A Note of Gratitude
October 1, 2010
I am very grateful to those who have donated to Bollyn.com in October, especially D.K. in Ontario.
I am much obliged to H.H. in Washington, D.K. in Ontario, A.M. in Minnesota, M.B. in New Mexico, E.B. and E.H. in Canada, Z.D. in Iowa, W.W. in Texas, B.G.H. in Sweden, G.C. in British Columbia, and D.R. in California for supporting Bollyn.com in September. Many thanks for your support.
Thanks to A.S. in Connecticut, M.W. in Delaware, A.S. in California, P.B. in Utah, K.S. in California, T.B. in Saskatchewan, D.M. in Colorado, J.M. in Washington, T.M. in Louisiana, and R.L. in Minnesota for supporting my efforts in August.
I am grateful to those who have contributed to my work in July, especially P.C. in Tokyo, T.N. in Australia, J.P. in California, T.M. in Louisiana, M.P. in South Africa, J.W. in Ohio, K.W. in Tucson, and D.C.R. in Montana, A.T. in Nevada, and D.L. in California. Thank you all very much for your support.
Many thanks to E.S. in New York, M.V.C. in Ireland, E.H. in Ontario, and M.P. and R.Y. in Switzerland, T.N. in Australia, J.C.S. in New Zealand, N.R. in New York City, A.T. in British Columbia, E.E. in North Carolina, M.P. in Connecticut, an anonymous donor in Canada, R.M. in California, and E.H. in Canada for supporting my work in June.
I am very grateful to A.S. in Palm Desert, G.R. in Arkansas, T.B. in Saskatchewan, J.A. in Kuwait, C.B. in Fort Worth, R.R. in Oregon, E.H. in Toronto, T.M. in Louisiana, T.R. in Rheine, Germany, T.T. in Arkansas, R.S. in Tasmania, G.B. in Vancouver, E.H. in Canada, V.G. in Massachusetts, A.M. in Minneapolis, J.P. in Illinois, C.J. in China, M.C. in Bristol, and G.S. in Australia for donating to my work in May. Thank you all very much for your support.
It's difficult to express the complete admiration and gratitude I have for the amount and quality of your work over the past decade. Your critical and enquiring attitude from the very beginning of the 9-11 tragedy is quite remarkable, and thank God, diligence and courage still inform your work today.
- A.M. PhD in Minnesota, May 2010
Thanks to those who contributed to my work in April, especially T.S. in Oregon, R.W. in California, E.H. in Ontario, T.N. in Australia, N.S.A. in Illinois, S.H. in Virginia, G.S. in Australia, S.D. in Florida, M.B. in Albuquerque, J.R. in Illinois, M.C. in Bristol, T.N. in Australia, M.J. in Washington, J.K. in Kansas City, G.S. in Indiana, R.M. in Novato, A.S. in Texarkana, and M.L. in America. Thank you all very much!
Many thanks to the donors of March: G.S. in Australia, M.W. in Massachusetts, D.V. in Colorado, T.H. in San Jose, G.V. in Virginia, B.G.H. in Sweden, L.M. in British Columbia, G.D. in Michigan, E.H. in Toronto, K.B. in California, S.A. in Illinois, and Merci mille fois to M.F. in Switzerland.
Switzerland is an important part of my family history. My Bollyn ancestors came to America from Switzerland, where they apparently sought sanctuary after the cruel judicial murder of England's Queen Anne Boleyn, the mother of Elizabeth I, and her brother George. The Boleyn family, which had played a central role in the English Reformation and having the Bible translated into English, was subsequently vilified and slandered. The Boleyn family lost its high position and much of its property after the murder of the Queen and her brother in May 1536.
"No English Queen has made more impact on the history of the nation than Anne Boleyn, and few have been so persistently maligned," Joanna Denny wrote in the opening of her excellent book, Anne Boleyn (2004).

