Dear Colleagues: 

This month I would like to discuss dental infections, and what to do about them.Everyone familiar with neural therapy knows how important teeth are in finding the causes of unexplained illness. In fact, after scars, dental interference fields are the most characteristic feature of neural therapy. Neural therapy appears to be the only medical system that takes dental problems into account.

Teeth are important for various reasons. Their neuroanatomy is complex and connects intimately with the upper cervical spine and the brain stem. (Dr. Barop's outline of the anatomy and neurophysiology is highly recommended: pp.144-145 of Textbook and atlas of neural therapy.) In addition the teeth are closely connected to the body's energetic system. See 81-83 of my book and chapter 7 of the book for an overview of the whole subject of "Dental aspects of neural therapy".

What I would like to discuss in this newsletter is how to evaluate dental interference fields and options for treating them. In my experience, most dental interference fields harbour infection. Many or most of them are asymptomatic and only some of them show visible inflammation of the adjacent mucosa. 

How can we know infection is present? Xrays can be helpful as well as the standard methods of dental examination - palpation, checking tooth vitality, etc. However, the most sensitive tool is autonomic response testing. In fact, there is probably not another place in neural therapy where autonomic response testing has more value. 

The technique is simple. The strength of an indicator muscle (usually the patient's right shoulder flexors) is evaluated as a baseline. Then the physician touches the suspect tooth, looking for a weakening in the indicator muscle. Both buccal and lingual sides should be tested, as it is not unusual to find only one side affected. Adjacent teeth should be tested as well. There should be a clear difference in indicator muscle strength between the suspect tooth and its neighbours. 

Once a dental interference field has been detected, the next step is to determine if it is infected and if so, with what organisms. Here a kit of dental homeopathics or isopathics is needed. (Unfortunately, the excellent nosodes produced by Staufen Pharma are no longer available as the company went into receivership in 2015. The big advantage of these was the nosodes for mercaptanum and thioether, both toxins found in toxic root canalled teeth. Some of you may still have these and I would encourage you to use them as they have the advantage of indicating how toxic the tooth is.) 

The next best choice is isopathics, i.e. the Sanum remedies, - Notakehl, Mucokehl and Pefrakehl. (readily available through various suppliers in North America and Europe) These are not strictly speaking homeopathics, but they work energetically nevertheless. If autonomic response testing matches one or more of these isopathics, one can be sure that firstly, there is an infection, and secondly that the infection will respond to that isopathic. 

The technique is this: When a dental interference field is detected through autonomic response testing the homeopathic or isopathic is placed near or on the patient. If the weak muscle then becomes strong we know there is a "resonance" between the dental infection and that particular remedy. If no resonance is detected, there is probably no infection and the interference field can be treated with standard local anaesthetics in the usual way.

If a resonance is found, the dental infection can still be treated with a simple local anaesthetic injection, but the response will be much better if mixed (50%) with the appropriate homeopathic or isopathic. The patient should then be instructed for re-evaluation and repeat injection about twice a week. Nearly all respond within three weeks. 

The above method will work on uncomplicated dental infections and also on root-canalled teeth, even with peri-apical abcesses. However, I feel it important that the patient's general health be taken into account when deciding on treatment. If the patient has a serious disease, e.g. a cancer or an autoimmune disease, the tooth should probably be extracted and the dental space carefully debrided. If there are many amalgam-restored teeth in the mouth, the patient needs to checked for mercury toxicity or sensitivity to mercury. Consultation with a biological dentist would be wise for teeth that are crowded or displaced in unusual positions. 

As a rule of thumb, I feel root canal procedures should be avoided, except in certain circumstances. If a tooth is an important one, e.g. a first molar and the patient is healthy and has strong genetics, there may be a case for making an exception to this rule. This is a controversial subject even among experienced biological dentists. 

One final note: Infected teeth can also be treated effectively using energetic devices. As old-time readers know, I use the TenscamĀ® device, often in conjunction with matching homeopathics or isopathics. The technique is to hold the vial over the tooth and direct the energy through the vial for about 45 seconds. Treatments generally need to be repeated in the same way as if the tooth had been injected. An even more powerful energetic treatment is the LasercamĀ® that has within its signal a small band of the ultraviolet spectrum that is bactericidal for many dental pathogens. My experience is that it reduces the number of return visits until the tooth has settled down. 

I hope this information will be helpful to those wanting to get into this fascinating area of neural therapy. Neural therapy works by optimizing the body's immune system, but there are times when neural therapy alone needs some help from outside the field. 


Neural Therapy Conference:

"Remote effects of local anesthetics" - conference plus a variety of courses all in English
University of Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany
June 27 - 29th, 2019.
Special discount for NAANT members
For more information:


Peer-reviewed article on Neural Therapy:

The NAANT website has been collecting English-language peer-reviewed articles on (or related to) neural therapy. They can be viewed here:

A tip of the hat to David Vinyes and his Spanish language neural therapy website, who have been a big help.

Readers who are aware of any articles not included are invited to submit them to me at


NAANT Website now launched!

NAANT's new website can be found at  Check it out; consider the "Provider Search" section, take a look at the AV recordings (free for members) and consider joining! 

Your feedback is always welcome.
I invite your comments and questions-as well as brief case histories.  Please e-mail me at

Contact Information


phone:  613-432-6596
