Gitmo Gulag Fraud and Chaos
July 16, 2009

An image of the person said to be Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the "mastermind of 9-11," and the feeble-minded scapegoat Ahmed Qadus. Are they the same person? I asked Dr. David E. Klett, a retired professor of thermodynamics, who had the real KSM in several of his classes, if he recognized the person said to be KSM. "I did not recognize that person," Klett said. "I never saw that face before."
The BBC is reporting that the fraudulent Soviet-style military tribunals in Gitmo have fallen into chaos (not a big fall for such a seriously flawed process). The article, "Chaos besets 9/11 court hearing," reports:
Scenes of chaos have gripped a US military court in Guantanamo Bay where five alleged 9/11 plotters were due to appear together before a judge. All five, including alleged mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, initially refused to attend the hearing. The judge rejected prosecution calls for them to be compelled to attend but three did appear after a recess. The hearing focuses on whether two of the accused are mentally competent to represent themselves...
Thursday's hearing was meant to focus on whether Mr Hawsawi and a fourth defendant, Ramzi Binalshibh, were mentally competent to represent themselves. The US military lawyer representing Mr Binalshibh said he suffered from a delusional disorder. When the lawyer went into detail about how he had been deprived of sleep, her microphone was cut off...
The fifth defendant, Mr Sheikh Mohammed, refused to attend the hearing. Described by US intelligence as "one of history's most infamous terrorists", he earlier admitted being responsible "from A to Z" for 9/11. Believed to be the number three al-Qaeda leader before his capture in Pakistan in March 2003, he told a pre-trial hearing at Guantanamo in December 2008 that he wanted to plead guilty to all charges against him.
It should be noted that the person who is said by the U.S. government to be Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is clearly not who they say he is. My research has found that the evidence indicates that he is another person, a feeble-minded person who is being scape-goated as the "mastermind of 9-11." I have written about this in several articles. I spoke with a former professor who taught KSM at a university in North Carolina. Shown the photos of the person said to be KSM, the professor said he had never seen that face before.

Images of the real Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
The three articles (No. 6,7, and 8) about the hoax of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed can be read near the end of the webpage with my articles from 2007 about 9-11:
No. 6 "Terror Mastermind KSM is an Imposter - The Confession is Fake," 16 March 2007
No. 7 "When and Where was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Captured - or Killed?" 16 March 2007
No. 8 "The Absence of Justice for 9-11 Victims," March 2007