Dear Colleagues:
This month I want to explore the relationship between neural therapy and psychiatry. The relationship is complicated. The "bible" of neural therapy, at least in the English-speaking world (Dosch's Manual of Neural Therapy According to Huneke: 2nd English edition) states clearly that neural therapy is not indicated for: (a) mental disorders and (b) psychogenic disorders (p. 59), with a few exceptions.
This teaching has left neural therapists wary of exploring psychiatric illness, quite apart from the natural reticence that many physicians feel when dealing with unpredictable patients
Most of us are aware of a psychological component of interference fields and sometimes see emotional releases with physical treatment, e.g. procaine injections. Dr. Klinghardt's teaching has demonstrated that unresolved emotional conflicts can be the key factor in interference fields. (See Chapter 11 of my book.)
However treatment of true psychiatric illness by neural therapy is another matter. This month I would like to draw attention to the work of my friend and colleague Dr, Michael Gurevich MD, a New York psychiatrist and one of the most innovative neural therapists in the world today.
Dr Gurevich immigrated to the US from his native Lithuania in the early 1980s. He trained in the US in psychiatry and has been in practice for close to 30 years. From this start, I was puzzled by how he found his way from psychiatry to neural therapy - two so seemingly different disciplines. So I asked him, and here is the story:
Dr. Gurevich's first break from mainstream psychiatry was to explore the use of acupuncture in substance-abuse patients. This lead to study of other non-conventional techniques such as guided imagery, eye-movement desensitization, yoga and eventually functional medicine.
Then in 2002 he met Dietrich Klinghardt during a family constellation workshop. Dr. Klinghardt introduced him to neural therapy and he was immediately "hooked"!(Dr. Gurevich's words).
Dr Gurevich began to study neural therapy and autonomic response testing intensively. However he missed the part about psychiatric illness being a contraindication to neural therapy and began to find applications even to quite mentally ill patients. As we will see, he was able to achieve some remarkable successes, - true breakthroughs in our understanding and treatment of psychiatric illness.
Those who attended the First International Neural Therapy Conference in North America in Ottawa will remember Dr. Gurevich's excellent lecture. (The AV of the conference is still available for purchase.) Recently Dr. Gurevich also had an article on a similar topic published in the Townsend Letter.
Dr Gurevich's enthusiasm for neural therapy is infectious and he is generous to share his energy with others. Over the last few years he has organized and hosted a series of workshops in New York bringing high-quality neural therapy teaching from various teachers including Jeff Harris of Seattle (twice), Uli Aldag of Berlin (six times), Hans Peyer of Switzerland (three times) and in the near future David Vinyes of Barcelona and Ralf Oetmeier of Switzerland.
Typically 25 to 30 physicians attended each workshop. This has lead to a considerable number of well-trained and enthusiastic neural therapists in North America. Many of these are now founding members of the newly created North American Academy of Neural Therapy. (See last month's newsletter.)
Dr Gurevich was not only an organizer of the Ottawa conference, but is also a founder of the North American Academy of Neural Therapy and is now its first treasurer. He is truly a driving force behind this long-awaited arrival of neural therapy as a serious discipline in North American medicine. And a pioneer in North American (and world) psychiatry!
Founding Members!
This is your opportunity to become a founding member of the North American Academy of Neural Therapy.
And to help launch this new organization. Already 10 have signed up!
Send your cheque of $1000 to Dr. Michael Gurevich, Treasurer NAANT
attention Dr. Michael I. Gurevich, 997Glen Cove Avenue, Glen Head, NY 11545, USA.
Lots of letters this month!
Dear Robert,
Congratulations for creating the North Academy of Neural Therapy... It is a seed and all of us will have to take care of it.
To clarify, IFMANT is only for MDs, not for dentists. In your newsletter you said that IFMANT is for dentists also.
Please, remember that my name is Vinyes, not Vinjes.
I'm very happy with the foundation of this NA association... you know that we'll be there to help you, with love.
David Vinyes,
Dear Dr. Kidd,
I send my congratulations (twice) to you and your colleagues, because of the formation of the North American Academy of Neural Therapy.
About diabetic foot and Charcot foot, I can say that in my experience surgery was avoided in 60% of cases of diabetic feet ready for amputation. Diabetic foot is a trophic and tonic disturbance and one of the most important expressions of dystrophic-dystonic disorders.
Pablo R. Koval

Dear Dr. Kidd,
With regard to the diabetic foot, if we combine neural therapy with ozone therapy the results will be much better. If with both there is still no improvement, you have to use PRP (platelet-rich-plasma) in combination with ozone, plus IV nutrient therapy.
Leanne Astawan
Hi Robert,
For the treatment diabetic neuropathy, arthropathy and lymphedema: I the treat the femoral artery and track the cutaneous nerves involved, down the leg, and do an interference field search, treating everything with procaine above the lymphedema, if it's present. Also, make sure the blood sugar is stabilized usually by Alpha-R-Lipoic Acid, Chromium, Vanadium and herbal combinations Gymnema Selvestre and others. Also, hot and cold foot baths have helped the circulation and mobilization of the toxic lymph accumulation. So far, I have a 100% rate of effectiveness preventing loss of foot and treatment of diabetic ulcers. The pain associated with arthropathy about 60-75%, neuropathy 60-75% and lymphedema 90%.
Jeff Harris, ND
Dear Dr Kidd,
I was surprised to see:
"anyone with adequate medical training who was licensed to inject could be Regular Members. This would include MDs, American-trained DOs, dentists, veterinarians and naturopaths (from jurisdictions permitting injections)."
Doesn't include Nurse Practitioners as one of the profession. Is this an oversight?
Thank you,
Sevgi Ercan
Good morning Dr. Kidd,
You did not mention whether Nurse Practitioners can become members?
Thank you,
Irina Serebryakova, NP
Very disappointed Doctors of Chiropractic was left out of your elite group considering the fact that DC's played a large role in your testing protocols and support your efforts......
Gary Noseworthy, DC
These are good questions, but the answers are complicated. For sake of space, I will respond to these letters in the next newsletter (December 2017)
AV Films of the First International Neural Therapy Conference of North America (May 11-13, 2017) are now available. There are two:
- The conference itself - Available in English or Spanish
- Hans Peyer's advanced workshop with deep injections in English
In case you missed this conference, all is not lost! These professionally produced recordings by Anthony von Seck, a celebrated film-maker, will help you to be part of this historic event.
Neural therapy conferences and workshops:
Intermediate - Advanced Neural therapy workshop:
Dr. Ralf Oettmeier, Switzerland
Sheraton JFK Airport Hotel, New York
Nov. 17-19, 2017
Introductory Neural therapy workshop
David Vinjes MD, Barcelona, Spain
Sheraton JFK Airport Hotel, New York
Dec. 1-3, 2017
Organized by Dr. Michael Gurevich
Contact: [email protected] or 516-674-9489
Three new articles about neural therapy from Dr. Vinyes' newsletter:
Injections of Local Anesthetics into the Pharyngeal Region Reduce Trapezius Muscle Tenderness
Stephan Weinschenk, Heidelberg (Germany)
Efficacy and safety of stellate ganglion block in chronic ulcerative colitis
Hong-Ying Zhao, Cangzhou (China)
Specificity of Procaine and Ester Hydrolysis by Human, Miniping and Rat Skin and Liver
Christopher Jewel, Michigan (USA)
Sign up at his site!