Hebrew University, which is sponsoring the event.

Efraim Halevy
Efraim Halevy was head of Mossad from 1998-2002 and now works for Michael Federmann, owner of Federmann Enterprises and the largest shareholder of Elbit.
Source: Serving up the bread of affliction, The Jerusalem Post (Israel) - Wednesday, April 22, 2009, Greer Fay Cashman
Sources and recommended reading (Bollyn articles):
Recipe for Making Super Thermite
August 5, 2009
At this point in the effort to find the real terrorists of 9-11, the crucial question that needs to be answered concerns the super-thermite found in the dust: Who made the nano-thermite material and who put it into the twin towers? Finding the answer to these questions will reveal the true culprits of the mass murder of September 11, 2001. This is the focus of my work at this point.
One would expect that the U.S. government, the F.B.I., NIST, and other scientific institutions and technical universities around the United States would be racing to examine the evidence in order to find its origin. There are, after all, not that many companies or institutions that had the ability to manufacture nano-thermite in 2000-2001. While this material may have been made in the United States, it may have been made in Europe, for example in Germany where nano-technology is quite advanced, or elsewhere. Examining the elements and micro-structure of this material will give the best clues as to its origin.

Some of the red-gray chips of super-thermite found in the dust of the World Trade Center
By clicking on the title above "Making Super Thermite" you can read about how the destructive power of this material can be greatly enhanced by charging the extremely fine particles of aluminum and iron oxide so that they combine most efficiently. This method creates an extremely powerful form of nano-thermite which greatly reduces the amount required.
I have contacted Michael Zachariah, the Indian-born author of this article and others involved in the nano-technology department at the University of Maryland to ask if they would be able to assist in identifying the components and structure of the super-thermite chips found in the dust of the World Trade Center. After several months, I have not heard one word from Dr. Zachariah or Oded Rabin, an Israeli who works in the same laboratory. I find that to be extremely odd. Why would a U.S. lab at a public university engaged in research of nano-thermite not be interested in examining the chips of super-thermite found in the dust of the WTC? What is quite interesting is that Dr. Zachariah, a Jewish scientist from Calcutta, works with NIST, the very organization that refused to examine the evidence of thermite in the destruction of the twin towers.

NIST's Gaithersberg campus has a huge state-of-the-art facility dedicated solely to nano-tech fabrication and research. Why has NIST not joined the effort to identify the origin of the nano-thermite chips found in the dust of the twin towers? Why is NIST ignoring the evidence of nano-thermite in the World Trade Center?
Much of the nano-research was carried out in Gaithersburg, Maryland, where NIST has a nano-research facility and where Burton Fried's LVI demolition company was based. The
NIST Advanced Measurement Laboratory in Gaithersburg, founded in 2000, would be the perfect place to examine the evidence of super-thermite. So, why isn't it?

Michael R. Zachariah of the Maryland NanoCenter is affiliated with NIST and NASA, among others.
My latest letter to Michael Zachariah, dated July 30, 2009, is here:
Dr. Michael Zachariah
Director, Center for NanoEnergetics Research
Director, Center for Nano Manufacturing and Metrology
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Dear Dr. Zachariah,
As a journalist, I have investigated and written about the evidence of Thermite and super-thermite, i.e. nano-size thermitic material, in the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. As you are an expert on microcombustion and energetic nano-size materials, I would like to ask your opinion about the evidence of nano-thermite found in the rubble of the World Trade Center.
As you know, physical evidence of the exact form of super-thermite involved in the demolition of the twin towers has now been discovered, analyzed, and published. Dr. Steven E. Jones and 8 other scientists authored the paper, "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9-11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," published in March 2009 and available online in the Open Chemical Physics Journal: have also read with great interest your 2004 paper about "Enhancing the Rate of Energy Release from NanoEnergetic Materials by Electrostatically Enhanced Assembly." you tell me if the
chemical structure of the super-thermite found in the dust of the twin towers can be analyzed so that the process of its manufacture and possible origin could be discovered? Would it not be evident from the structure if a nano-thermite composite were made in the bi-polar coagulation process you discussed in your 2004 paper?
Would it be possible for a nano-tech expert like you to analyze the structure of the chips of bi-layered thermitic material and determine how it was created? I read that the Indian Head (Maryland) Division of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, was the "national center for energetics" in 1999 and "the only reliable source of aluminum nanopowders in the United States” and "probably the most prominent US center for nano-thermite technology."
The Indian Head center for energetics is partnered with the University of Maryland, James Clark School for Engineering.Would you be able to offer your expert advice and opinion on these important questions about what really happened to the twin towers on 9-11?
Thank you,
Christopher Bollyn
I sent a similar request to Oded Rabin, who shares the same last name as the Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin and his son Yuval, who sells Israeli software and hardware to the U.S. government with his company in Washington, D.C. A Herbert Rabin is also the current dean of the Clark School of Engineering and the University of Maryland, but that is another story. This is what I wrote ot Oded Rabin, the director of the Nanotechnology Lab at the Clark School.
Dr. Oded Rabin
Director, Materials and Interface Nanotechnology
Materials Science & Engineering
1110B Chem & Nuc Eng Bldg 090
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Dear Dr. Rabin,
As a journalist, I have investigated and written about the evidence of Thermite and super-thermite, i.e. nano-size thermitic material, in the destruction of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Recently, physical evidence of the exact form of super-thermite involved in the demolition of the twin towers has been discovered and analyzed. Could the chemical structure of this super-thermite be analyzed and the process of its manufacture and possible origin be discovered?
I have read that you are the director of the Materials and Interface Nanotechnology Laboratory at the University of Maryland and that you are an expert on the subject of “Nanosized Materials: Synthesis and Applications”, and teach this course to graduate level students. As an expert on nanosize materials, I would like to ask you about the evidence of nano-thermite found in the rubble of the World Trade Center.
Dr. Steven E. Jones and 8 other scientists authored the paper, "Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9-11 World Trade Center Catastrophe," published in March 2009 and available online in the Open Chemical Physics Journal: Michael Zachariah of the Center for NanoEnergetics Research at the
University of Maryland wrote a paper in 2004 about "Enhancing the Rate of Energy Release from NanoEnergetic Materials by Electrostatically Enhanced Assembly."
See: it be possible for a nano-tech laboratory such as yours to analyze the structure of the chips of bi-layered thermitic material and determine how it was created? I read that the Indian Head (Maryland) Division of the
Naval Surface Warfare Center, was the "national center for energetics" in 1999 and "the only reliable source of aluminum nanopowders in the United States” and "probably the most prominent US center for nano-thermite technology."
The Indian Head center for energetics is partnered with the University of Maryland, James Clark School for Engineering, which is how I found out about your laboratory and email address. See: you be able to offer your expert advice and opinion on these important questions about what really happened to the twin towers on 9-11. Lastly, are you related to the famous
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin?
Thank you,
Christopher Bollyn
My first letter to Michael Zachariah, the director of the NanoCenter was sent on April 19, 2009:
To: Michael R. Zachariah
Director, Co-Laboratory for Nanoparticle Manufacturing & Metrology
Glenn L. Martin Hall
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Dear Mr. Zachariah,
I would like to ask a few questions about the evidence of super-thermite (nano-thermite) in the dust from the World Trade Center.
Do you think nano-thermite may have been used to demolish the World Trade Center?
Do you think NIST was remiss to not have investigated for evidence of nano-thermite in the destruction of the towers?
See: Ryan, Kevin R. "The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites," July 2, 2008 you know of any companies that may have access to nano-thermite, such as demolition companies like LVI, formerly of Gaithersburg?
Do you think the published evidence of nano-thermite in the dust found by Jones, Harrit, et al is
compelling evidence?
Can I call you to discuss these subjects for an article for the international press?
Thank you,
Christopher Bollyn
Israel's Secret Super Thermite Lab
August 26, 2009