Queen Anne Boleyn - "The Most Happy" (1501-1536)
Try me, good King, but let me have a Lawful Trial, and let not my sworn Enemies sit as my Accusers and Judges; yes, let me receive an open Trial, for my Truth shall fear no open shame; then shall you see, either mine Innocency cleared, your Suspicion and Conscience satisfied, the Ignominy and Slander of the World stopped, or my Guilt openly declared.
- Anne Boleyn's letter to her husband King Henry VIII from the Tower of London (1536)

Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), the daughter of Queen Anne Boleyn, ushered in the Golden Age of the English Renaissance. Elizabeth was one of the most learned and accomplished women of her age.
Sincere thanks for the donations received in February, especially from V.M. in Canada, J.A. in Kuwait, R.L. in New Zealand, R.D. in Michigan, E.H. in Ontario, T.B. in Saskatchewan, S.Ö. in Sweden, P.C. in Tokyo, S.C. in Tucson, P.D. in Washington, D.C., A.G. in New Jersey, D.A. in Toronto, T.M. in Louisiana, S.R. in Illinois, W.R. in Denver, and M.K. in Hoffman Estates.
My Canadian friends have been very generous and supportive of getting my book published. It's coming soon. Thank you all very much!

Many thanks to those who donated in January: E.H. in Ontario, L.L. in New Mexico, S.K. in Illinois, J.S. in New Zealand, M.B. in Albuquerque, N.M. in Nova Scotia, B.B. in Cambridge, M.P. in Connecticut, J.P. in Cicero, J.W. in Cincinnati, and A.S. in Palm Desert.
I received Christmas letters from several supporters. One of them penned this message:
Mr. Bollyn:
Keep writing - I find you to be one of the few honest people commenting on the real nature of today's world.
All the best...
I also received this very nice Christmas greeting:
I wish to add some brief words of encouragement for the marvelous work you have undertaken on behalf of all of us who value our freedom. Thank you for your courage, your integrity and your amazing tenacity in exposing the evil which is gripping our planet.
I take whatever opportunities I can in sharing these truths with others - particularly in relation to 911. I was encouraged to read elsewhere today that the spirit of resistance is growing - though I don't expect to see it reported in the mainstream media any time soon!
May God bless you and yours this Christmas and in the New Year ahead.

