Ignoring Israel's Iron Wall
November 5, 2009

The Berlin Wall lives on in Israel, seen here in Bethlehem. The Israeli wall of separation is some 12 meters (37 feet) high. The hideous Israeli wall across occupied Palestine has underlined the fortress state and Jewish ghetto mentality in Israel. But is this the kind of state that a person would want to live in?

Bollyn in Berlin Wannsee, 30 October 2009
The Berlin Wall fell 20 years ago on November 9-10, 1989. Jewish-owned Music TV (MTV), Bono, and his band U2 will be celebrating along with millions of others the fall of the Berlin Wall while the entire world ignores its hideous cousin, the Israeli "Iron Wall" of separation.

Israel's Iron Wall is much higher and longer than the Berlin Wall and has been built on illegally occupied land yet no U.S. president has called on the Israeli leaders to "tear down this wall." The hideous wall was built with the support and approval of the U.S. Congress and presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. Many millions of American taxpayer dollars were used to build this wall.
Ze'ev Jabotinsky, the founder of Revisionist Zionism (which became the Likud Party of Menachem Begin, Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert, and Bibi Netanyahu) wrote an article entitled "Iron Wall" in 1923, which called for "Iron Wall" in occupied Palestine:
Settlement can thus develop under the protection of a force that is not dependent on the local population, behind an IRON WALL which they will be powerless to break down.
Prime Minister Netanyahu's father was Jabotinsky's executive secretary. Likudnik Prime Ministers Sharon, Olmert, and Netanyahu are the builders of Israel's "Iron Wall."
So, why do so-called "political" singers like Bono ignore the very real suffering of millions of Palestinians and the new Berlin Wall that divides the Holy Land? Why does the music industry ignore the crisis in the Middle East, the illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the illegal occupation of Palestine by Zionist Jews who desecrate the Holy Land? Where has the music gone?
Bono, a friend of presidents Bush and Clinton, will be giving a "free" concert at the Brandenburg Gate, the famous 18th Century portal to the city of Berlin. Today, 20 years after reunification, Berlin is the most modern, clean, and civilized metropolis in the world. It is the capital of the most prosperous nation in Europe and the Number One exporter in the world. It's easy for MTV and Bono to celebrate the fall of the Berlin Wall 20 years later -- but if they really cared about freedom and equality for all men why don't they do a free concert in occupied-Bethlehem or Jerusalem in front of the wall of the Zionist fortress state of Israel? Why doesn't President Barack Hussein Obama II call on the Israeli leaders to tear down this wall, as President Reagan did to the Soviet leadership? Neither Obama nor Bono would dare to speak out against Israeli apartheid policies or Zionist war crimes because they are owned and controlled by the Zionist Jews who made them what they are.
This is why the music has gone into the gutter and why there is no anti-war music or resistance music today. The Zionist Jews have taken over the entire music industry, lock, stock, and barrel. It is the same with the press media, the television networks, and the film industry. The whole shebang is completely controlled by Zionist Jews. The Zionist masters own the big record labels and send the musicians they own to Israel to try and improve the image of the criminals who run the Zionist state.

Madonna with arch-terrorist Shimon Peres, father of Israel's illegal nuclear arsenal

Bono of U2, who is proud of his Jewish roots, embraces Tzipi Livni, a war criminal and daughter of a terrorist leader.

Bono flashed the peace symbol with George Bush in March 2002 as the U.S. waged a war of aggression and occupation in Afghanistan based on blatant lies about who was behind the false flag terror attacks of 9-11. Bono doesn't mind bolstering the image of real war criminals -- he is paid well to do so.

Bono continued to support Bush in 2007 as he waged two wars of aggression in support of the Zionist deception known as the "War on Terror". Bono works for his label, Universal Music Group, which is owned by Jean-Bernard Levy of Vivendi.

Bono is also very proud of his Jewish roots...
Born Paul David Hewson, Bono wrote about his mother's Jewish roots in his book U2 by U2:
Jack was a travelling salesman, as many of my uncles were, and they come from a long line of travelling salesmen. And in fact I am a travelling salesman. I sell songs for U2, door to door, city to city, and I promote ideas like debt cancellation or fair trade at the market, and I reckon I must have got if from the Rankins -- which, by the way, is usually a Jewish name. They all looked Jewish too. I've heard it said that the Rankins were Jewish at one point when they were based in Scotland, then they came over to Ireland and they weren't Jewish any more, which I think used to happen a lot. I don't know if that is true, but I'd like it if it were. (Source: U2 by U2, p. 15)

...and Bono absolutely adores the Jewish media moguls who made him rich and famous. Bono shows his affection for Lucian Grainge, the Jewish head of Universal Music Group (International) at Doug Morris's Grammy party in Los Angeles in 2009. Morris and Grainge, both Jews, work for Jean-Bernard Levy, head of Vivendi and owner of Universal Music. Don't expect Bono to protest Israeli war crimes or sing protest music to support Palestinian rights any time soon.

Bono and U2 in Israel, on the Jewish side of the wall, but of course.

A mime artist works at the Brandenburg Gate where the Berlin Wall divided the German capital for nearly three decades.

A small section of the wall has been saved. It was painted with the Palestinian and German flags and the Israeli flag superimposed in a "peace action" in 2004. The Palestinian flag, however, was only temporary. Usually it is just the German flag with the same Israeli motif. It suggests that Zionism dominates occupied Germany as it does occupied Palestine.

The painting by Gunther Schaefer, a German Jew from Frankfurt am Main, has been defaced more than 44 times by Germans who are deeply offended by the desecration of the German flag with the kabbalistic hexagram.

Wolfgang Schaefer is a co-founder of the East Side Gallery and his provocative painting is protected by the German state as "an historical monument."
Schaefer has been honored by President Johannes Rau in the Bellevue Palace for his offensive painting which desecrates the German flag. In 2007, Schaefer met the Pope, Benedict XVI, in St. Peter's Cathedral at the Vatican. Although average Germans find his painting to be highly offensive and disgusting, it is protected by law. It should be remembered that Germany is still occupied and does not have a peace treaty or a real constitution. The Grundgesetz (the basic law) written by the Allied occupiers, considered as temporary when it was written in 1945, is still in effect.
German lands stolen by Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, and Russians are still illegally occupied. The Czech Republic, which just ratified the E.U. Lisbon Treaty, was allowed an "opt out" which permitted the Czech state to maintain the racist Benes Decree which prohibits displaced ethnic Germans from returning to their homes, farms, and property that were stolen during the "ethnic cleansing" of Czechoslovakia after the war. Would a European state be allowed to have laws that prohibit Jews from regaining their property? How can the European Union accept laws that discriminate against Germans? The Zionist ethnic cleansing of the Baltic region and the Sudetenland resulted in the deaths of more than 2 million innocent German civilians. All German property was confiscated and the rightful owners were forced onto boxcars -- or shot. Jews, like Madeleine Albright's father, wound up with the German treasures that had been stolen. The German refugees are the Palestinians of Europe.

Israel Iron Wall -- Understanding the complete Zionist control of our media and government(s) is essential to understanding our political predicament.