A recent photo of Barack Obama
The thesis of my book, Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World, is that a small gang of high-level Zionist extremists carried out 9-11. This group centers around the senior Israeli terrorist, Shimon Peres, who is currently president of Israel. This group includes other Israeli leaders, such as the former Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, and the current prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. It also includes the Israeli minister of defense, Ehud Barak, and other less well known members of Israel's military intelligence establishment. Former Mossad officers, especially people like Arnon Milchan, who have been involved in building Israel's nuclear weapons arsenal with Shimon Peres, are also included.

Israel is run by a network of Zionist criminals like Ehud Olmert (seen here), Shimon Peres, and others. Olmert made a secret visit to New York City on September 10, 2001. All the security men in the world will be unable to protect Olmert and Peres when the evidence proves that 9-11 was a Zionist false-flag attack against the United States of America.
The crime of 9-11 is still very much at the center of the political stage. It is the real reason why the Zionist-controlled Barack Obama is president of the United States and why the 86-year-old Shimon Peres is president of Israel. The lie has to be defended to protect the real criminals. Shimon Peres, the father of Israel's nuclear arsenal, and the Zionist criminals who helped him build nuclear weapons in the Negev Desert are at the very center of the false-flag terrorism and deception of 9-11. Peres' friends and Mossad agents like Arnon Milchan, Rafi Eitan, Zvi Malkin, and Avraham Ben-Dor played crucial roles in both 9-11 and the creation of Israel's nukes. This is not merely coincidence.
These Zionist criminals are ruthless but they are not stupid. The most obvious questions are: Why did they do it? How did they think they could get away with it?
The main reason for 9-11 was to change the military equation in the Middle East and bring the United States and NATO into the region on a permanent basis to wage war against the foes of Israel. But how could they possibly think they would get away with such an audacious and heinous crime of false-flag terrorism?
Ariel Sharon, then prime minister, expressed the Israeli thinking when he told Shimon Peres, "We control America." The Israelis would not attempt such an outrageous crime without knowing that every aspect of the cover-up was under their control. As my book describes, the Zionists controlled every nodal point of the 9-11 cover-up. Michael Chertoff, an Israeli and the son of a Mossad agent, controlled the non-investigation and oversaw the destruction of the crucial evidence. The Zionist-owned media, particularly the New York media, Fox News, CNN/Time Warner, and the BBC have all participated in the cover-up and false interpretation of the events of 9-11. A devoted supporter of Israel, Alvin K. Hellerstein, has controlled all of the litigation that concerns the victims of 9-11. Lastly, Zionist agents control the White House and U.S. Congress. The Israelis figured that they had all the bases covered. Having staged many similar terror attacks in Israel, they figured they could get away with the big job in New York City on 9-11. They knew that most Americans would never suspect Israel of being behind such an outrageous crime.
What they didn't expect is that a few Americans would dig into the evidence and uncover every stone to find the real culprits. They certainly didn't expect that a careful and independent scientific analysis of the dust would reveal that a nano-composite form of super-thermite was used to pulverize the World Trade Center. We know that Osama Bin Laden did not have super-thermite, so who put tens of tons of the powerful nano-tech explosive in the Twin Towers? That is the crucial question that will reveal the true culprits of 9-11. The discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the pulverized Twin Towers exposes the hoax of 9-11. Whoever made this advanced nano-tech explosive film had access to the most advanced nano-technology in the world. It certainly was not a gang of Moslem terrorists.

Israel's Nuclear Research Center - Negev near Dimona develops super-thermite films like that found in the rubble of the World Trade Center.
Israel's secret and super-secure nuclear lab is where the extremely powerful super-thermite of 9-11 was designed. The chief scientists involved in the manufacturing of the nano-composite used to pulverize the World Trade Center on 9-11 will be named in a forthcoming article in this space.

This is the extremely powerful nano-composite used to pulverize the World Trade Center on 9-11. This is a form of super-thermite that was applied as a highly energetic film to the interior surfaces of the Twin Towers.

The pyroclastic dust clouds of 9-11 looked very much like a nuclear blast. The super-thermite that pulverized the Twin Towers was designed at Israel's super-secret complex that manufactures nuclear weapons.
The Exploding Floors of 9-11
September 3, 2009
The Exploding Floors of 9-11
This newly released footage of the demolitions of WTC 7 and WTC 1 (North Tower) is very significant. There are several important aspects of the demolitions of 9-11 that are proven by these videos. The first is the incredible amount of pulverization of the concrete in WTC 7, which can be seen in the billowing pyroclastic clouds of dust rolling down the streets during its unexplained collapse at 5:25 p.m. on 9-11. Pyroclastic clouds are usually associated with volcanoes and are composed chiefly of rock fragments of explosive origin.