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
- Albert Schweitzer
Human awareness is expanding exponentially thanks to you and people like you. You really are making a difference.
- A supporter from Australia
I am very grateful to those who have donated in support of my work in December, especially S.C. in Missouri, A.S. in Panama, G.S. in Australia, T.B. in Saskatchewan, N.R. in New York, E.H. in Canada, P.C. in Japan, J.S. in California, A.S. in London, G.S. in Indiana, M.L. in Maryland, J.B. in Arkansas, S.D. in Aberdeenshire, J.L. in Sacramento, J.R. in Illinois, and T.M. in Germany. Many thanks to you all and those who supported my work in 2009. I couldn't do it without your help.
A special thanks to those who donated to my research and writing in November, especially N.M. and W.G. in Australia, R.A. in Philadelphia, E.H. in Canada, L.M. in North Carolina, G.S. in Australia, C.S. in British Columbia, A.S. in California, V.G. in Massachusetts, M.P. in Connecticut, P.N. in California, R.I. in Ohio, and S.B. in New Mexico. Many thanks for your support.
I received this encouraging note from a new supporter:
I would like to thank YOU for your brave and continuous effort to bring the painful truth to light. I admire your tireless research and linguistic intelligence. I shared with my husband the other day, that you are the only person out there who writes and explains the tragic 9/11 events so cohesively with plenty of scientific evidence and ‘to the point’, that it will be hard for anyone to dismiss it as yet another conspiracy theory.
Please don’t ever give up Mr. Bollyn and know that we are very grateful for your work!
Don't worry, I won't give up. It is always nice to hear from supporters. We are all in this together and it really is a collective effort to find the truth and save our nation(s).
And a big thanks to those who donated in October, especially J.F. in Colorado, K.D. in New York, T.B. in Saskatchewan, D.G. in Connecticut, V.C. in Ireland, E.H. in Canada, A.S. in Scotland, J.M. in Illinois, R.A. in Philadelphia, and G.S. in Australia. My sincere thanks to you all. Your support is greatly appreciated.
In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility -- I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
-John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961
This note of appreciation came from a supporter in Canada:
Words can't describe how much respect I have for you and your work. I suggest that everyone look at your history of articles and understand how important you are right now to the pursuit of truth. You are the leading edge.
... from a supporter in Illinois:
Thanks for exposing AFP [American Free Press].
... from a reader in France:
Thanks for your brave investigations to bring light on Truth. You stand out among the best.
... from a reader in Seattle:
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! (a million times) for having the courage to help us break through these many walls of lies that are killing our country and the world. From the bottom of my heart I sincerely appreciate all of your hard work that you have done on exposing the 9-11 Fairy tale.... We really need to get the people together in this quest for truth and justice.... Until that happens the media and the elites peddling these lies will continue to dominate the world... I hope the battle can be won, and I will continue to do my best to enlighten others, thanks to the great work you have put out on your website.
... from a supporter in Dublin, Ireland:
Many thanks for your contributations to a Cassandra-like society...It is thanks to the likes of you et al that one learns of the manipulation/control of society. May you be protected by the good (especially in the security service). At a time of Depression, which affects all the good (and the stupid), I admire your intelligence in assessing the current debacle.
... from East London, South Africa:
I was with my father watching CNN on the 11 September 2001, when the second plane "hit" the tower. My father's comment greatly startled me at the time. He said, "Americans...How Hollywood! I will bet you my life Mossad is responsible!"
Your book has reiterated all that my father made me aware of, that I mostly dismissed as conspiracy theories. How desperately wrong I was.
I am heartened that people such as yourself have the courage to stand against the demonic Zionazis who control this world. Here in South Africa, they literally forced the President to address their Jewish Board of Deputies (and the country at large) and declare his support for Jews & Israel. No surprise then that the incoming Governor of the Reserve Bank is a Jew, whose family are avowed Zionists, whilst she declares herself as an atheist communist!
The rabid insanity of these people and their stupid lackeys in America and Europe has to come to an end.
Keep up the honorable work.
I am heartened that sincere people consider my work "honorable" and donate to support my efforts. I am very grateful for those who supported my 9-11 research in the month of September, especially D.A. in Toronto, G.W. in Germany, D.M., H.M., and K.B. in California, R.L. in Minnesota, J.A. in Michigan, R.W. in Arizona, K.M. in Australia, M.B. in New Mexico, D.M. in Denver, T.N. in Australia, S.M. in Omaha, M.P., J.A., R.H., and E.H. in Canada, J.D. in England, J.S. in San Marcos, W.F. in New York, J.C. in Long Beach, P.C. in Tokyo, W.H. in The Netherlands, M.P. in Connecticut, D.B. in Wyoming, J.D. in Illinois, J.H. in Quebec, J.M. in Oregon, G.S. in Queensland, L.B. in Tucson, E.J. in Chicago, E.B. in Palm Springs, J.B. in Arkansas, and M.S. in Louisiana. Thank you all very much.
Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
- William Arthur Ward
These kind words of encouragement came with a generous donation:
There is no better place that I can place my money than with you. Dollars become credible currency when placed in your hands. Please keep up the fine, fine work, and accept my gratitude for your devotion to this supremely important part of our lives. Your efforts are unique and singular.
A reader in South Africa sent this note after reading the first 12 chapters of my book, Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World:
I have just read the 12 chapters of your 9-11 book. I am gobsmacked! Your research is overwhelmingly precise and alarmingly accurate. It took me four days, (with research) and even though I am well researched on the Zionazis, I was flabbergasted at the attention to detail so far. We, as inhabitants of this planet, will be forever grateful for your time and dedication to this cause, and, in time, will owe you a huge debt of gratitude in the future. Thank you for your incredible work.
- P., Johannesburg, South Africa
A supporter in Hawaii sent me this nice note:
Aloha, Chris,
After donating to your unparalleled research ... I discovered what you have written about your family's background.
It brought me much joy to realize that your family lineage includes the famous Boleyn family of England, since I count myself as having spiritual connections there as well. I loved seeing the Boleyn family crest, in fact it brought tears to my eyes. I believe you carry the strength and courage of this family, since what you are doing requires not just extraordinary intelligence and determination, but a high degree of spiritual protection. People's essential qualities must shine through, and yours are truly top-class.
May God continue to bless and secure your family, and your dedication to service of the truth. We all benefit from your strength and tenacity. Mahalo nui loa!

Falcon Crest of Anne Boleyn,
Queen of England