The pyroclastic clouds of dust were primarily composed of the concrete floors of the towers - and everything on them. This dust was not caused by a collapse but by a layer of super-thermite that had been applied directly to the floors, most likely on their undersides that were hidden from view - on the steel pans that held the lightweight concrete. The floor pans were exploded on 9-11 with most of the force of the blast directed downwards. There was no collapse. If the towers had collapsed or pancaked as the official report claims, there should have been a stack of 100 floor pans in the rubble, yet none were to be seen.
The dust clouds seen flowing down the street following the collapse of the 47-story Salomon Building, built and owned by Larry Silverstein, are identical to the pyroclastic clouds that accompanied the demolition and collapses of the Twin Towers, WTC 1 and 2. These dust clouds were caused by a super-explosive, a nano-composite form of thermite, fragments of which were found in the dust and identified by Dr. Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University and others.

Chips of the super-thermite that pulverized the World Trade Center.
(Steven E. Jones et al, 2009)
This is the incredibly powerful explosive that evidently pulverized the 110 four-inch thick light-weight concrete floors of each tower. Besides reducing these concrete layers to pyroclastic dust, this super-thermite also destroyed everything on each floor and blew everything to smithereens and propelled the huge dust clouds of pulverized debris down the streets of lower Manhattan. The floors of the Twin Towers were exploded in a way that indicates that the super-thermite must have been in direct contact with the four-inch thick concrete floors or the metal pans the concrete was poured into. This is fairly obvious because these structures were primarily steel and glass towers with concrete floors. The only other surfaces would have been the temporary dry wall constructions on each floor, the suspended ceilings, plumbing, and elevator shafts. There was not much else in the way of surfaces that could have been applied with super-thermite.
This is why the newly-released video of the demolition of the North Tower is so important. It clearly shows that the floors and exterior walls were exploded first and that the crucial weight-bearing core columns of the tower were still standing! (NIST, please explain that and the absence of 110 floor pans stacked up in the rubble. How did 220 steel floor pans disappear?)
This is crucial evidence that helps explain how the towers were demolished. The floors and structures around the core were evidently exploded first - and then the core columns were cut with steel-cutting thermite charges, explosions that were shrouded by the dust and noise of the exploding floors. This is quite unlike the logical progression of a normal collapse even in the case of demolition. This is to say that the 47 weight-bearing core columns were not cut first leading to the collapses. The destruction of the Twin Towers were not really collapses although the demolition of WTC 7 resulted in a collapse that resembled a normal controlled demolition.
The 110 floors of each tower were simply exploded before, blowing downwards and away from the cores in a way that was designed to look like a collapse. There was one problem: the "collapses" fell faster than an object in free fall. This was the first solid piece of evidence that the towers had been demolished with explosives. The "collapses" occurred faster than the laws of physics allow -- because they were not natural collapses. If they had been natural collapses there would have been layers of concrete pancaked on top of each other in the rubble pile, which is what often happens to multi-level buildings in strong earthquakes. We would expect to find 110 slabs of concrete and their steel pans stacked on top of each other, yet there is no evidence that any of these floor pans were found in the rubble, much less 110 of them stacked up. Where did these 220 steel floor pans go? How could they have simply disappeared? The fact that they were not found stacked up in the rubble clearly disproves the official version (NIST) of the "collapses" of the Twin Towers.

Many tons of steel from the Twin Towers were melted instantly by the super-thermite bi-layered explosive material found by Dr. Steven E. Jones in the dust. This is proven by the iron spheres found in the dust, as this image from the USGS survey clearly shows. This sphere is a solidified droplet of molten iron, the product of a thermitic reaction. This is evidently what happened to the 220 steel floor pans. In the wink of an eye they were melted by the detonation of the layer of super-thermite, which had probably been sprayed on their undersides, and then pulverized by the layer of organic material which had been added to the nano-thermite to create the gas pressure and explosive effect.
As we know there were no such solid remains of floor pans or the concrete floors of the Twin Towers -- absolutely everything was reduced to dust, except for the structural steel that remained, although some of that was also vaporized. This is what the super-thermite did on 9-11. It exploded the concrete floors and everything on them. There was no so-called pancake collapse. This is certainly obvious to anyone who views these videos. Why have NIST and the media lied to the public that the demolitions were collapses caused by steel structures weakened by fire? This is pure rubbish.
Why is this video footage of the demolition of the North Tower so important? Because it suggests that the pulverizing super-thermite (a sol gel energetic bi-layer film) was applied directly to the acre-sized concrete floors surrounding the 47 core columns. That is to say that the super-thermite layer was evidently in direct contact with the floors in areas occupied by tenants, and not in the core area, which we can see remained standing for several seconds after the floors around it had been exploded away. So, how was this thermitic material applied to the floors? Was it sprayed to the undersides of the floor pans or was it applied to the floors themselves, perhaps disguised as a floor covering or as a layer beneath the floor covering? Perhaps it was applied to the floors in several ways.
One reader wrote to me after the show with Kevin Barrett with this interesting comment:
During the interview, you speculated that the nano thermite may have been sprayed on the floor during the asbestos abatement process while removing linoleum. Not to put too fine a point on it, but the asbestos abatement process would be removing the fireproofing from the floor trusses by accessing the trusses through the suspended ceiling located below. In other words, the sol jell could have been sprayed on the floor pans (which is 15-20 ga steel decking supported by the trusses that the concrete is poured in) and hidden by the ceiling tiles in the same day. No problem. Other areas of sol jell application would include the core columns located within the elevator shafts Ace Elevator was working on. If you think about it, as energetic as nano thermite is, relatively little sol jell would be needed for the exterior columns, and it would explain the shearing occurring at convenient truck size lengths.
It seems most likely that the undersides of the steel floor pans is where the super-thermite was applied. If the pans were sprayed with a layer of super-thermite disguised as a coating of rust-proofing for example, the force of the blast would be directed downwards. The steel pan and the concrete of the floor would be pulverized but the direction of the explosions would be downwards and outwards, which is what we see in the video. As each floor was detonated, the blast would be forced downwards by the steel and concrete above it. The blast would hit the floor below it and hasten the collapse. This is what seems to have occurred judging by the video evidence.
In my article, "Who Put Super-Thermite in the Twin Towers?" of July 20, 2009, I discuss how the super-thermite might have been put in the towers. One of the possible disguises for applying the thin layer of super-thermite could have been as a coating sprayed during asbestos abatement work in the towers, as the reader said in the comment above. As I wrote in this article:
We do know that a million-dollar contract for asbestos abatement in the twin towers had been put up for bids by contractors in the fall of 2000, exactly one year before 9-11:
Contract WTC-115.310 - The World Trade Center Removal and Disposal of Vinyl Asbestos Floor Tiles and Other Incidental Asbestos-Containing Building Materials Via Work Order Estimate Range: $1,000,000 annually Bids due Tuesday, October 17, 2000. (advertised by the PA on September 12, 2000)
Kevin Barrett asked me how I can say that the super-thermite was produced by the Zionists who I allege are behind 9-11? As I said in the interview, at this point I cannot say with absolute certainty that the nano-composite was made by Israeli scientists in the nuclear bomb factory near Dimona, but I suspect it was. It is a deduction I have made in the same way one solves an algebra problem. If we know the result of the equation and all of the factors except one we can determine the missing factor. This is what I have done. Every other aspect of this false-flag terror atrocity was done by Israelis or Zionists committed to Israel so I would conclude that Israelis were involved in the manufacture and application of the super-thermite in the World Trade Center towers that were demolished on 9-11, all three of them.
What we really need to find at this point is the names of the people who were responsible for placing the super-thermite in the towers and how it was done. When we have that information we will be able to determine who made the material and provided it. Then we will have the true culprits of 9-11. As we already know, this material was certainly not made by Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida or the Taliban. We can safely say that no Muslim or Arab state or entity was responsible for loading the Twin Towers and WTC 7 with this advanced form of super-thermite. The government and media interpretation of 9-11 is, therefore, nothing but a pack of lies. This means that the war in Afghanistan has nothing whatsoever to do with 9-11 -- except that it is being done on behalf of those who carried out the false-flag terror attacks.
We must remember that we really have nothing to fear but fear itself. The ones who are truly afraid are those who carried out 9-11 and those who have assisted in this massive hoax and cover-up. They, the real terrorists of 9-11, are trembling with fear and unable to sleep. We need to be dedicated, determined, and tenacious in finding the guilty parties and exposing them.
Ehud Barak - Architect of 9-11
September 11, 2009
Eight years after 9-11, the American people and the U.S. government are still woefully misinformed about what actually happened on September 11, 2001. The media version of events, accepted by most Americans, is based on a completely false understanding of the terror atrocity that changed America – and the world. This is, however, no accident. This is how Israeli false-flag terrorism is designed to work.
The terror attacks of 9-11 were planned and carried out by Zionist extremists with the intention that the blame would be assigned to Islamic terrorists based in Afghanistan. Israeli military leaders and the Zionist-controlled media were well prepared to interpret the attacks so that public opinion would blame Muslims and Arabs for the atrocity. Changing public opinion is the primary mission of the architects of false-flag terrorism.
The evidence, however, indicates that the terror atrocity of 9-11 was not carried out by Osama Bin Laden, Al Qaida, the Taliban, or any Muslim entity. The discovery of chips of nano-thermite in the dust of the demolished World Trade Center has fully exposed the official version, promoted by the controlled media for eight years, as nothing but a pack of lies. Whoever applied tons of super-thermite to the Twin Towers had unrestricted access to every floor of the buildings - and state of the art nano-technology explosives. This was certainly not Osama Bin Laden and his gang of twenty.
Thousands of American, Afghani, and Iraqi lives have been lost as a result of the false understanding of 9-11, and the map of the Middle East has been redrawn. This is intentional, of course, and the Zionist-controlled media has been the most important supporter of the lies that surround 9-11. In the United States, the false interpretation of 9-11 has been vigorously promoted by Rupert Murdoch's FOX News and News Corporation, CNN/Time Warner, the New York Times, and other Zionist-controlled news networks.
The lies about 9-11 were prepared in advance to kick-start a U.S.-led military campaign across the Middle East that would result in American troops being permanently based across the region to support the fortress state of Israel and its Zionist hegemony. This is what is called the "War on Terror," which has been the Israeli plan since the mid-1980s, as articulated by Israel's current prime minister from the far-right Likud party, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu. This extreme Zionist strategy became U.S. policy in the aftermath of 9-11. It was planned that way, of course.
The invasion of Afghanistan, the response of President George W. Bush to 9-11, has been called "Obama's war" because of President Barack Obama's escalation of the nearly eight-year-old war of occupation. Despite the discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center, Obama continues to push the war in Afghanistan as a response to 9-11: "Let us renew our resolve against those who perpetrated this barbaric act and plot against us still," Obama said at the Pentagon's eighth anniversary ceremony. "In pursuit of al Qaeda and its extremist allies we will never falter," he said.
The war in Afghanistan, begun on 7 October 2001, cannot rightly be called Obama's war. It can, however, be called "Barak's war" if we mean Ehud Barak, the current Israeli defense minister and former prime minister. Barak was the first person to call for a U.S. war against Afghanistan and the chief architect of 9-11. By being the first to interpret the attacks and articulate the desired response, Barak revealed his role as a chief architect of 9-11.

The false-flag terrorist troika: Shimon Peres, Bibi Netanyahu, and Ehud Barak
The Israeli leaders Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak were among the very first people to blame Osama Bin Laden for 9-11 and call for military action against the Taliban-led regime in Afghanistan. The false-flag attacks were designed and then used by these Israeli leaders to start their long-planned "War on Terror," an Israeli military strategy pushed by Netanyahu for many years. The U.S. military presence in Afghanistan and Iraq allows Israel to carry out covert murderous false-flag terror operations in these beleaguered nations, acts that are effectively disguised as "sectarian" violence by the Zionist-controlled media.
It needs to be understood that Israel is, unlike any Western nation, a state that is run by the military. It is often said in Israel that while some of the Zionists wanted Athens, they got Sparta. The Israeli military/security establishment dominates the political affairs of the nation and has done so for decades. Seven of Israel's sixteen defense ministers, for example, were also serving as prime ministers. Four of them, Moshe Dayan, Yitzhak Rabin, Ehud Barak, and Shaul Mofaz, also served as Chief of Staff of the military. This is essential to understanding Ehud Barak's key role in 9-11.
Ehud Barak, the current defense minister, was both prime minister and defense minister of Israel from 1999 until March 2001. As defense minister, Barak led the criminal aggression known as Operation Cast Lead against the civilian population of Gaza from December 2008 through January 2009. Although Israeli forces under Barak's command committed egregious war crimes in Gaza, neither Israel nor Ehud Barak has been held accountable by the international community. The Israeli military, for example, flagrantly used banned white phosphorous bombs on the civilian population and intentionally bombed an American-run school and U.N. compound. The Israeli assault killed some 1,300 civilians.
Just this week, defense minister Barak approved the building of some 500 housing units on illegally occupied Palestinian land without a word of protest from the administration of Barack Obama, which has openly demanded an end to illegal Zionist construction in the occupied territories. The position taken by the Obama administration is, however, merely a false front meant to placate Arab states and public concerns about Israeli crimes in Palestine. In the same way, president-elect Obama said he would have plenty to say about Israeli war crimes committed in Gaza after he was inaugurated. He has, however, been completely silent about Israeli war crimes.
Ehud Barak is a chief architect of 9-11. As Israel's highest military strategist in political office, his role in the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11 was at the highest architectural level. As the Israeli prime minister and defense minister from 1999 through March 2001, Barak was at the top of Israel's political and military establishment when the false-flag terror attack was being prepared. Although Barak was replaced as prime minister by Ariel Sharon six months before 9-11, the project had been planned and was set to go before Barak left office. Barak was given a high-paying position with Electronic Data Systems, an American company, only hours before the 9-11 attacks. Israeli crimes like 9-11 and the murder of President John F. Kennedy are planned well in advance and compartmentalized for operation security.
Outside observers were surprised when the extremely hawkish right-wing Likud prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu took Barak, head of the Labor party, as his defense minister. The key fact to be considered in this relationship is that Barak was Netanyahu's commanding officer when they were both active in Israel's elite commando force, the Sayeret Matkal.

Ehud Barak was Netanyahu's commanding officer in the Sayeret Matkal. Here they attend a June 2009 memorial ceremony for Netanyahu's brother who died in the Entebbe operation headed by Barak.
Barak is known for heading the military response to the 1972 hijacking of a Sabena Airlines jet, which was forced by four terrorists to land at Israel's Lod Airport outside Tel Aviv. Barak led a team of Sayeret commandos, dressed in mechanics' overalls, which approached the plane as if to refuel it and then stormed inside. Barak's commandos overpowered the hijackers and rescued the passengers. One of the men under Barak's command was Benjamin Netanyahu. "Bibi was a good young officer," Barak acknowledged to Serge Schmemann of the New York Times (May 21, 1996), referring to Netanyahu by his nickname. "I tried to convince him to stay in the army longer. He was good at that, but that does not make him an appropriate [person] to run the country."
Barak was the key architect of the June 1976 Operation Entebbe, another rescue mission to free the hostages of the Air France aircraft hijacked by terrorists and forced to land at the Entebbe Airport in Uganda. Netanyahu's brother, Yonatan, was killed in this raid. An Israeli school of terrorism was created in his name. The relationship between Barak, the commander, and Netanyahu, the soldier, is very close. These men have worked as a team for decades.
In the immediate aftermath of 9-11, Ehud Barak, the former Israeli prime/defense minister, was the first person to call for the U.S. to attack Afghanistan. On the very day of the attacks Barak told Rupert Murdoch's Sky Television that Western governments needed to make a concerted effort to combat terrorism: "Most obviously my guess is a bin Laden organization...We have to stand firm against such terrorism," Barak said. "We have to coordinate to launch the same kind of fight that our forefathers gave to the fight against piracy on the high seas - mainly terrorists should not be allowed to land at any port or airport," he said. Note Barak's use of the pronoun "our." Whose forefathers is he talking about?
"The leadership of the world should be able to take action. It is time for action. The world is not going to be the same place as before," Barak said.
"Bin Laden sits in Afghanistan," Barak said on 9-11. "We know where the terror sites are. It's time for action." Barak's comments were reported in the Washington Times of 12 September 2001.

Netanyahu and Barak are very close in planning top-secret operations.
Benjamin Netanyahu, another former Israeli prime minister, actually told the New York Times that the terror attacks were "very good" for U.S.-Israeli relations on 9-11. He also "called upon all democratic nations of the world to join an international coalition to crush the terrorist organizations and the regimes that sponsor them," according to the Jerusalem Post of 12 September 2001. This military response is the pre-planned Israeli strategy known as the "War on Terror," which Netanyahu has been pushing since 1986 in his books, articles, and speeches.
The Jerusalem Post of September 12, 2001, reported:
"We must build a coalition against terror today, when our power is unmatched, because tomorrow it could be matched," Netanyahu said in a news conference at Jerusalem's King David Hotel. "It's time to take on militant Islamic regimes with a great deal of strength. We should crush the terrorist infrastructure that threatens the entire free world."
Netanyahu predicted that yesterday would be a turning point in the history of the United States, similar to Pearl Harbor. He called upon the United States to lead the effort against "the Bin Ladens, Arafats, and Saddam Husseins of the world."
The former prime minister said he predicted massive attacks on the World Trade Center shortly after the last attack on the building, and in his 1995 book Fighting Terrorism.
Barak was ready with an editorial entitled "Democratic unity is the only answer to terrorism," published in The Times of London on 13 September 2001:
Terrorism has declared war on the free world and the free world must unite to fight back. This is the inevitable conclusion to be drawn from the horror of Tuesday's attack. Just as the enlightened world mobilised in the past to combat challenges to its core values, so must such an international coalition be built today …
Let there be no illusions. This attack is an attack on everything that Western civilisation holds dear -- freedom, the rule of law, the sanctity of human life. It is an attack on the open manner in which business is conducted between people and nations and on the very fabric of human interaction as we know it.
And we know who the attackers are. Whether Osama bin Laden was involved directly or not, or whether it was another grouping, the world's governments know exactly who the terrorists are and exactly which rogue states support and promote their activity. Countries like Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and North Korea have a proven track-record of sponsoring terrorism, while no one needs reminding of the carnage wrought by the terrorist thugs of Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and even Yassir Arafat's own PLO. The lines of battle are clearly drawn.
Ehud Barak certainly knows who "the attackers are." He sees the chief architect of 9-11 every time he looks in the mirror.

As an architect of the terror atrocity of 9-11, Barak was well prepared to explain what happened to the Twin Towers.
Recommended Reading:
Bollyn, Christopher, "Ehud Barak Threatens More Bloody Reprisals," The Spotlight, November 2000
Mossad in Germany and 9-11 Disinfo
November 9, 2009
Mossad Penetration of Germany
The Israeli military intelligence company that managed passenger screening and security operations at the key airports of 9-11 also operates one of Germany's largest ports on the Baltic Sea.

ICTS, the Israeli company responsible for passenger screening on 9-11, operates the German port of Rostock.
International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS International N.V.), the Israeli company headed by the Mossad veteran Menachem J. Atzmon, owns Huntleigh USA, the company that ran airport security and passenger screening operations at Boston's Logan and other critical airports on 9-11. Huntleigh, which is owned by the criminal-run outfit ICTS, is one of the main defendants in the 9-11 tort litigation, and has been protected by the Zionist judge, Alvin K. Hellerstein, who has blocked all attempts for a trial to find those responsible. Atzmon, a convicted criminal of the Likud Party in Israel, owns and operates Seehafen Rostock, the largest cargo port of the former East Germany, a position he has held since January 1998. That an Israeli criminal has been allowed to operate one of Germany's largest ports illustrates the degree of Mossad influence in Germany. Israeli ownership of the port operations of Rostock is, however, just the tip of the Zionist iceberg that controls Germany.
The massive clouds of dust that accompanied the destruction of the three demolished towers on 9-11 presented a mystery that needed to be solved in order to understand what really happened during the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers and WTC 7, the three towers owned or leased by the Zionist Jew Larry Silverstein. Some 425,000 cubic meters of concrete from the 220 floors of the Twin Towers completely disintegrated before they hit the ground and formed the most substantial part of the immense pyroclastic clouds of hot dust that rolled down the streets of lower Manhattan on 9-11.

Larry Silverstein, a leading Zionist fund-raiser, owned or leased all three towers that were demolished on 9-11. Silverstein, along with President Bill Clinton and others, was accused of being part of a massive drug smuggling scheme in a lawsuit that was squashed.
Although the Zionist-controlled U.S. government and controlled media claim that the towers fell in non-explosive pancake-like collapses, no evidence of the 220 concrete floors or the metal pans that held them were to be seen in the pile of rubble. What really happened to these fundamental elements of the structures and what caused the pulverization of the concrete floors --and everything on them?

The concrete floors of the Twin Towers were pulverized into pyroclastic clouds. Large amounts of active super-thermite were found in the dust.
In November 2001, as the administration of George W. Bush began fighting the Israeli-designed "War on Terror" in Afghanistan, I decided to move my family to Germany. My early research of the available evidence and news reports strongly indicated that Israeli military intelligence had carried out 9-11 as a false-flag terror operation to be blamed on Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaida. The Zionist-controlled U.S. government and media pushed for the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan based on this unproven version of events. The government and media were evidently involved in a criminal cover-up of what really happened. It didn't seem safe or prudent to pursue critical 9-11 research in the United States as the nation went to war based on an explanation I had already found to be a pack of lies.
In August 2006, after being tortured with a TASER and having my right elbow broken in a pre-planned undercover police action at my home, I realized that my instincts were right in 2001 and that the U.S. was still not a safe place to investigate 9-11.

Bollyn after being assaulted and TASERed by a three-man squad of undercover tactical police at his home in August 2006. The Bollyn family had been home for less than two weeks before the police attack.
At the end of November 2001, I was able to interview Andreas von Bülow, a former parliamentarian and an expert on intelligence matters at his home near Cologne. He and I saw eye-to-eye on the role played by Israeli intelligence in the false-flag terror attacks of 9-11. I also spoke to other former senior officials of German intelligence agencies who provided me with valuable insights about the terror attacks that were allegedly partly engineered in Germany, as the official story goes. The pile at Ground Zero was still smoking in November and emitting huge amounts of nano-sized particles produced by the incredibly hot thermitic reactions in which iron was boiling beneath the rubble. It would be another month, until the end of the year, before the fires were put out and even longer before crews reached to the bottom of the pile where pools of molten iron were found, a discovery that led directly to the now proven thesis that Thermite was used to destroy the three towers.

The bluish smoke that rose from the pile of rubble was primarily composed of extremely toxic nano-sized particles created by fires hotter than the boiling temperature of iron. These fires were the result of large amounts of thermitic material reacting beneath the pile. The Zionist-controlled government and mass media refuse to deal with this evidence because it would reveal that the official version about 9-11 is nothing but a pack of lies.
Disinformation on Cause of Pulverized Towers
Shortly after arriving in Germany, I was introduced to a former East German intelligence agent, who I was told, was "Frau Marek". I don't know what her real name is. Frau Marek, I was told, had been one of the East German (DDR) "beautiful young swallows" of Markus Wolf, the German Jewish communist who co-founded and ran the DDR's Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung (HVA), the foreign intelligence division of the Ministry for State Security, commonly known as the Stasi, from 1953 until 1987.

Markus "Mischa" Wolf, the German Jewish spymaster who ran East German intelligence for 35 years
Markus Wolf was born in 1923 in the southern German town of Hechingen, the home of many influential Jewish families. Wolf, whose Jewish communist family spent the war in the Soviet Union, was sent from the Soviet Union to Berlin after the war with Walter Ulbricht, the founder of the totalitarian East German state, the DDR. Wolf worked as a journalist for a radio station in the Soviet Zone of occupation and was among the observers of the Nuremberg Trials.

Markus Wolf, the intelligence chief who helped create the DDR with Walter Ulbricht, at the Berlin Wall. Wolf died on November 9, 2006, the 17th anniversary of the fall of the wall.
Frau Marek, who I met on several occasions, had worked for several intelligence agencies including Israel's Mossad, by her own admission. As a "swallow" for Markus Wolf and the Stasi, I was told that Marek had worked to infiltrate NATO by seducing high-level officials. She had a background in physics and told me that she had information about a directed-energy infrared beam weapon that had been developed by the Soviet Union. This infrared beam weapon, she said, could have been used on 9-11 and, if so, could have been the cause of the pulverization of the concrete in the towers.
I subsequently wrote an article that discussed Frau Marek's supposed Russian deep infrared beam weapon that was published in the American Free Press in February 2002. The article, entitled "Laser Beam Weapons and the Collapse of the World Trade Center," was the first article that discussed the notion that a Buck Rogers-type energy weapon might have been used to pulverize the concrete of the World Trade Center.
As I wrote in the article:
Television viewers saw the immense amounts of dust, described by one observer "as if some high-energy disintegration beam or laser had been focused on the towers, and pulverized the concrete into minute particles of ash and dust."
Frau Marek told me that she was a former East German physicist and had studied Soviet infrared technology and plasmoids during the 1960s and 1970s. She described having been involved in the demonstration of a Soviet directed-energy beam weapon in 1991 for the U.S. Air Force in Weimar (DDR). She said there was evidence that a beam weapon using "deep infrared" radiation had been used to bring down the WTC. Although I thought Marek's theory was far-fetched, some people are still promoting this theory in spite of the published scientific evidence of super-thermite found by Dr. Steven E. Jones in the dust of the demolished towers.

The author and Professor Steven E. Jones looking at evidence of Thermite in March 2009. Both Bollyn and Jones suffered professional setbacks as a result of their research in the summer of 2009.
In the same article I wrote about U.S. and Israeli military efforts, since at least 1995, to develop an advanced infrared beam weapon under a joint "anti-missile" program known as the Tactical High-Energy Laser (THEL) weapon. Although I found Frau Marek's theory interesting, it seemed far-fetched given the abundance of evidence of explosions in the demolition of the towers. Having seen how steel beams and debris were propelled hundreds of feet from the buildings it seemed clear that there had been powerful explosives placed in the towers. Marek's theory was interesting primarily because it was an attempt to explain the mysterious pulverization of the concrete in the floors of the towers. With the discovery of chips of a nano-composite super thermite in the dust, however, the precise cause of the pulverized concrete has now been revealed.

Chips of the active thermitic material found in the dust of the World Trade Center. Did Al Qaida put this extremely powerful nano-composite explosive in the Twin Towers? This layer of super-thermite was probably sprayed on the bottom of the floorpans. From the amount found in the dust, the scientists estimate that tens of tons of this material had been applied inside the towers.
While I had no interest in meeting Frau Marek afterwards, I have been told through our mutual acquaintance that she is always very interested to know where I am. Why, I wondered, would a former agent of the Stasi and the Mossad be interested to know where I am? And why had she provided me with the story about the infrared beam weapon in the first place?
Israeli intelligence has penetrated East Germany deeply since the fall of the Berlin Wall and the evidence suggests that this relationship probably goes back several decades if not all the way to the founding of the DDR in 1949. Wolf, according to an extensive article by Louis Rapoport, had deeply penetrated international terrorist groups. Abu Nidal, for example, a notorious Palestinian terrorist from the 1970s, was based in East Berlin, but who was really managing him -- and to what end?
Today, senior officers from the Israel's Mossad run the port of Rostock, the largest in the former DDR. The Mossad firm that operates the port is part of Menachem Atzmon's company, International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), the same company that ran airport security and passenger screening operations at the key airports on 9-11 through their wholly-owned subsidiary, Huntleigh USA. Atzmon is an Israeli who was convicted of crimes related to illegal fund-raising for the Likud Party of Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert, and the current Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu. He was co-treasurer of the Likud Party along with Ehud Olmert when the crimes were committed although Olmert was acquitted while Atzmon was convicted.
Why would the German state allow a foreign company headed by a convicted criminal to run the port operations at one of the country's biggest ports? What does this say about Israeli influence at the highest level of the German government? Why is Israeli intelligence interested in running a port on Germany's Baltic coast? What kind of weapons smuggling and other criminal operations is the Mossad running out of Rostock?
The fact that the Mossad runs one of the largest ports of Germany is just the tip of the Zionist and Israeli network that operates in the unified German state. Israeli intelligence owns scores of companies in Germany and has a great deal of influence in the politics of the nation. It is Frau Marek's connection with the Mossad, I suppose, that is behind her giving me the story about the Buck Rogers infrared energy beam and 9-11. Given the discovery of super-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center, I can see that this story was an intentional attempt to mislead and confuse the issue about what really caused the pulverization of the World Trade Center, which is why I have not included it in my book, Solving 9-11: Exposing the Deception that Changed the World.
Sources and Recommended Reading (clickable):
Bollyn, Christopher, "Laser Beam Weapons and the Collapse of the World Trade Center," American Free Press, February 14, 2002
Rapoport, Louis, "Mischa's Back" Jerusalem Post, April 27, 1990
Rapoport, "The Long Arm of Mischa Wolf" Jerusalem Post, April 29, 1990
Rapoport, "East Germany's Ties to PLO, World Terrorism Revealed" Jerusalem Post, August 1, 1990
Understanding the 9-11 Bombing of WTC-6
December 21, 2009
May Allah/God help you in your struggle for the truth.
Truth has no religion, no race, no color.
- A supporter from London

"We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq."
- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Bar-Ilan University, April 2008
An amazingly callous Netanyahu told the New York Times on 9-11 (when early estimates were about 10,000 dead) that the terror attacks were "very good" for U.S.-Israeli relations. His subsequent comments about how Israel was benefiting from 9-11 were made in Hebrew at Bar-Ilan University, a religious Zionist school, and were directed at an audience that is certainly well aware of Israel's involvement in the false-flag terror of 9-11. These comments were obviously not meant to be translated for worldwide reading (the original article was published in the Hebrew language newspaper Maariv) and should be seen as a sort of public confession in which the leader of the Likud, Israel's right-wing extremist movement, sought to rationalize the Israeli false-flag terror atrocity on the United States. Joe Lockhart, spokesman for President Bill Clinton, described Netanyahu as "one of the most obnoxious individuals you're going to come into - just a liar and a cheat. He could open his mouth and you could have no confidence that anything that came out of it was the truth." It's high time for an international arrest warrant to be put out for Netanyahu and Ehud Barak to be tried for terrorism and war crimes.
The split-second precision of the bombing of WTC 6 reveals the sophisticated military planning of the criminal mastermind behind 9-11. The blatant cover-up of this explosion, witnessed by hundreds of gagged members of New York's fire and police departments, is ample evidence of the complicity of the controlled media to hide the truth of what happened on 9-11, along with the mayors of New York City and the U.S. government.
I contacted the archives of CNN during the summer of 2002 to inquire about the precise time of their video footage of a huge dust cloud coming from a mysterious blast that appeared to have occurred at the U.S. Customs House (WTC 6) at about 9:03 a.m. -- the same minute that the second plane struck the South Tower on 9-11. The raw video material has precise time markings, which they provided.

The mysterious explosion at the U.S. Customs House (WTC 6) occurred at 9:04 a.m. on 9-11, at exactly the same time as the second plane crashed into the South Tower.
As I reported in my article "What Caused the WTC 6 Crater?" of July 10, 2002, CNN confirmed to me that the mysterious blast had occurred at precisely the same moment that the second plane struck the South Tower:
Despite the fact that the horrible events of September 11 occurred in broad daylight and were widely photographed, significant aspects of the attacks have been completely suppressed by a media blackout. A massive explosion, witnessed by millions of television viewers on CNN, evidently devastated WTC 6, the 8-story U.S. Customs House, although no national newspaper or media outlet has said a word about it.
The unexplained blast occurred between the burning North Tower and the 47-story Salomon Brothers Building, known as WTC 7, immediately after United Airlines Flight 175 smashed into the South Tower, at about 9:03 a.m. The explosion at WTC 6 was shown afterwards on CNN. Because it not broadcast as it happened there has been some confusion about when it actually occurred. The large amount of smoke seen cascading around the South Tower in the video led some observers to mistake the blast for a dust cloud from the subsequent collapse of the tower.
I contacted CNN to determine exactly when the footage was filmed. CNN's Public Affairs Department confirmed that the explosion shown in the footage occurred immediately after the second plane had crashed into the South Tower. When asked if the footage was taken at 9:04 a.m., the CNN archivist who could not give his last name, said, "That's correct." When asked if CNN could offer any explanation about what might have caused the blast that clearly reached 550 feet, soaring higher than the 47-story WTC 7 in the foreground, the archivist said, "We can't figure it out."
When I revisited this subject in June 2009, I examined some photos by the late Bill Biggert that showed that WTC 6 had been badly damaged before the collapse of either tower. I also discussed the discovery by Kurt Sonnenfeld, a FEMA photographer, now living in exile in Argentina, that the underground vault of the building had been cleaned out before 9-11. This story is extremely important because it reveals that there was a criminal mastermind behind 9-11 who was able to time the explosion in WTC 6 to coincide exactly with the crash of the airplane into the South Tower. It also reveals that the terror attack was designed to conceal the theft of the contents of the underground vaults - evidence of serious crimes and valuables such as gold. This is identical to the Zionist terror bombing of Jerusalem's King David Hotel on July 22, 1946, during the British Mandate.

The King David Hotel was blown up by Zionist terrorists in a way that was very similar to the bombing of the U.S. Customs House (WTC 6) on 9-11. The people who blew up the King David Hotel were known terrorists from the Irgun and Haganah. The children of these terrorists are the current leaders of Israel. Why do good law-abiding Jews continue to support these terrorists? Jabotinsky, Begin, Sharon, and Netanyahu are very much like Bar Kochba and his Jewish Zealots of the past - fanatics who led their people to destruction.
The King David Hotel served as headquarters for the British forces, and housed the evidence that would have resulted in many of these Zionist terrorists being hanged. The destruction of this evidence was the primary reason for the bombing, which was carried out by Irgun and Haganah terrorists. The commander of the Irgun terror gang from 1943-1948 was Menachem Begin who later became Israel’s sixth prime minister in the 1970s and 1980s. The head of terror operations for the Irgun was Yerucham Livni from Grodno, father of Israel's former foreign minister Tzipi Livni (who is currently wanted for war crimes in Britain). The children of these Zionist terrorists from the 1940s are the leaders of Israel today.

The Zionist terror bombing of the King David Hotel in July 1946 was ordered by Menachem Begin and approved by David Ben Gurion. Eitan Livni, chief operations officer for the Irgun terror gang had been arrested in April 1946 and was in prison at the time.

Menachem Begin, a Zionist from Brest-Litovsk, was arrested by the NKVD in 1940

Begin, the arch-terrorist of Zionism, is Netanyahu's mentor and idol. There are no limits or laws to constrain such fanatics.

When Netanyahu became prime minister on March 31, 2009, Begin's son Benny sat right behind him. Netanyahu's father was executive secretary for Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the founder of the Irgun and Haganah - and the Zionist terror group that became the Likud party.
The Zionist-controlled media in the United States and Britain have ignored the evidence of the huge explosion that destroyed WTC 6 as the plane crash distracted cameras and onlookers. This was the plan. It is like a circus where the attention of the audience is controlled by the use of spotlights that illuminate one act while the rest of the arena is in darkness. In this respect, the bombing of WTC 6 is like the huge debris field that is about one mile from the small crater where we are told the plane crashed in Shanksville. The public's attention is focused on the twenty-foot crater while the real evidence is kept hidden from the prying eyes of the press.
The following photographs and analysis by Jack White, professional photographer, reveal that WTC 6 was bombed at 9:04 on 9-11 and that the controlled media is complicit in the criminal cover-up of the truth. These photos can be seen in full size on Jack White's website or here:

A photo of New York firemen fighting the fire of the bombed WTC 6 - before either tower fell

An analysis showing the two different events - one hour apart

The Biggert photo shows the pre-damaged WTC 6 as the South Tower is pulverized with super-thermite.

A photo of the WTC 6 blast

An analysis of the moment that the plane struck and WTC 6 was exploded
Sources and Recommended Reading:
Bollyn, Christopher, "What Caused the WTC 6 Crater?" July 10, 2002
Bollyn, "The Mystery of WTC 6," June 23, 2009
Bollyn, "An Inconvenient Witness: Sonnenfeld on WTC 6," June 24, 2009
Christopher Bollyn exposed as a 911 frump!,, September 2009
Jack White's 911 Photo Studies
Ha'aretz (Israel), "Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel," April 16, 2008